[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="Find (and other operations) over multiple repos"
Sometimes I want to move files from one git annex repo to another. It would be really awesome if one could so something like:

    git annex find --in here --and --not --in-repo /path/to/OTHER-REPO

Just to make myself clear. I do not mean \"other remote\" (foreign instance of \"same\" repo). I actually mean different repos without common location tracking, no common branches, etc. The only concession I would make (since I think it's necessary) would be that the same backend has to be used in both repos.

This approach could also be relevant for other git annex commands, e.g.:

    git annex move file --to-repo /path/to/OTHER-REPO

Is there any way to do it? Or would this be a feature request worth to consider?