[[!comment format=mdwn username="eric.w@eee65cd362d995ced72640c7cfae388ae93a4234" nickname="eric.w" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8d9808c12db3a3f93ff7f9e74c0870fc" subject="comment 5" date="2021-01-14T22:15:12Z" content=""" A faster way of doing uninit is the following: ```cp --no-clobber --dereference --recursive --preserve=all --reflink=auto --verbose ./git_annex_repo/your_symlinks/ ./target_dir/``` This will simply copy (thin COW copy) symlinks (dereferenced) as normal files preserving the mtime, etc. the resulting ./target_dir/ will have your files if they existed in this annex or broken symlinks if the files were not here. """]]