{- git-annex repository initialization - - Copyright 2011-2017 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Annex.Init ( ensureInitialized, isInitialized, initialize, initialize', uninitialize, probeCrippledFileSystem, probeCrippledFileSystem', ) where import Annex.Common import qualified Annex import qualified Git import qualified Git.Config import qualified Git.Objects import qualified Git.LsFiles import qualified Annex.Branch import Logs.UUID import Logs.Trust.Basic import Logs.Config import Types.TrustLevel import Types.RepoVersion import Annex.Version import Annex.Difference import Annex.UUID import Annex.Link import Annex.WorkTree import Config import Config.Files import Config.Smudge import Annex.Direct import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch as AdjustedBranch import Annex.Environment import Annex.Hook import Annex.InodeSentinal import Upgrade import Annex.Perms import Annex.Tmp import Utility.UserInfo #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import Utility.FileMode import System.Posix.User import qualified Utility.LockFile.Posix as Posix #endif checkCanInitialize :: Annex a -> Annex a checkCanInitialize a = inRepo (noAnnexFileContent . Git.repoWorkTree) >>= \case Nothing -> a Just noannexmsg -> do warning "Initialization prevented by .noannex file (remove the file to override)" unless (null noannexmsg) $ warning noannexmsg giveup "Not initialized." genDescription :: Maybe String -> Annex UUIDDesc genDescription (Just d) = return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS d genDescription Nothing = do reldir <- liftIO . relHome =<< liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath hostname <- fromMaybe "" <$> liftIO getHostname let at = if null hostname then "" else "@" v <- liftIO myUserName return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS $ concat $ case v of Right username -> [username, at, hostname, ":", reldir] Left _ -> [hostname, ":", reldir] initialize :: Maybe String -> Maybe RepoVersion -> Annex () initialize mdescription mversion = checkCanInitialize $ do {- Has to come before any commits are made as the shared - clone heuristic expects no local objects. -} sharedclone <- checkSharedClone {- This will make the first commit to git, so ensure git is set up - properly to allow commits when running it. -} ensureCommit $ Annex.Branch.create prepUUID initialize' mversion initSharedClone sharedclone u <- getUUID describeUUID u =<< genDescription mdescription -- Everything except for uuid setup, shared clone setup, and initial -- description. initialize' :: Maybe RepoVersion -> Annex () initialize' mversion = checkCanInitialize $ do checkLockSupport checkFifoSupport checkCrippledFileSystem unlessM isBareRepo $ do hookWrite preCommitHook hookWrite postReceiveHook setDifferences unlessM (isJust <$> getVersion) $ ifM (crippledFileSystem <&&> (not <$> isBareRepo)) ( setVersion (fromMaybe versionForCrippledFilesystem mversion) , setVersion (fromMaybe defaultVersion mversion) ) whenM versionSupportsUnlockedPointers $ do configureSmudgeFilter scanUnlockedFiles unlessM isBareRepo $ do hookWrite postCheckoutHook hookWrite postMergeHook AdjustedBranch.checkAdjustedClone >>= \case AdjustedBranch.NeedUpgradeForAdjustedClone -> void $ upgrade True versionForAdjustedClone AdjustedBranch.InAdjustedClone -> return () AdjustedBranch.NotInAdjustedClone -> ifM (crippledFileSystem <&&> (not <$> isBareRepo)) ( adjustToCrippledFilesystem -- Handle case where this repo was cloned from a -- direct mode repo , unlessM isBareRepo switchHEADBack ) propigateSecureHashesOnly createInodeSentinalFile False uninitialize :: Annex () uninitialize = do hookUnWrite preCommitHook hookUnWrite postReceiveHook removeRepoUUID removeVersion {- Will automatically initialize if there is already a git-annex - branch from somewhere. Otherwise, require a manual init - to avoid git-annex accidentally being run in git - repos that did not intend to use it. - - Checks repository version and handles upgrades too. -} ensureInitialized :: Annex () ensureInitialized = getVersion >>= maybe needsinit checkUpgrade where needsinit = ifM Annex.Branch.hasSibling ( initialize Nothing Nothing , giveup "First run: git-annex init" ) {- Checks if a repository is initialized. Does not check version for ugrade. -} isInitialized :: Annex Bool isInitialized = maybe Annex.Branch.hasSibling (const $ return True) =<< getVersion {- A crippled filesystem is one that does not allow making symlinks, - or removing write access from files. -} probeCrippledFileSystem :: Annex Bool probeCrippledFileSystem = withOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do (r, warnings) <- liftIO $ probeCrippledFileSystem' tmp mapM_ warning warnings return r probeCrippledFileSystem' :: FilePath -> IO (Bool, [String]) #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS probeCrippledFileSystem' _ = return (True, []) #else probeCrippledFileSystem' tmp = do let f = tmp </> "gaprobe" writeFile f "" r <- probe f void $ tryIO $ allowWrite f removeFile f return r where probe f = catchDefaultIO (True, []) $ do let f2 = f ++ "2" nukeFile f2 createSymbolicLink f f2 nukeFile f2 preventWrite f -- Should be unable to write to the file, unless -- running as root, but some crippled -- filesystems ignore write bit removals. ifM ((== 0) <$> getRealUserID) ( return (False, []) , do r <- catchBoolIO $ do writeFile f "2" return True if r then return (True, ["Filesystem allows writing to files whose write bit is not set."]) else return (False, []) ) #endif checkCrippledFileSystem :: Annex () checkCrippledFileSystem = whenM probeCrippledFileSystem $ do warning "Detected a crippled filesystem." setCrippledFileSystem True {- Normally git disables core.symlinks itself when the - filesystem does not support them. But, even if symlinks are - supported, we don't use them by default in a crippled - filesystem. -} whenM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ do warning "Disabling core.symlinks." setConfig (ConfigKey "core.symlinks") (Git.Config.boolConfig False) probeLockSupport :: Annex Bool probeLockSupport = do #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS return True #else withOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do let f = tmp </> "lockprobe" mode <- annexFileMode liftIO $ do nukeFile f ok <- catchBoolIO $ do Posix.dropLock =<< Posix.lockExclusive (Just mode) f return True nukeFile f return ok #endif probeFifoSupport :: Annex Bool probeFifoSupport = do #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS return False #else withOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do let f = tmp </> "gaprobe" let f2 = tmp </> "gaprobe2" liftIO $ do nukeFile f nukeFile f2 ms <- tryIO $ do createNamedPipe f ownerReadMode createLink f f2 getFileStatus f nukeFile f nukeFile f2 return $ either (const False) isNamedPipe ms #endif checkLockSupport :: Annex () checkLockSupport = unlessM probeLockSupport $ do warning "Detected a filesystem without POSIX fcntl lock support." warning "Enabling annex.pidlock." setConfig (annexConfig "pidlock") (Git.Config.boolConfig True) checkFifoSupport :: Annex () checkFifoSupport = unlessM probeFifoSupport $ do warning "Detected a filesystem without fifo support." warning "Disabling ssh connection caching." setConfig (annexConfig "sshcaching") (Git.Config.boolConfig False) checkSharedClone :: Annex Bool checkSharedClone = inRepo Git.Objects.isSharedClone initSharedClone :: Bool -> Annex () initSharedClone False = return () initSharedClone True = do showLongNote "Repository was cloned with --shared; setting annex.hardlink=true and making repository untrusted." u <- getUUID trustSet u UnTrusted setConfig (annexConfig "hardlink") (Git.Config.boolConfig True) {- Propigate annex.securehashesonly from then global config to local - config. This makes a clone inherit a parent's setting, but once - a repository has a local setting, changes to the global config won't - affect it. -} propigateSecureHashesOnly :: Annex () propigateSecureHashesOnly = maybe noop (setConfig (ConfigKey "annex.securehashesonly")) =<< getGlobalConfig "annex.securehashesonly" adjustToCrippledFilesystem :: Annex () adjustToCrippledFilesystem = ifM versionSupportsAdjustedBranch ( ifM (liftIO $ AdjustedBranch.isGitVersionSupported) ( AdjustedBranch.adjustToCrippledFileSystem , enableDirectMode ) , enableDirectMode ) enableDirectMode :: Annex () enableDirectMode = unlessM isDirect $ do warning "Enabling direct mode." top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath (l, clean) <- inRepo $ Git.LsFiles.inRepo [top] forM_ l $ \f -> maybe noop (`toDirect` f) =<< isAnnexLink f void $ liftIO clean setDirect True