{- git-annex command-line JSON output and input - - Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GADTs, CPP #-} module Messages.JSON ( JSONBuilder, JSONChunk(..), emit, emit', encode, none, start, end, finalize, addErrorMessage, note, info, add, complete, progress, DualDisp(..), ObjectMap(..), JSONActionItem(..), AddJSONActionItemFields(..), ) where import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as HM #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM #endif import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Control.Concurrent import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Prelude import Types.Command (SeekInput(..)) import Key import Utility.Metered import Utility.Percentage import Utility.Aeson import Utility.FileSystemEncoding -- A global lock to avoid concurrent threads emitting json at the same time. {-# NOINLINE emitLock #-} emitLock :: MVar () emitLock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar () emit :: Object -> IO () emit = emit' . encode emit' :: L.ByteString -> IO () emit' b = do takeMVar emitLock L.hPut stdout b putStr "\n" putMVar emitLock () -- Building up a JSON object can be done by first using start, -- then add and note any number of times, and finally complete. type JSONBuilder = Maybe (Object, Bool) -> Maybe (Object, Bool) none :: JSONBuilder none = id start :: String -> Maybe RawFilePath -> Maybe Key -> SeekInput -> JSONBuilder start command file key si _ = case j of Object o -> Just (o, False) _ -> Nothing where j = toJSON' $ JSONActionItem { itemCommand = Just command , itemKey = key , itemFile = fromRawFilePath <$> file , itemFields = Nothing :: Maybe Bool , itemSeekInput = si } end :: Bool -> JSONBuilder end b (Just (o, _)) = Just (HM.insert "success" (toJSON' b) o, True) end _ Nothing = Nothing -- Always include error-messages field, even if empty, -- to make the json be self-documenting. finalize :: Object -> Object finalize o = addErrorMessage [] o addErrorMessage :: [String] -> Object -> Object addErrorMessage msg o = HM.unionWith combinearray (HM.singleton "error-messages" v) o where combinearray (Array new) (Array old) = Array (old <> new) combinearray new _old = new v = Array $ V.fromList $ map (String . packString) msg note :: String -> JSONBuilder note _ Nothing = Nothing note s (Just (o, e)) = Just (HM.unionWith combinelines (HM.singleton "note" (toJSON' s)) o, e) where combinelines (String new) (String old) = String (old <> "\n" <> new) combinelines new _old = new info :: String -> JSONBuilder info s _ = case j of Object o -> Just (o, True) _ -> Nothing where j = object ["info" .= toJSON' s] data JSONChunk v where AesonObject :: Object -> JSONChunk Object JSONChunk :: ToJSON' v => [(String, v)] -> JSONChunk [(String, v)] add :: JSONChunk v -> JSONBuilder add v (Just (o, e)) = case j of Object o' -> Just (HM.union o' o, e) _ -> Nothing where j = case v of AesonObject ao -> Object ao JSONChunk l -> object $ map mkPair l mkPair (s, d) = (textKey (packString s), toJSON' d) add _ Nothing = Nothing complete :: JSONChunk v -> JSONBuilder complete v _ = add v (Just (HM.empty, True)) -- Show JSON formatted progress, including the current state of the JSON -- object for the action being performed. progress :: Maybe Object -> Maybe TotalSize -> BytesProcessed -> IO () progress maction msize bytesprocessed = case j of Object o -> emit $ case maction of Just action -> HM.insert "action" (Object action) o Nothing -> o _ -> return () where n = fromBytesProcessed bytesprocessed :: Integer j = case msize of Just (TotalSize size) -> object [ "byte-progress" .= n , "percent-progress" .= showPercentage 2 (percentage size n) , "total-size" .= size ] Nothing -> object [ "byte-progress" .= n ] -- A value that can be displayed either normally, or as JSON. data DualDisp = DualDisp { dispNormal :: String , dispJson :: String } instance ToJSON' DualDisp where toJSON' = toJSON' . dispJson instance Show DualDisp where show = dispNormal -- A Map that is serialized to JSON as an object, with each key being a -- field of the object. This is different from Aeson's normal -- serialization of Map, which uses "[key, value]". data ObjectMap a = ObjectMap { fromObjectMap :: M.Map String a } instance ToJSON' a => ToJSON' (ObjectMap a) where toJSON' (ObjectMap m) = object $ map go $ M.toList m where go (k, v) = (textKey (packString k), toJSON' v) -- An item that a git-annex command acts on, and displays a JSON object about. data JSONActionItem a = JSONActionItem { itemCommand :: Maybe String , itemKey :: Maybe Key , itemFile :: Maybe FilePath , itemFields :: Maybe a , itemSeekInput :: SeekInput } deriving (Show) instance ToJSON' a => ToJSON' (JSONActionItem a) where toJSON' i = object $ catMaybes [ Just $ "command" .= itemCommand i , case itemKey i of Just k -> Just $ "key" .= toJSON' k Nothing -> Nothing , Just $ "file" .= toJSON' (itemFile i) , case itemFields i of Just f -> Just $ "fields" .= toJSON' f Nothing -> Nothing , Just $ "input" .= fromSeekInput (itemSeekInput i) ] instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (JSONActionItem a) where parseJSON (Object v) = JSONActionItem <$> (v .:? "command") <*> (maybe (return Nothing) parseJSON =<< (v .:? "key")) <*> (v .:? "file") <*> (v .:? "fields") <*> pure (SeekInput []) parseJSON _ = mempty -- This can be used to populate the "fields" after a JSONActionItem -- has already been started. newtype AddJSONActionItemFields a = AddJSONActionItemFields a deriving (Show) instance ToJSON' a => ToJSON' (AddJSONActionItemFields a) where toJSON' (AddJSONActionItemFields a) = object [ ("fields", toJSON' a) ]