[[!comment format=mdwn username="matrss" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/59541f50d845e5f81aff06e88a38b9de" subject="get file by branch and path in bare repository" date="2023-09-08T15:47:16Z" content=""" Hey! Is there any way to `git annex get` a file in a specific branch when I have a bare repository? Since `git show :` works I tried that notation in `get`, but that is not recognized. It is also not possible to combine `--branch` with a path as far as I can tell. My next idea was to figure out the key of the file first and then get that, but `git annex lookupkey` does not work in a bare repository either. I could parse the key from the output of `git show`, but then I would need to deal with git-annex internals like if it is a symlink or a pointer file, which feels a bit wrong. But since that would be possible I don't see a reason why e.g. lookupkey does not work. Is there any way to achieve this? """]]