For a long time (since 2019) git-annex has been progressively converting from
FilePath to RawFilePath (aka ByteString).

The reason is mostly performance, also a simpler representation of
filepaths that doesn't need encoding hacks to support non-UTF8 values.

Some commands like `git-annex find` use RawFilePath end-to-end. 
But this conversion is not yet complete. This is a todo to keep track of the

* The Abstract FilePath proposal (AFPP) has been implemented, and so a number of
  libraries like unix and directory now have versions that operate on
  OSPath. That could be used in git-annex eg for things like
  getDirectoryContents, when built against those versions.
  (But OSPath uses ShortByteString, while RawFilePath is ByteString, so
  conversion still entails a copy.)
* withFile remains to be converted, and is used in several important code
  paths, including Annex.Journal and Annex.Link. 
  There is a RawFilePath version in file-io library, but that is
  not currently a git-annex dependency. (withFile is in base, and base is
  unlikely to convert to AFPP soon)

[[!tag confirmed]]


The following patch can be useful to find points where conversions are
done. Especially useful to identify cases where a value is converted
`FilePath -> RawFilePath -> FilePath`.

    diff --git a/Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs b/Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs
    index 2a1dc81bc1..03e6986f6e 100644
    --- a/Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs
    +++ b/Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs
    @@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ encodeBL = L.fromStrict . encodeBS
     encodeBL = L8.fromString
    +debugConversions :: String -> IO ()
    +debugConversions s = hPutStrLn stderr ("conversion: " ++ s)
     decodeBS :: S.ByteString -> FilePath
     #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
     -- This does the same thing as System.FilePath.ByteString.decodeFilePath,
    @@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ decodeBS :: S.ByteString -> FilePath
     -- something other than a unix filepath.
     {-# NOINLINE decodeBS #-}
     decodeBS b = unsafePerformIO $ do
    +	debugConversions (show b)
     	enc <- Encoding.getFileSystemEncoding
     	S.useAsCStringLen b (GHC.peekCStringLen enc)
    @@ -106,17 +110,19 @@ encodeBS :: FilePath -> S.ByteString
     -- something other than a unix filepath.
     {-# NOINLINE encodeBS #-}
     encodeBS f = unsafePerformIO $ do
    +	debugConversions f
     	enc <- Encoding.getFileSystemEncoding
    -	GHC.newCStringLen enc f >>= unsafePackMallocCStringLen
    +	b <- GHC.newCStringLen enc f >>= unsafePackMallocCStringLen
    +	return b
     encodeBS = S8.fromString
     fromRawFilePath :: RawFilePath -> FilePath
    -fromRawFilePath = decodeFilePath
    +fromRawFilePath = decodeBS -- decodeFilePath
     toRawFilePath :: FilePath -> RawFilePath
    -toRawFilePath = encodeFilePath
    +toRawFilePath = encodeBS -- encodeFilePath
     {- Truncates a FilePath to the given number of bytes (or less),
      - as represented on disk.