### Please describe the problem.

After adding a directory special remote to a git annex repository, the git annex push push-win-remote fails with the following error:

Not updating export to push-win-remote because adjusted/main(unlocked) does not exist. (As configured by remote.push-win-remote.annex-tracking-branch)

The problem does *not* occur on Linux or macOS.

### What steps will reproduce the problem?

[[!format sh """
mkdir push-win-repo
mkdir push-win-rmt
cd push-win-repo
git init --initial-branch main
git annex init push-win-repository
git annex config --set annex.largefiles include=*.xtx
echo "push test file" >> push-test.xtx
git annex add .
git commit -m "add push test file"
git annex initremote push-win-remote type=directory directory=../push-win-rmt autoenable=true encryption=none exporttree=yes importtree=yes
git config remote.push-win-remote.annex-tracking-branch adjusted/main(unlocked)
git annex group push-win-remote manual
git annex wanted push-win-remote include=*.xtx
git annex push push-win-remote

### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

* git-annex version: 10.20230803-gd467c70ef7
* git version 2.41.0.windows.2
* OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
* OS Version:                10.0.19045 N/A Build 19045

### Please provide any additional information below.

[[!format sh """
# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log

C:\win-push-bug>mkdir push-win-repo

C:\win-push-bug>mkdir push-win-rmt

C:\win-push-bug>cd push-win-repo

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git init --initial-branch main
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/win-push-bug/push-win-repo/.git/

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex init push-win-repository
init push-win-repository
  Detected a filesystem without fifo support.

  Disabling ssh connection caching.

  Detected a crippled filesystem.

  Entering an adjusted branch where files are unlocked as this filesystem does not support locked files.

Switched to branch 'adjusted/main(unlocked)'
(recording state in git...)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex config --set annex.largefiles include=*.xtx
annex.largefiles include=*.xtx ok
(recording state in git...)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>echo "push test file"  1>>push-test.xtx

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex add .
add push-test.xtx
(recording state in git...)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git commit -m "add push test file"
[adjusted/main(unlocked) f3262a2] add push test file
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 push-test.xtx

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex initremote push-win-remote type=directory directory=../push-win-rmt autoenable=true encryption=none exporttree=yes importtree=yes
initremote push-win-remote ok
(recording state in git...)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git config remote.push-win-remote.annex-tracking-branch adjusted/main(unlocked)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex group push-win-remote manual
group push-win-remote ok
(recording state in git...)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex wanted push-win-remote include=*.xtx
wanted push-win-remote ok
(recording state in git...)

C:\win-push-bug\push-win-repo>git annex push push-win-remote

  Not updating export to push-win-remote because adjusted/main(unlocked) does not exist. (As configured by remote.push-win-remote.annex-tracking-branch)


# End of transcript or log.

### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)

Yes. I am developing the easy-git-annex api.

> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]