{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Command.Vicfg where import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import System.Environment (getEnv) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Common.Annex import Command import Annex.Perms import Types.TrustLevel import Types.Group import Logs.Trust import Logs.Group import Logs.PreferredContent import Logs.Schedule import Types.StandardGroups import Types.ScheduledActivity import Remote def :: [Command] def = [command "vicfg" paramNothing seek SectionSetup "edit git-annex's configuration"] seek :: CommandSeek seek = withNothing start start :: CommandStart start = do f <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpCfgFile createAnnexDirectory $ parentDir f cfg <- getCfg descs <- uuidDescriptions liftIO $ writeFile f $ genCfg cfg descs vicfg cfg f stop vicfg :: Cfg -> FilePath -> Annex () vicfg curcfg f = do vi <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO "vi" $ getEnv "EDITOR" -- Allow EDITOR to be processed by the shell, so it can contain options. unlessM (liftIO $ boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param $ unwords [vi, shellEscape f]]) $ error $ vi ++ " exited nonzero; aborting" r <- parseCfg curcfg <$> liftIO (readFileStrict f) liftIO $ nukeFile f case r of Left s -> do liftIO $ writeFile f s vicfg curcfg f Right newcfg -> setCfg curcfg newcfg data Cfg = Cfg { cfgTrustMap :: TrustMap , cfgGroupMap :: M.Map UUID (S.Set Group) , cfgPreferredContentMap :: M.Map UUID String , cfgScheduleMap :: M.Map UUID [ScheduledActivity] } getCfg :: Annex Cfg getCfg = Cfg <$> trustMapRaw -- without local trust overrides <*> (groupsByUUID <$> groupMap) <*> preferredContentMapRaw <*> scheduleMap setCfg :: Cfg -> Cfg -> Annex () setCfg curcfg newcfg = do let (trustchanges, groupchanges, preferredcontentchanges, schedulechanges) = diffCfg curcfg newcfg mapM_ (uncurry trustSet) $ M.toList trustchanges mapM_ (uncurry groupSet) $ M.toList groupchanges mapM_ (uncurry preferredContentSet) $ M.toList preferredcontentchanges mapM_ (uncurry scheduleSet) $ M.toList schedulechanges diffCfg :: Cfg -> Cfg -> (TrustMap, M.Map UUID (S.Set Group), M.Map UUID String, M.Map UUID [ScheduledActivity]) diffCfg curcfg newcfg = (diff cfgTrustMap, diff cfgGroupMap, diff cfgPreferredContentMap, diff cfgScheduleMap) where diff f = M.differenceWith (\x y -> if x == y then Nothing else Just x) (f newcfg) (f curcfg) genCfg :: Cfg -> M.Map UUID String -> String genCfg cfg descs = unlines $ concat [intro, trust, groups, preferredcontent, schedule] where intro = [ com "git-annex configuration" , com "" , com "Changes saved to this file will be recorded in the git-annex branch." , com "" , com "Lines in this file have the format:" , com " setting uuid = value" ] trust = settings cfgTrustMap [ "" , com "Repository trust configuration" , com "(Valid trust levels: " ++ trustlevels ++ ")" ] (\(t, u) -> line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel t) (\u -> lcom $ line "trust" u $ showTrustLevel SemiTrusted) where trustlevels = unwords $ map showTrustLevel [Trusted .. DeadTrusted] groups = settings cfgGroupMap [ "" , com "Repository groups" , com $ "(Standard groups: " ++ grouplist ++ ")" , com "(Separate group names with spaces)" ] (\(s, u) -> line "group" u $ unwords $ S.toList s) (\u -> lcom $ line "group" u "") where grouplist = unwords $ map fromStandardGroup [minBound..] preferredcontent = settings cfgPreferredContentMap [ "" , com "Repository preferred contents" ] (\(s, u) -> line "content" u s) (\u -> line "content" u "") schedule = settings cfgScheduleMap [ "" , com "Scheduled activities" , com "(Separate multiple activities with \"; \")" ] (\(l, u) -> line "schedule" u $ fromScheduledActivities l) (\u -> line "schedule" u "") settings field desc showvals showdefaults = concat [ desc , concatMap showvals $ sort $ map swap $ M.toList $ field cfg , concatMap (lcom . showdefaults) $ missing field ] line setting u value = [ com $ "(for " ++ fromMaybe "" (M.lookup u descs) ++ ")" , unwords [setting, fromUUID u, "=", value] ] lcom = map (\l -> if "#" `isPrefixOf` l then l else '#' : l) missing field = S.toList $ M.keysSet descs `S.difference` M.keysSet (field cfg) {- If there's a parse error, returns a new version of the file, - with the problem lines noted. -} parseCfg :: Cfg -> String -> Either String Cfg parseCfg curcfg = go [] curcfg . lines where go c cfg [] | null (mapMaybe fst c) = Right cfg | otherwise = Left $ unlines $ badheader ++ concatMap showerr (reverse c) go c cfg (l:ls) = case parse (dropWhile isSpace l) cfg of Left msg -> go ((Just msg, l):c) cfg ls Right cfg' -> go ((Nothing, l):c) cfg' ls parse l cfg | null l = Right cfg | "#" `isPrefixOf` l = Right cfg | null setting || null u = Left "missing repository uuid" | otherwise = handle cfg (toUUID u) setting value' where (setting, rest) = separate isSpace l (r, value) = separate (== '=') rest value' = trimspace value u = reverse $ trimspace $ reverse $ trimspace r trimspace = dropWhile isSpace handle cfg u setting value | setting == "trust" = case readTrustLevel value of Nothing -> badval "trust value" value Just t -> let m = M.insert u t (cfgTrustMap cfg) in Right $ cfg { cfgTrustMap = m } | setting == "group" = let m = M.insert u (S.fromList $ words value) (cfgGroupMap cfg) in Right $ cfg { cfgGroupMap = m } | setting == "content" = case checkPreferredContentExpression value of Just e -> Left e Nothing -> let m = M.insert u value (cfgPreferredContentMap cfg) in Right $ cfg { cfgPreferredContentMap = m } | setting == "schedule" = case parseScheduledActivities value of Left e -> Left e Right l -> let m = M.insert u l (cfgScheduleMap cfg) in Right $ cfg { cfgScheduleMap = m } | otherwise = badval "setting" setting showerr (Just msg, l) = [parseerr ++ msg, l] showerr (Nothing, l) -- filter out the header and parse error lines -- from any previous parse failure | any (`isPrefixOf` l) (parseerr:badheader) = [] | otherwise = [l] badval desc val = Left $ "unknown " ++ desc ++ " \"" ++ val ++ "\"" badheader = [ com "There was a problem parsing your input." , com "Search for \"Parse error\" to find the bad lines." , com "Either fix the bad lines, or delete them (to discard your changes)." ] parseerr = com "Parse error in next line: " com :: String -> String com s = "# " ++ s