[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2015-06-02T19:01:53Z" content=""" @junk, I think the thing for you to do is avoid setting embedcreds=yes. So, git-annex won't store the furl (or the shared-convergence-secret) in the git repository. Instead, you can set TAHOE_FURL in the environment each time you use `git annex initremote` to set up your tahoe remote in a git-anex repository. (Also pass shared-convergence-secret= if you have one.) Or, you could bypass git-annex's automated setup of tahoe, and set it up yourself, however works for you. The automated setup is targeted at users who want to get tahoe working with git-annex but don't have complicated needs, so maybe it's best for you to just bypass it. The way to do that is to set the git config `remote.<name>.tahoe`, to point to a tahoe coniguration directory. You can do this before running `git annex initremote`, and it *should* just use that directory. I have not tested this and may have gone too far in making git-annex automate tahoe setup, and too hard to use a manual tahoe setup -- please file a bug report if that doesn't work. """]]