[git-remote-gcrypt](https://spwhitton.name/tech/code/git-remote-gcrypt/) adds support for encrypted remotes to git. The git-annex gcrypt special remote allows git-annex to also store its files in such repositories. Naturally, git-annex encrypts the files it stores too, so everything stored on the remote is encrypted. This special remote needs the server hosting the remote repository to either have git-annex-shell or rsync accessible via ssh. git-annex uses those to store its content in the remote. If the remote repository is instead hosted on a server using git-lfs, you can use the [[git-lfs]] special remote instead of this one; it also supports using gcrypt. See [[tips/fully_encrypted_git_repositories_with_gcrypt]] for some examples of using gcrypt. ## configuration These parameters can be passed to `git annex initremote` to configure gcrypt: * `encryption` - One of "none", "hybrid", "shared", or "pubkey". Required. See [[encryption]]. * `keyid` - Specifies the gpg key to use for encryption of both the files git-annex stores in the repository, as well as to encrypt the git repository itself. May be repeated when multiple participants should have access to the repository. * `gitrepo` - Required. The location of the git repository for gcrypt to use. This repository should be either an unpopulated bare git repo, or an existing gcrypt repository. To use a local git repository, use: `gitrepo=/path/to/repo` For a git repository accessed over ssh, an `rsync://` url uses rsync over ssh, while a `ssh://` url uses git-annex-shell over ssh. Note that each `git push` has to re-send the whole content of the git repository when using the latter option, so rsync urls are generally more efficient. * `chunk` - Enables [[chunking]] when storing large files. * `shellescape` - See [[rsync]] for the details of this option. ## notes For git-annex to store files in a repository on a remote server, you need shell access, and it needs to be able to run `rsync` or `git-annex-shell`. If you can't run `rsync` or `git-annex-shell` on the remote server, you can't use this special remote. Other options are the [[git-lfs]] special remote, which can also be combined with gcrypt, or using git-remote-gcrypt to encrypt a remote that git-annex cannot use. If you use encryption=hybrid, you can later add more gpg keys that can access the files git-annex stored in the gcrypt repository. However, due to the way git-remote-gcrypt encrypts the git repository, you will need to somehow force it to re-push everything again, so that the encrypted repository can be decrypted by the added keys. Probably this can be done by setting `GCRYPT_FULL_REPACK` and doing a forced push of branches. Recent versions of git-annex configure `remote.<name>`gcrypt-publish-participants` when setting up a gcrypt repository. This is done to avoid unnecessary gpg passphrase prompts, but it does publish the gpg keyids that can decrypt the repository. Unset it if you need to obscure that.