{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2012-2019 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} module Command.Import where import Command import qualified Git import qualified Annex import qualified Command.Add import qualified Command.Reinject import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import qualified Git.Ref import Utility.CopyFile import Backend import Types.KeySource import Annex.CheckIgnore import Annex.NumCopies import Annex.FileMatcher import Annex.Ingest import Annex.InodeSentinal import Annex.Import import Annex.RemoteTrackingBranch import Utility.InodeCache import Logs.Location import Git.FilePath import Git.Types import Git.Branch import Types.Import import Control.Concurrent.STM cmd :: Command cmd = notBareRepo $ withGlobalOptions [jobsOption, jsonOptions, fileMatchingOptions] $ command "import" SectionCommon "import files from elsewhere into the repository" (paramPaths ++ "|BRANCH[:SUBDIR]") (seek <$$> optParser) data ImportOptions = LocalImportOptions { importFiles :: CmdParams , duplicateMode :: DuplicateMode } | RemoteImportOptions { importFromRemote :: DeferredParse Remote , importToBranch :: Branch , importToSubDir :: Maybe FilePath } optParser :: CmdParamsDesc -> Parser ImportOptions optParser desc = do ps <- cmdParams desc mfromremote <- optional $ parseRemoteOption <$> parseFromOption dupmode <- fromMaybe Default <$> optional duplicateModeParser return $ case mfromremote of Nothing -> LocalImportOptions ps dupmode Just r -> case ps of [bs] -> let (branch, subdir) = separate (== ':') bs in RemoteImportOptions r (Ref branch) (if null subdir then Nothing else Just subdir) _ -> giveup "expected BRANCH[:SUBDIR]" data DuplicateMode = Default | Duplicate | DeDuplicate | CleanDuplicates | SkipDuplicates | ReinjectDuplicates deriving (Eq) duplicateModeParser :: Parser DuplicateMode duplicateModeParser = flag' Duplicate ( long "duplicate" <> help "do not delete source files" ) <|> flag' DeDuplicate ( long "deduplicate" <> help "delete source files whose content was imported before" ) <|> flag' CleanDuplicates ( long "clean-duplicates" <> help "delete duplicate source files (import nothing)" ) <|> flag' SkipDuplicates ( long "skip-duplicates" <> help "import only new files (do not delete source files)" ) <|> flag' ReinjectDuplicates ( long "reinject-duplicates" <> help "import new files, and reinject the content of files that were imported before" ) seek :: ImportOptions -> CommandSeek seek o@(LocalImportOptions {}) = allowConcurrentOutput $ do repopath <- liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath inrepops <- liftIO $ filter (dirContains repopath) <$> mapM absPath (importFiles o) unless (null inrepops) $ do giveup $ "cannot import files from inside the working tree (use git annex add instead): " ++ unwords inrepops largematcher <- largeFilesMatcher (commandAction . startLocal largematcher (duplicateMode o)) `withPathContents` importFiles o seek o@(RemoteImportOptions {}) = allowConcurrentOutput $ do r <- getParsed (importFromRemote o) unlessM (Remote.isImportSupported r) $ giveup "That remote does not support imports." subdir <- maybe (pure Nothing) (Just <$$> inRepo . toTopFilePath) (importToSubDir o) seekRemote r (importToBranch o) subdir startLocal :: GetFileMatcher -> DuplicateMode -> (FilePath, FilePath) -> CommandStart startLocal largematcher mode (srcfile, destfile) = ifM (liftIO $ isRegularFile <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus srcfile) ( do showStart "import" destfile next pickaction , stop ) where deletedup k = do showNote $ "duplicate of " ++ serializeKey k verifyExisting k destfile ( do liftIO $ removeFile srcfile next $ return True , do warning "Could not verify that the content is still present in the annex; not removing from the import location." stop ) reinject k = do showNote "reinjecting" Command.Reinject.perform srcfile k importfile ld k = checkdestdir $ do ignored <- not <$> Annex.getState Annex.force <&&> checkIgnored destfile if ignored then do warning $ "not importing " ++ destfile ++ " which is .gitignored (use --force to override)" stop else do existing <- liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus destfile) case existing of Nothing -> importfilechecked ld k Just s | isDirectory s -> notoverwriting "(is a directory)" | isSymbolicLink s -> ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force) ( do liftIO $ nukeFile destfile importfilechecked ld k , notoverwriting "(is a symlink)" ) | otherwise -> ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force) ( do liftIO $ nukeFile destfile importfilechecked ld k , notoverwriting "(use --force to override, or a duplication option such as --deduplicate to clean up)" ) checkdestdir cont = do let destdir = parentDir destfile existing <- liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus destdir) case existing of Nothing -> cont Just s | isDirectory s -> cont | otherwise -> do warning $ "not importing " ++ destfile ++ " because " ++ destdir ++ " is not a directory" stop importfilechecked ld k = do -- Move or copy the src file to the dest file. -- The dest file is what will be ingested. liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir destfile) liftIO $ if mode == Duplicate || mode == SkipDuplicates then void $ copyFileExternal CopyAllMetaData srcfile destfile else moveFile srcfile destfile -- Get the inode cache of the dest file. It should be -- weakly the same as the origianlly locked down file's -- inode cache. (Since the file may have been copied, -- its inodes may not be the same.) newcache <- withTSDelta $ liftIO . genInodeCache destfile let unchanged = case (newcache, inodeCache (keySource ld)) of (_, Nothing) -> True (Just newc, Just c) | compareWeak c newc -> True _ -> False unless unchanged $ giveup "changed while it was being added" -- The LockedDown needs to be adjusted, since the destfile -- is what will be ingested. let ld' = ld { keySource = KeySource { keyFilename = destfile , contentLocation = destfile , inodeCache = newcache } } ifM (checkFileMatcher largematcher destfile) ( ingestAdd' (Just ld') (Just k) >>= maybe stop (\addedk -> next $ Command.Add.cleanup addedk True) , next $ Command.Add.addSmall destfile ) notoverwriting why = do warning $ "not overwriting existing " ++ destfile ++ " " ++ why stop lockdown a = do lockingfile <- not <$> addUnlocked -- Minimal lock down with no hard linking so nothing -- has to be done to clean up from it. let cfg = LockDownConfig { lockingFile = lockingfile , hardlinkFileTmpDir = Nothing } v <- lockDown cfg srcfile case v of Just ld -> do backend <- chooseBackend destfile v' <- genKey (keySource ld) backend case v' of Just (k, _) -> a (ld, k) Nothing -> giveup "failed to generate a key" Nothing -> stop checkdup k dupa notdupa = ifM (isKnownKey k) ( dupa , notdupa ) pickaction = lockdown $ \(ld, k) -> case mode of DeDuplicate -> checkdup k (deletedup k) (importfile ld k) CleanDuplicates -> checkdup k (deletedup k) (skipbecause "not duplicate") SkipDuplicates -> checkdup k (skipbecause "duplicate") (importfile ld k) ReinjectDuplicates -> checkdup k (reinject k) (importfile ld k) _ -> importfile ld k skipbecause s = showNote (s ++ "; skipping") >> next (return True) verifyExisting :: Key -> FilePath -> (CommandPerform, CommandPerform) -> CommandPerform verifyExisting key destfile (yes, no) = do -- Look up the numcopies setting for the file that it would be -- imported to, if it were imported. need <- getFileNumCopies destfile (tocheck, preverified) <- verifiableCopies key [] verifyEnoughCopiesToDrop [] key Nothing need [] preverified tocheck (const yes) no seekRemote :: Remote -> Branch -> Maybe TopFilePath -> CommandSeek seekRemote remote branch msubdir = do importtreeconfig <- case msubdir of Nothing -> return ImportTree Just subdir -> let mk tree = pure $ ImportSubTree subdir tree in fromtrackingbranch Git.Ref.tree >>= \case Just tree -> mk tree Nothing -> inRepo (Git.Ref.tree branch) >>= \case Just tree -> mk tree Nothing -> giveup $ "Unable to find base tree for branch " ++ fromRef branch trackingcommit <- fromtrackingbranch Git.Ref.sha let importcommitconfig = ImportCommitConfig trackingcommit AutomaticCommit importmessage let commitimport = commitRemote remote branch tb trackingcommit importtreeconfig importcommitconfig importabletvar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing void $ includeCommandAction (listContents remote importabletvar) liftIO (atomically (readTVar importabletvar)) >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just importable -> downloadImport remote importtreeconfig importable >>= \case Nothing -> warning $ concat [ "Failed to import some files from " , Remote.name remote , ". Re-run command to resume import." ] Just imported -> void $ includeCommandAction $ commitimport imported where importmessage = "import from " ++ Remote.name remote tb = mkRemoteTrackingBranch remote branch fromtrackingbranch a = inRepo $ a (fromRemoteTrackingBranch tb) listContents :: Remote -> TVar (Maybe (ImportableContents (ContentIdentifier, Remote.ByteSize))) -> CommandStart listContents remote tvar = do showStart' "list" (Just (Remote.name remote)) next $ Remote.listImportableContents (Remote.importActions remote) >>= \case Nothing -> giveup $ "Unable to list contents of " ++ Remote.name remote Just importable -> do importable' <- makeImportMatcher remote >>= \case Right matcher -> filterImportableContents remote matcher importable Left err -> giveup $ "Cannot import from " ++ Remote.name remote ++ " because of a problem with its configuration: " ++ err next $ do liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar tvar (Just importable') return True commitRemote :: Remote -> Branch -> RemoteTrackingBranch -> Maybe Sha -> ImportTreeConfig -> ImportCommitConfig -> ImportableContents Key -> CommandStart commitRemote remote branch tb trackingcommit importtreeconfig importcommitconfig importable = do showStart' "update" (Just $ fromRef $ fromRemoteTrackingBranch tb) next $ do importcommit <- buildImportCommit remote importtreeconfig importcommitconfig importable next $ updateremotetrackingbranch importcommit where -- Update the tracking branch. Done even when there -- is nothing new to import, to make sure it exists. updateremotetrackingbranch importcommit = case importcommit <|> trackingcommit of Just c -> do setRemoteTrackingBranch tb c return True Nothing -> do warning $ "Nothing to import and " ++ fromRef branch ++ " does not exist." return False