### Please describe the problem.

I have the following repos

a - group manual - all content currently originates on this repo (OS X 10.14.4)
b - group backup - this is a rclone special backed by google drive
c - this is the underlying git repo on gitlab.com
d - group backup - a server that is supposed to backup everything (OS X 10.14.4)

Assistant is running on a and d

It is not guaranteed that a and d will be able to directly connect, however, they both have very good connectivity to b and c

When I add a set of files into a (using git-annex add) the non-annex files get checked into the git repo and pushed to c.  Similarly, the content (annex files) get pushed to b.  This is confirmed by git-anenx list --allrepos

Within an hour or so, d will know about the files that were added (git-annex list) and the git log shows that it is on the same commit as a and c.

However, the assistant on d never does the git-annex sync --content

If I manually run git-annex sync --content on d, all is updated as expected.

I've made no changes to the groupwants, group, etc. settings

### What steps will reproduce the problem?

create a repo with a central git upstream and a special via rclone on gdrive.  Clone that repo in another machine that can also see the upstream and special, but isn't directly connected to the originator of the repo

Add annex-handled files to the original repo.

Check the status of the git upstream, special, and the clone.

After failure is acknowledged, run git annex sync --content to confirm that the mechanics still work

### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

Both hosts are OSX 10.14.4 and are running 7.20191218

### Please provide any additional information below.

This is from the assistant on the clone.  It is running in debug mode.

[[!format sh """

[2019-12-30 17:44:09.362492] main: starting assistant version 7.20191114
[2019-12-30 17:44:14.532638] TransferScanner: Syncing with origin
(scanning...) [2019-12-30 17:44:14.590159] Watcher: Performing startup scan
ControlSocket .git/annex/ssh/git@gitlab already exists, disabling multiplexing
Disallowed command
Everything up-to-date
Disallowed command
Disallowed command
Disallowed command
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'
fatal: Pathspec 'workflow/cc-archive-exif/LICENSE' is in submodule 'workflow/cc-archive-exif'

  git cat-file EOF: user error

  fd:38: hFlush: resource vanished (Broken pipe)

  fd:38: hFlush: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
Disallowed command
[2019-12-30 17:44:33.097035] Committer: Committing changes to git
(recording state in git...)
[2019-12-30 17:44:33.176213] Pusher: Syncing with origin

Everything up-to-date
Disallowed command

<<A bunch of white space lines removed for brevity>>

Disallowed command
Disallowed command
Disallowed command
Disallowed command
Disallowed command
# End of transcript or log.

### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)

Yes - I can run this manually, and overall this is great - I would just love to get this automated....