{- git-annex test suite - - Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Test where import Types.Test import Types.RepoVersion import Test.Framework import Options.Applicative.Types import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Runners import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun import Test.Tasty.Options import Options.Applicative (switch, long, help, internal) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BU8 import System.Environment import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (check) import Common import CmdLine.GitAnnex.Options import qualified Utility.ShellEscape import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R import qualified Annex import qualified Git.Filename import qualified Git.Types import qualified Git.Ref import qualified Git.LsTree import qualified Git.FilePath import qualified Annex.Locations #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import qualified Types.GitConfig #endif import qualified Types.TrustLevel import qualified Types import qualified Logs.MapLog import qualified Logs.Trust import qualified Logs.Remote import qualified Logs.Unused import qualified Logs.Transfer import qualified Logs.Presence import qualified Logs.ContentIdentifier import qualified Logs.PreferredContent import qualified Types.MetaData import qualified Remote import qualified Key import qualified Config import qualified Config.Cost import qualified Crypto import qualified Database.Keys import qualified Annex.WorkTree import qualified Annex.Init import qualified Annex.CatFile import qualified Annex.Path import qualified Annex.VectorClock import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch import qualified Annex.View import qualified Annex.View.ViewedFile import qualified Logs.View import qualified Command.TestRemote import qualified Utility.Path.Tests import qualified Utility.FileMode import qualified BuildInfo import qualified Utility.Format import qualified Utility.Verifiable import qualified Utility.Process import qualified Utility.Misc import qualified Utility.InodeCache import qualified Utility.Env import qualified Utility.Env.Set import qualified Utility.Matcher import qualified Utility.Hash import qualified Utility.Scheduled import qualified Utility.Scheduled.QuickCheck import qualified Utility.HumanTime import qualified Utility.Base64 import qualified Utility.Tmp.Dir import qualified Utility.FileSystemEncoding import qualified Utility.Aeson import qualified Utility.CopyFile import qualified Types.Remote #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import qualified Remote.Helper.Encryptable import qualified Types.Crypto import qualified Utility.Gpg #endif optParser :: Parser TestOptions optParser = TestOptions <$> snd tastyParser <*> switch ( long "keep-failures" <> help "preserve repositories on test failure" ) <*> switch ( long "fakessh" <> internal ) <*> cmdParams "non-options are for internal use only" tastyParser :: ([String], Parser Test.Tasty.Options.OptionSet) #if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,3,0) tastyParser = go #else tastyParser = ([], go) #endif where go = suiteOptionParser ingredients (tests False True mempty) runner :: TestOptions -> IO () runner opts | fakeSsh opts = runFakeSsh (internalData opts) | otherwise = runsubprocesstests =<< Utility.Env.getEnv subenv where -- Run git-annex test in a subprocess, so that any files -- it may open will be closed before running finalCleanup. -- This should prevent most failures to clean up after the test -- suite. subenv = "GIT_ANNEX_TEST_SUBPROCESS" runsubprocesstests Nothing = do let warnings = fst tastyParser unless (null warnings) $ do hPutStrLn stderr "warnings from tasty:" mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) warnings pp <- Annex.Path.programPath Utility.Env.Set.setEnv subenv "1" True ps <- getArgs exitcode <- withCreateProcess (proc pp ps) $ \_ _ _ pid -> waitForProcess pid unless (keepFailuresOption opts) finalCleanup exitWith exitcode runsubprocesstests (Just _) = isolateGitConfig $ do ensuretmpdir crippledfilesystem <- fst <$> Annex.Init.probeCrippledFileSystem' (toRawFilePath tmpdir) adjustedbranchok <- Annex.AdjustedBranch.isGitVersionSupported case tryIngredients ingredients (tastyOptionSet opts) (tests crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts) of Nothing -> error "No tests found!?" Just act -> ifM act ( exitSuccess , do putStrLn " (Failures above could be due to a bug in git-annex, or an incompatibility" putStrLn " with utilities, such as git, installed on this system.)" exitFailure ) ingredients :: [Ingredient] ingredients = [ listingTests , rerunningTests [consoleTestReporter] ] tests :: Bool -> Bool -> TestOptions -> TestTree tests crippledfilesystem adjustedbranchok opts = testGroup "Tests" $ properties : withTestMode remotetestmode Nothing testRemotes : map (\(d, te) -> withTestMode te (Just initTests) (unitTests d)) testmodes where testmodes = catMaybes [ canadjust ("v8 adjusted unlocked branch", (testMode opts (RepoVersion 8)) { adjustedUnlockedBranch = True }) , unlesscrippled ("v8 unlocked", (testMode opts (RepoVersion 8)) { unlockedFiles = True }) , unlesscrippled ("v8 locked", testMode opts (RepoVersion 8)) ] remotetestmode = testMode opts (RepoVersion 8) unlesscrippled v | crippledfilesystem = Nothing | otherwise = Just v canadjust v | adjustedbranchok = Just v | otherwise = Nothing properties :: TestTree properties = localOption (QuickCheckTests 1000) $ testGroup "QuickCheck" $ [ testProperty "prop_encode_decode_roundtrip" Git.Filename.prop_encode_decode_roundtrip , testProperty "prop_encode_c_decode_c_roundtrip" Utility.Format.prop_encode_c_decode_c_roundtrip , testProperty "prop_isomorphic_key_encode" Key.prop_isomorphic_key_encode , testProperty "prop_isomorphic_shellEscape" Utility.ShellEscape.prop_isomorphic_shellEscape , testProperty "prop_isomorphic_shellEscape_multiword" Utility.ShellEscape.prop_isomorphic_shellEscape_multiword , testProperty "prop_isomorphic_configEscape" Logs.Remote.prop_isomorphic_configEscape , testProperty "prop_parse_show_Config" Logs.Remote.prop_parse_show_Config , testProperty "prop_upFrom_basics" Utility.Path.Tests.prop_upFrom_basics , testProperty "prop_relPathDirToFileAbs_basics" Utility.Path.Tests.prop_relPathDirToFileAbs_basics , testProperty "prop_relPathDirToFileAbs_regressionTest" Utility.Path.Tests.prop_relPathDirToFileAbs_regressionTest , testProperty "prop_cost_sane" Config.Cost.prop_cost_sane , testProperty "prop_matcher_sane" Utility.Matcher.prop_matcher_sane , testProperty "prop_HmacSha1WithCipher_sane" Crypto.prop_HmacSha1WithCipher_sane , testProperty "prop_VectorClock_sane" Annex.VectorClock.prop_VectorClock_sane , testProperty "prop_addMapLog_sane" Logs.MapLog.prop_addMapLog_sane , testProperty "prop_verifiable_sane" Utility.Verifiable.prop_verifiable_sane , testProperty "prop_segment_regressionTest" Utility.Misc.prop_segment_regressionTest , testProperty "prop_read_write_transferinfo" Logs.Transfer.prop_read_write_transferinfo , testProperty "prop_read_show_inodecache" Utility.InodeCache.prop_read_show_inodecache , testProperty "prop_parse_build_presence_log" Logs.Presence.prop_parse_build_presence_log , testProperty "prop_parse_build_contentidentifier_log" Logs.ContentIdentifier.prop_parse_build_contentidentifier_log , testProperty "prop_read_show_TrustLevel" Types.TrustLevel.prop_read_show_TrustLevel , testProperty "prop_parse_build_TrustLevelLog" Logs.Trust.prop_parse_build_TrustLevelLog , testProperty "prop_schedule_roundtrips" Utility.Scheduled.QuickCheck.prop_schedule_roundtrips , testProperty "prop_past_sane" Utility.Scheduled.prop_past_sane , testProperty "prop_duration_roundtrips" Utility.HumanTime.prop_duration_roundtrips , testProperty "prop_metadata_sane" Types.MetaData.prop_metadata_sane , testProperty "prop_metadata_serialize" Types.MetaData.prop_metadata_serialize , testProperty "prop_branchView_legal" Logs.View.prop_branchView_legal , testProperty "prop_viewPath_roundtrips" Annex.View.prop_viewPath_roundtrips , testProperty "prop_view_roundtrips" Annex.View.prop_view_roundtrips , testProperty "prop_viewedFile_rountrips" Annex.View.ViewedFile.prop_viewedFile_roundtrips , testProperty "prop_b64_roundtrips" Utility.Base64.prop_b64_roundtrips , testProperty "prop_standardGroups_parse" Logs.PreferredContent.prop_standardGroups_parse ] ++ map (uncurry testProperty) combos where combos = concat [ Utility.Hash.props_hashes_stable , Utility.Hash.props_macs_stable ] testRemotes :: TestTree testRemotes = testGroup "Remote Tests" $ -- These tests are failing in really strange ways on Windows, -- apparently not due to an actual problem with the remotes being -- tested, so are disabled there. #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS filter (\_ -> False) #endif [ testGitRemote , testDirectoryRemote ] testGitRemote :: TestTree testGitRemote = testRemote False "git" $ \remotename -> do git "clone" [".", "remotedir"] "git clone" git "remote" ["add", remotename, "remotedir"] "git remote add" testDirectoryRemote :: TestTree testDirectoryRemote = testRemote True "directory" $ \remotename -> do createDirectory "remotedir" git_annex "initremote" [ remotename , "type=directory" , "--quiet" , "directory=remotedir" , "encryption=none" ] "init" testRemote :: Bool -> String -> (String -> IO ()) -> TestTree testRemote testvariants remotetype setupremote = withResource newEmptyTMVarIO (const noop) $ \getv -> testGroup ("testremote type " ++ remotetype) $ concat [ [testCase "init" (prep getv)] , go getv ] where reponame = "test repo" remotename = "testremote" basesz = 1024 * 1024 keysizes = Command.TestRemote.keySizes basesz False prep getv = do d <- newmainrepodir setmainrepodir d innewrepo $ do git_annex "init" [reponame, "--quiet"] "init" setupremote remotename r <- annexeval $ either error return =<< Remote.byName' remotename cache <- Command.TestRemote.newRemoteVariantCache unavailr <- annexeval $ Types.Remote.mkUnavailable r exportr <- annexeval $ Command.TestRemote.exportTreeVariant cache r ks <- annexeval $ mapM Command.TestRemote.randKey keysizes v <- getv cv <- annexeval cache liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar v (r, (unavailr, (exportr, (ks, cv)))) go getv = Command.TestRemote.mkTestTrees runannex mkrs mkunavailr mkexportr mkks where runannex = inmainrepo . annexeval mkrs = if testvariants then Command.TestRemote.remoteVariants cache mkr basesz False else [fmap (fmap Just) mkr] mkr = descas (remotetype ++ " remote") (fst <$> v) mkunavailr = fst . snd <$> v mkexportr = fst . snd . snd <$> v mkks = map (\(sz, n) -> desckeysize sz (getk n)) (zip keysizes [0..]) getk n = fmap (!! n) (fst . snd . snd . snd <$> v) cache = snd . snd . snd . snd <$> v v = liftIO $ atomically . readTMVar =<< getv descas = Command.TestRemote.Described desckeysize sz = descas ("key size " ++ show sz) {- These tests set up the test environment, but also test some basic parts - of git-annex. They are always run before the unitTests. -} initTests :: TestTree initTests = testGroup "Init Tests" [ testCase "init" test_init , testCase "add" test_add ] unitTests :: String -> TestTree unitTests note = testGroup ("Unit Tests " ++ note) [ testCase "add dup" test_add_dup , testCase "add extras" test_add_extras , testCase "ignore deleted files" test_ignore_deleted_files , testCase "metadata" test_metadata , testCase "export_import" test_export_import , testCase "export_import_subdir" test_export_import_subdir , testCase "shared clone" test_shared_clone , testCase "log" test_log , testCase "view" test_view , testCase "magic" test_magic , testCase "import" test_import , testCase "reinject" test_reinject , testCase "unannex (no copy)" test_unannex_nocopy , testCase "unannex (with copy)" test_unannex_withcopy , testCase "drop (no remote)" test_drop_noremote , testCase "drop (with remote)" test_drop_withremote , testCase "drop (untrusted remote)" test_drop_untrustedremote , testCase "get" test_get , testCase "get (ssh remote)" test_get_ssh_remote , testCase "move" test_move , testCase "move (ssh remote)" test_move_ssh_remote , testCase "move (numcopies)" test_move_numcopies , testCase "copy" test_copy , testCase "lock" test_lock , testCase "lock --force" test_lock_force , testCase "edit (no pre-commit)" test_edit , testCase "edit (pre-commit)" test_edit_precommit , testCase "partial commit" test_partial_commit , testCase "fix" test_fix , testCase "trust" test_trust , testCase "fsck (basics)" test_fsck_basic , testCase "fsck (bare)" test_fsck_bare , testCase "fsck (local untrusted)" test_fsck_localuntrusted , testCase "fsck (remote untrusted)" test_fsck_remoteuntrusted , testCase "fsck --from remote" test_fsck_fromremote , testCase "conversion git to annexed" test_conversion_git_to_annexed , testCase "conversion annexed to git" test_conversion_annexed_to_git , testCase "migrate" test_migrate , testCase "migrate (via gitattributes)" test_migrate_via_gitattributes , testCase "unused" test_unused , testCase "describe" test_describe , testCase "find" test_find , testCase "merge" test_merge , testCase "info" test_info , testCase "version" test_version , testCase "sync" test_sync , testCase "concurrent get of dup key regression" test_concurrent_get_of_dup_key_regression , testCase "union merge regression" test_union_merge_regression , testCase "adjusted branch merge regression" test_adjusted_branch_merge_regression , testCase "adjusted branch subtree regression" test_adjusted_branch_subtree_regression , testCase "conflict resolution" test_conflict_resolution , testCase "conflict resolution (adjusted branch)" test_conflict_resolution_adjusted_branch , testCase "conflict resolution movein regression" test_conflict_resolution_movein_regression , testCase "conflict resolution (mixed directory and file)" test_mixed_conflict_resolution , testCase "conflict resolution symlink bit" test_conflict_resolution_symlink_bit , testCase "conflict resolution (uncommitted local file)" test_uncommitted_conflict_resolution , testCase "conflict resolution (removed file)" test_remove_conflict_resolution , testCase "conflict resolution (nonannexed file)" test_nonannexed_file_conflict_resolution , testCase "conflict resolution (nonannexed symlink)" test_nonannexed_symlink_conflict_resolution , testCase "conflict resolution (mixed locked and unlocked file)" test_mixed_lock_conflict_resolution , testCase "map" test_map , testCase "uninit" test_uninit , testCase "uninit (in git-annex branch)" test_uninit_inbranch , testCase "upgrade" test_upgrade , testCase "whereis" test_whereis , testCase "hook remote" test_hook_remote , testCase "directory remote" test_directory_remote , testCase "rsync remote" test_rsync_remote , testCase "bup remote" test_bup_remote , testCase "crypto" test_crypto , testCase "preferred content" test_preferred_content , testCase "add subdirs" test_add_subdirs , testCase "addurl" test_addurl ] -- this test case creates the main repo test_init :: Assertion test_init = innewrepo $ do ver <- annexVersion <$> getTestMode git_annex "init" [reponame, "--version", show (fromRepoVersion ver)] "init" setupTestMode where reponame = "test repo" -- this test case runs in the main repo, to set up a basic -- annexed file that later tests will use test_add :: Assertion test_add = inmainrepo $ do writecontent annexedfile $ content annexedfile add_annex annexedfile "add" annexed_present annexedfile writecontent sha1annexedfile $ content sha1annexedfile git_annex "add" [sha1annexedfile, "--backend=SHA1"] "add with SHA1" whenM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ git_annex "unlock" [sha1annexedfile] "unlock" annexed_present sha1annexedfile checkbackend sha1annexedfile backendSHA1 writecontent ingitfile $ content ingitfile git "add" [ingitfile] "git add" git "commit" ["-q", "-m", "commit"] "git commit" git_annex "add" [ingitfile] "add ingitfile should be no-op" unannexed ingitfile test_add_dup :: Assertion test_add_dup = intmpclonerepo $ do writecontent annexedfiledup $ content annexedfiledup add_annex annexedfiledup "add of second file with same content failed" annexed_present annexedfiledup annexed_present annexedfile test_add_extras :: Assertion test_add_extras = intmpclonerepo $ do writecontent wormannexedfile $ content wormannexedfile git_annex "add" [wormannexedfile, "--backend=WORM"] "add with WORM" whenM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ git_annex "unlock" [wormannexedfile] "unlock" annexed_present wormannexedfile checkbackend wormannexedfile backendWORM test_ignore_deleted_files :: Assertion test_ignore_deleted_files = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git_annex_expectoutput "find" [] [annexedfile] removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath annexedfile) -- A file that has been deleted, but the deletion not staged, -- is a special case; make sure git-annex skips these. git_annex_expectoutput "find" [] [] test_metadata :: Assertion test_metadata = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "metadata" ["-s", "foo=bar", annexedfile] "set metadata" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--metadata", "foo=bar"] [annexedfile] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--metadata", "foo=other"] [] writecontent annexedfiledup $ content annexedfiledup add_annex annexedfiledup "add of second file with same content failed" annexed_present annexedfiledup git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--metadata", "foo=bar"] [annexedfile, annexedfiledup] git_annex_shouldfail "metadata" ["--remove", "foo", "."] "removing metadata from dir with multiple files not allowed" git_annex "metadata" ["--remove", "foo", annexedfile] "removing metadata" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--metadata", "foo=bar"] [] git_annex "metadata" ["--force", "-s", "foo=bar", "."] "recursively set metadata force" test_shared_clone :: Assertion test_shared_clone = intmpsharedclonerepo $ do v <- catchMaybeIO $ Utility.Process.readProcess "git" [ "config" , "--bool" , "--get" , "annex.hardlink" ] v == Just "true\n" @? "shared clone of repo did not get annex.hardlink set" test_log :: Assertion test_log = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "log" [annexedfile] "log" test_view :: Assertion test_view = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "metadata" ["-s", "test=test1", annexedfile] "metadata" git_annex "metadata" ["-s", "test=test2", sha1annexedfile] "metadata" git_annex "view" ["test=test1"] "entering view" checkexists annexedfile checkdoesnotexist sha1annexedfile test_magic :: Assertion test_magic = intmpclonerepo $ do #ifdef WITH_MAGICMIME git "config" ["annex.largefiles", "mimeencoding=binary"] "git config annex.largefiles" writeFile "binary" "\127" writeFile "text" "test\n" git_annex "add" ["binary", "text"] "git-annex add with mimeencoding in largefiles" git_annex "sync" [] "git-annex sync" (isJust <$> annexeval (Annex.CatFile.catKeyFile (encodeBS "binary"))) @? "binary file not added to annex despite mimeencoding config" (isNothing <$> annexeval (Annex.CatFile.catKeyFile (encodeBS "text"))) @? "non-binary file got added to annex despite mimeencoding config" #else return () #endif test_import :: Assertion test_import = intmpclonerepo $ Utility.Tmp.Dir.withTmpDir "importtest" $ \importdir -> do (toimport1, importf1, imported1) <- mktoimport importdir "import1" git_annex "import" [toimport1] "import" annexed_present_imported imported1 checkdoesnotexist importf1 (toimport2, importf2, imported2) <- mktoimport importdir "import2" git_annex "import" [toimport2] "import of duplicate" annexed_present_imported imported2 checkdoesnotexist importf2 (toimport3, importf3, imported3) <- mktoimport importdir "import3" git_annex "import" ["--skip-duplicates", toimport3] "import of duplicate with --skip-duplicates" checkdoesnotexist imported3 checkexists importf3 git_annex "import" ["--clean-duplicates", toimport3] "import of duplicate with --clean-duplicates" checkdoesnotexist imported3 checkdoesnotexist importf3 (toimport4, importf4, imported4) <- mktoimport importdir "import4" git_annex "import" ["--deduplicate", toimport4] "import --deduplicate" checkdoesnotexist imported4 checkdoesnotexist importf4 (toimport5, importf5, imported5) <- mktoimport importdir "import5" git_annex "import" ["--duplicate", toimport5] "import --duplicate" annexed_present_imported imported5 checkexists importf5 git_annex "drop" ["--force", imported1, imported2, imported5] "drop" annexed_notpresent_imported imported2 (toimportdup, importfdup, importeddup) <- mktoimport importdir "importdup" git_annex_shouldfail "import" ["--clean-duplicates", toimportdup] "import of missing duplicate with --clean-duplicates not allowed" checkdoesnotexist importeddup checkexists importfdup where mktoimport importdir subdir = do createDirectory (importdir </> subdir) let importf = subdir </> "f" writecontent (importdir </> importf) (content importf) return (importdir </> subdir, importdir </> importf, importf) test_reinject :: Assertion test_reinject = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "drop" ["--force", sha1annexedfile] "drop" annexed_notpresent sha1annexedfile writecontent tmp $ content sha1annexedfile key <- Key.serializeKey <$> getKey backendSHA1 tmp git_annex "reinject" [tmp, sha1annexedfile] "reinject" annexed_present sha1annexedfile git_annex "fromkey" [key, sha1annexedfiledup] "fromkey for dup" whenM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ git_annex "unlock" [sha1annexedfiledup] "unlock" annexed_present sha1annexedfiledup where tmp = "tmpfile" test_unannex_nocopy :: Assertion test_unannex_nocopy = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "unannex" [annexedfile] "unannex with no copy" annexed_notpresent annexedfile test_unannex_withcopy :: Assertion test_unannex_withcopy = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "unannex" [annexedfile, sha1annexedfile] "unannex" unannexed annexedfile git_annex "unannex" [annexedfile] "unannex on non-annexed file" unannexed annexedfile git_annex "unannex" [ingitfile] "unannex ingitfile should be no-op" unannexed ingitfile test_drop_noremote :: Assertion test_drop_noremote = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git "remote" ["rm", "origin"] "git remote rm origin" git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile] "drop with no known copy of file not allowed" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" ["--force", annexedfile] "drop --force" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] "drop of dropped file" git_annex "drop" [ingitfile] "drop ingitfile should be no-op" unannexed ingitfile test_drop_withremote :: Assertion test_drop_withremote = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "numcopies" ["2"] "numcopies config" git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile] "drop with numcopies not satisfied is not allowed" git_annex "numcopies" ["1"] "numcopies config" git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] "drop when origin has copy" annexed_notpresent annexedfile -- make sure that the correct symlink is staged for the file -- after drop git_annex_expectoutput "status" [] [] inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile test_drop_untrustedremote :: Assertion test_drop_untrustedremote = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] "untrust of origin" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile] "drop with only an untrusted copy of the file should fail" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile test_get :: Assertion test_get = test_get' intmpclonerepo test_get_ssh_remote :: Assertion test_get_ssh_remote = #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS test_get' (with_ssh_origin intmpclonerepo) #else noop #endif test_get' :: (Assertion -> Assertion) -> Assertion test_get' setup = setup $ do inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file already here" inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile unannexed ingitfile git_annex "get" [ingitfile] "get ingitfile should be no-op" inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile unannexed ingitfile test_move :: Assertion test_move = test_move' intmpclonerepo test_move_ssh_remote :: Assertion test_move_ssh_remote = #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS test_move' (with_ssh_origin intmpclonerepo) #else noop #endif test_move' :: (Assertion -> Assertion) -> Assertion test_move' setup = setup $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] "move --from of file" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] "move --from of file already here" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] "move --to of file" inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] "move --to of file already there" inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile annexed_notpresent annexedfile unannexed ingitfile inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", ingitfile] "move of ingitfile should be no-op" unannexed ingitfile inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", ingitfile] "move of ingitfile should be no-op" unannexed ingitfile inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile test_move_numcopies :: Assertion test_move_numcopies = intmpclonerepo $ do inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "numcopies" ["2"] "setting numcopies" git_annex "move" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] "move of file --from remote with numcopies unsatisfied but not made worse" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] "move of file --to remote with numcopies unsatisfied but not made worse" annexed_notpresent annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" git_annex_shouldfail "move" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] "move of file --from remote that violates numcopies setting not allowd" git_annex_shouldfail "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] "move of file --to remote that violates numcopies setting not allowed" test_copy :: Assertion test_copy = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] "copy --from of file" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", annexedfile] "copy --from of file already here" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] "copy --to of file already there" annexed_present annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "move" ["--to", "origin", annexedfile] "move --to of file already there" annexed_notpresent annexedfile inmainrepo $ annexed_present annexedfile unannexed ingitfile inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile git_annex "copy" ["--to", "origin", ingitfile] "copy of ingitfile should be no-op" unannexed ingitfile inmainrepo $ unannexed ingitfile git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", ingitfile] "copy of ingitfile should be no-op" checkregularfile ingitfile checkcontent ingitfile test_preferred_content :: Assertion test_preferred_content = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile -- get/copy --auto looks only at numcopies when preferred content is not -- set, and with 1 copy existing, does not get the file. git_annex "get" ["--auto", annexedfile] "get --auto of file with default preferred content" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", "--auto", annexedfile] "copy --auto --from of file with default preferred content" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "wanted" [".", "standard"] "set expression to standard" git_annex "group" [".", "client"] "set group to standard" git_annex "get" ["--auto", annexedfile] "get --auto of file for client" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] "drop of file" git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", "--auto", annexedfile] "copy --auto --from of file for client" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "ungroup" [".", "client"] "ungroup" git_annex "wanted" [".", "standard"] "set expression to standard" git_annex "group" [".", "manual"] "set group to manual" -- drop --auto with manual leaves the file where it is git_annex "drop" ["--auto", annexedfile] "drop --auto of file with manual preferred content" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] "drop of file" annexed_notpresent annexedfile -- copy/get --auto with manual does not get the file git_annex "get" ["--auto", annexedfile] "get --auto of file with manual preferred content" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "copy" ["--from", "origin", "--auto", annexedfile] "copy --auto --from of file with manual preferred content" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "ungroup" [".", "client"] "ungroup" git_annex "wanted" [".", "exclude=*"] "set expression to exclude=*" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" ["--auto", annexedfile] "drop --auto of file with exclude=*" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "get" ["--auto", annexedfile] "get --auto of file with exclude=*" annexed_notpresent annexedfile test_lock :: Assertion test_lock = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile -- regression test: unlock of newly added, not committed file -- should not fail. writecontent "newfile" "foo" git_annex "add" ["newfile"] "add new file" git_annex "unlock" ["newfile"] "unlock on newly added, never committed file" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] "unlock" unannexed annexedfile -- write different content, to verify that lock -- throws it away changecontent annexedfile writecontent annexedfile $ content annexedfile ++ "foo" git_annex_shouldfail "lock" [annexedfile] "lock without --force should not be allowed" git_annex "lock" ["--force", annexedfile] "lock --force" -- The original content of an unlocked file is not always -- preserved after modification, so re-get it. git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file after lock --force" annexed_present_locked annexedfile git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] "unlock" unannexed annexedfile changecontent annexedfile git "add" [annexedfile] "add of modified file" runchecks [checkregularfile, checkwritable] annexedfile c <- readFile annexedfile assertEqual "content of modified file" c (changedcontent annexedfile) git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile] "drop with no known copy of modified file should not be allowed" -- Regression test: lock --force when work tree file -- was modified lost the (unmodified) annex object. -- (Only occurred when the keys database was out of sync.) test_lock_force :: Assertion test_lock_force = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "upgrade" [] "upgrade" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] "unlock" annexeval $ do Just k <- Annex.WorkTree.lookupKey (toRawFilePath annexedfile) Database.Keys.removeInodeCaches k Database.Keys.closeDb liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink =<< Annex.fromRepo Annex.Locations.gitAnnexKeysDbIndexCache writecontent annexedfile "test_lock_force content" git_annex_shouldfail "lock" [annexedfile] "lock of modified file should not be allowed" git_annex "lock" ["--force", annexedfile] "lock --force of modified file" annexed_present_locked annexedfile test_edit :: Assertion test_edit = test_edit' False test_edit_precommit :: Assertion test_edit_precommit = test_edit' True test_edit' :: Bool -> Assertion test_edit' precommit = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "edit" [annexedfile] "edit" unannexed annexedfile changecontent annexedfile git "add" [annexedfile] "git add of edited file" if precommit then git_annex "pre-commit" [] "pre-commit" else git "commit" ["-q", "-m", "contentchanged"] "git commit of edited file" runchecks [checkregularfile, checkwritable] annexedfile c <- readFile annexedfile assertEqual "content of modified file" c (changedcontent annexedfile) git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile] "drop no known copy of modified file should not be allowed" test_partial_commit :: Assertion test_partial_commit = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] "unlock" changecontent annexedfile git "commit" ["-q", "-m", "test", annexedfile] "partial commit of unlocked file should be allowed" test_fix :: Assertion test_fix = intmpclonerepo $ unlessM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "fix" [annexedfile] "fix of not present" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "fix" [annexedfile] "fix of present file" annexed_present annexedfile createDirectory subdir git "mv" [annexedfile, subdir] "git mv" git_annex "fix" [newfile] "fix of moved file" runchecks [checklink, checkunwritable] newfile c <- readFile newfile assertEqual "content of moved file" c (content annexedfile) where subdir = "s" newfile = subdir ++ "/" ++ annexedfile test_trust :: Assertion test_trust = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "trust" ["--force", repo] "trust" trustcheck Logs.Trust.Trusted "trusted 1" git_annex "trust" ["--force", repo] "trust of trusted" trustcheck Logs.Trust.Trusted "trusted 2" git_annex "untrust" [repo] "untrust" trustcheck Logs.Trust.UnTrusted "untrusted 1" git_annex "untrust" [repo] "untrust of untrusted" trustcheck Logs.Trust.UnTrusted "untrusted 2" git_annex "dead" [repo] "dead" trustcheck Logs.Trust.DeadTrusted "deadtrusted 1" git_annex "dead" [repo] "dead of dead" trustcheck Logs.Trust.DeadTrusted "deadtrusted 2" git_annex "semitrust" [repo] "semitrust" trustcheck Logs.Trust.SemiTrusted "semitrusted 1" git_annex "semitrust" [repo] "semitrust of semitrusted" trustcheck Logs.Trust.SemiTrusted "semitrusted 2" where repo = "origin" trustcheck expected msg = do present <- annexeval $ do l <- Logs.Trust.trustGet expected u <- Remote.nameToUUID repo return $ u `elem` l assertBool msg present test_fsck_basic :: Assertion test_fsck_basic = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "fsck" [] "fsck" git_annex "numcopies" ["2"] "numcopies config" fsck_should_fail "numcopies unsatisfied" git_annex "numcopies" ["1"] "numcopies config" corrupt annexedfile corrupt sha1annexedfile where corrupt f = do git_annex "get" [f] "get of file" Utility.FileMode.allowWrite (toRawFilePath f) writecontent f (changedcontent f) ifM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) ( git_annex "fsck" []"fsck on unlocked file with changed file content" , git_annex_shouldfail "fsck" [] "fsck with corrupted file content should error" ) git_annex "fsck" [] "second fsck, after first fsck should have fixed problem" test_fsck_bare :: Assertion test_fsck_bare = intmpbareclonerepo $ git_annex "fsck" [] "fsck" test_fsck_localuntrusted :: Assertion test_fsck_localuntrusted = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] "untrust of origin repo" git_annex "untrust" ["."] "untrust of current repo" fsck_should_fail "content only available in untrusted (current) repository" git_annex "trust" ["--force", "."] "trust of current repo" git_annex "fsck" [annexedfile] "fsck on file present in trusted repo" test_fsck_remoteuntrusted :: Assertion test_fsck_remoteuntrusted = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "numcopies" ["2"] "numcopies config" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git_annex "get" [sha1annexedfile] "get" git_annex "fsck" [] "fsck with numcopies=2 and 2 copies" git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] "untrust of origin" fsck_should_fail "content not replicated to enough non-untrusted repositories" test_fsck_fromremote :: Assertion test_fsck_fromremote = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "fsck" ["--from", "origin"] "fsck --from origin" fsck_should_fail :: String -> Assertion fsck_should_fail m = git_annex_shouldfail "fsck" [] ("fsck should not succeed with " ++ m) -- Make sure that the "converting git to annexed" recipe in -- doc/tips/largefiles.mdwn continues to work. test_conversion_git_to_annexed :: Assertion test_conversion_git_to_annexed = intmpclonerepo $ do git "rm" ["--cached", ingitfile] "git rm --cached" git_annex "add" ["--force-large", ingitfile] "add --force-large" git "commit" ["-q", "-m", "commit", ingitfile] "git commit" whenM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ git_annex "unlock" [ingitfile] "unlock" annexed_present ingitfile -- Make sure that the "converting annexed to git" recipe in -- doc/tips/largefiles.mdwn continues to work. test_conversion_annexed_to_git :: Assertion test_conversion_annexed_to_git = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] "unlock" git "rm" ["--cached", annexedfile] "git rm --cached" git_annex "add" ["--force-small", annexedfile] "add --force-small" git "commit" ["-q", "-m", "commit", annexedfile] "git commit" unannexed_in_git annexedfile test_migrate :: Assertion test_migrate = test_migrate' False test_migrate_via_gitattributes :: Assertion test_migrate_via_gitattributes = test_migrate' True test_migrate' :: Bool -> Assertion test_migrate' usegitattributes = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile annexed_notpresent sha1annexedfile git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile] "migrate of not present" git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile] "migrate of not present" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" git_annex "get" [sha1annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile annexed_present sha1annexedfile if usegitattributes then do writeFile ".gitattributes" "* annex.backend=SHA1" git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile] "migrate sha1annexedfile" git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile] "migrate annexedfile" else do git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile, "--backend", "SHA1"] "migrate sha1annexedfile" git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile, "--backend", "SHA1"] "migrate annexedfile" annexed_present annexedfile annexed_present sha1annexedfile checkbackend annexedfile backendSHA1 checkbackend sha1annexedfile backendSHA1 -- check that reversing a migration works writeFile ".gitattributes" "* annex.backend=SHA256" git_annex "migrate" [sha1annexedfile] "migrate sha1annexedfile" git_annex "migrate" [annexedfile] "migrate annexedfile" annexed_present annexedfile annexed_present sha1annexedfile checkbackend annexedfile backendSHA256 checkbackend sha1annexedfile backendSHA256 test_unused :: Assertion test_unused = intmpclonerepo $ do checkunused [] "in new clone" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" git_annex "get" [sha1annexedfile] "get of file" annexedfilekey <- getKey backendSHA256E annexedfile sha1annexedfilekey <- getKey backendSHA1 sha1annexedfile checkunused [] "after get" git "rm" ["-fq", annexedfile] "git rm" checkunused [] "after rm" -- commit the rm, and when on an adjusted branch, sync it back to -- the master branch git_annex "sync" ["--no-push", "--no-pull"] "git-annex sync" checkunused [] "after commit" -- unused checks origin/master; once it's gone it is really unused git "remote" ["rm", "origin"] "git remote rm origin" checkunused [annexedfilekey] "after origin branches are gone" git "rm" ["-fq", sha1annexedfile] "git rm" git_annex "sync" ["--no-push", "--no-pull"] "git-annex sync" checkunused [annexedfilekey, sha1annexedfilekey] "after rm sha1annexedfile" -- good opportunity to test dropkey also git_annex "dropkey" ["--force", Key.serializeKey annexedfilekey] "dropkey" checkunused [sha1annexedfilekey] ("after dropkey --force " ++ Key.serializeKey annexedfilekey) git_annex_shouldfail "dropunused" ["1"] "dropunused should not be allowed without --force" git_annex "dropunused" ["--force", "1"] "dropunused" checkunused [] "after dropunused" git_annex_shouldfail "dropunused" ["--force", "10", "501"] "dropunused on bogus numbers" -- Unused used to miss renamed symlinks that were not staged -- and pointed at annexed content, and think that content was unused. -- This is only relevant when using locked files; if the file is -- unlocked, the work tree file has the content, and there's no way -- to associate it with the key. unlessM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ do writecontent "unusedfile" "unusedcontent" git_annex "add" ["unusedfile"] "add of unusedfile" unusedfilekey <- getKey backendSHA256E "unusedfile" renameFile "unusedfile" "unusedunstagedfile" git "rm" ["-qf", "unusedfile"] "git rm" checkunused [] "with unstaged link" removeFile "unusedunstagedfile" checkunused [unusedfilekey] "with renamed link deleted" -- unused used to miss symlinks that were deleted or modified -- manually writecontent "unusedfile" "unusedcontent" git_annex "add" ["unusedfile"] "add of unusedfile" git "add" ["unusedfile"] "git add" unusedfilekey' <- getKey backendSHA256E "unusedfile" checkunused [] "with staged deleted link" git "rm" ["-qf", "unusedfile"] "git rm" checkunused [unusedfilekey'] "with staged link deleted" -- unused used to false positive on symlinks that were -- deleted or modified manually, but not staged as such writecontent "unusedfile" "unusedcontent" git_annex "add" ["unusedfile"] "add of unusedfile" git "add" ["unusedfile"] "git add" checkunused [] "with staged file" removeFile "unusedfile" checkunused [] "with staged deleted file" -- When an unlocked file is modified, git diff will cause git-annex -- to add its content to the repository. Make sure that's not -- found as unused. whenM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ do let f = "unlockedfile" writecontent f "unlockedcontent1" git "add" ["unlockedfile"] "git add" checkunused [] "with unlocked file before modification" writecontent f "unlockedcontent2" checkunused [] "with unlocked file after modification" git_shouldfail "diff" ["--quiet", f] "git diff should exit nonzero when unlocked file is modified" -- still nothing unused because one version is in the index -- and the other is in the work tree checkunused [] "with unlocked file after git diff" where checkunused expectedkeys desc = do git_annex "unused" [] "unused" unusedmap <- annexeval $ Logs.Unused.readUnusedMap mempty let unusedkeys = M.elems unusedmap assertEqual ("unused keys differ " ++ desc) (sort expectedkeys) (sort unusedkeys) test_describe :: Assertion test_describe = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "describe" [".", "this repo"] "describe 1" git_annex "describe" ["origin", "origin repo"] "describe 2" test_find :: Assertion test_find = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex_expectoutput "find" [] [] git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" annexed_present annexedfile annexed_notpresent sha1annexedfile git_annex_expectoutput "find" [] [annexedfile] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--exclude", annexedfile, "--and", "--exclude", sha1annexedfile] [] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--include", annexedfile] [annexedfile] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--not", "--in", "origin"] [] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--copies", "1", "--and", "--not", "--copies", "2"] [sha1annexedfile] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--inbackend", "SHA1"] [sha1annexedfile] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--inbackend", "WORM"] [] {- --include=* should match files in subdirectories too, - and --exclude=* should exclude them. -} createDirectory "dir" writecontent "dir/subfile" "subfile" git_annex "add" ["dir"] "add of subdir" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--include", "*", "--exclude", annexedfile, "--exclude", sha1annexedfile] ["dir/subfile"] git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--exclude", "*"] [] test_merge :: Assertion test_merge = intmpclonerepo $ git_annex "merge" [] "merge" test_info :: Assertion test_info = intmpclonerepo $ do json <- BU8.fromString <$> git_annex_output "info" ["--json"] case Utility.Aeson.eitherDecode json :: Either String Utility.Aeson.Value of Right _ -> return () Left e -> assertFailure e test_version :: Assertion test_version = intmpclonerepo $ git_annex "version" [] "version" test_sync :: Assertion test_sync = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "sync" [] "sync" {- Regression test for bug fixed in - 039e83ed5d1a11fd562cce55b8429c840d72443e, where a present - wanted file was dropped. -} git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--in", "."] [annexedfile] git_annex "wanted" [".", "present"] "wanted" git_annex "sync" ["--content"] "sync" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--in", "."] [annexedfile] git_annex "drop" [annexedfile] "drop" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--in", "."] [] git_annex "sync" ["--content"] "sync" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--in", "."] [] {- Regression test for the concurrency bug fixed in - 667d38a8f11c1ee8f256cdbd80e225c2bae06595 -} test_concurrent_get_of_dup_key_regression :: Assertion test_concurrent_get_of_dup_key_regression = intmpclonerepo $ do makedup dupfile -- This was sufficient currency to trigger the bug. git_annex "get" ["-J1", annexedfile, dupfile] "concurrent get -J1 with dup" git_annex "drop" ["-J1"] "drop with dup" -- With -J2, one more dup file was needed to trigger the bug. makedup dupfile2 git_annex "get" ["-J2", annexedfile, dupfile, dupfile2] "concurrent get -J2 with dup" git_annex "drop" ["-J2"] "drop with dup" where dupfile = annexedfile ++ "2" dupfile2 = annexedfile ++ "3" makedup f = do Utility.CopyFile.copyFileExternal Utility.CopyFile.CopyAllMetaData annexedfile f @? "copying annexed file failed" git "add" [f] "git add" {- Regression test for union merge bug fixed in - 0214e0fb175a608a49b812d81b4632c081f63027 -} test_union_merge_regression :: Assertion test_union_merge_regression = {- We need 3 repos to see this bug. -} withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r3 -> do forM_ [r1, r2, r3] $ \r -> indir r $ do when (r /= r1) $ git "remote" ["add", "r1", "../../" ++ r1] "remote add" when (r /= r2) $ git "remote" ["add", "r2", "../../" ++ r2] "remote add" when (r /= r3) $ git "remote" ["add", "r3", "../../" ++ r3] "remote add" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" git "remote" ["rm", "origin"] "remote rm" forM_ [r3, r2, r1] $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] ("sync in " ++ r) forM_ [r3, r2] $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "drop" ["--force", annexedfile] ("drop in " ++ r) indir r1 $ do git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--in", "r3"] [] {- This was the bug. The sync - mangled location log data and it - thought the file was still in r2 -} git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--in", "r2"] [] {- Regression test for the automatic conflict resolution bug fixed - in f4ba19f2b8a76a1676da7bb5850baa40d9c388e2. -} test_conflict_resolution_movein_regression :: Assertion test_conflict_resolution_movein_regression = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do let rname r = if r == r1 then "r1" else "r2" forM_ [r1, r2] $ \r -> indir r $ do {- Get all files, see check below. -} git_annex "get" [] "get" disconnectOrigin pair r1 r2 forM_ [r1, r2] $ \r -> indir r $ do {- Set up a conflict. -} let newcontent = content annexedfile ++ rname r git_annex "unlock" [annexedfile] "unlock" writecontent annexedfile newcontent {- Sync twice in r1 so it gets the conflict resolution - update from r2 -} forM_ [r1, r2, r1] $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" ["--force"] ("sync in " ++ rname r) {- After the sync, it should be possible to get all - files. This includes both sides of the conflict, - although the filenames are not easily predictable. - - The bug caused one repo to be missing the content - of the file that had been put in it. -} forM_ [r1, r2] $ \r -> indir r $ do git_annex "get" [] ("get all files after merge conflict resolution in " ++ rname r) {- Simple case of conflict resolution; 2 different versions of annexed - file. -} test_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_conflict_resolution = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor1" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor2" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" pair r1 r2 forM_ [r1,r2,r1] $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 where conflictor = "conflictor" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = do l <- getDirectoryContents d let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l length v == 2 @? (what ++ " not exactly 2 variant files in: " ++ show l) conflictor `notElem` l @? ("conflictor still present after conflict resolution") indir d $ do git_annex "get" v "get" git_annex_expectoutput "find" v v {- Conflict resolution while in an adjusted branch. -} test_conflict_resolution_adjusted_branch :: Assertion test_conflict_resolution_adjusted_branch = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> whenM (adjustedbranchsupported r2) $ do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor1" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor2" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" -- We might be in an adjusted branch -- already, when eg on a crippled -- filesystem. So, --force it. git_annex "adjust" ["--unlock", "--force"] "adjust" pair r1 r2 forM_ [r1,r2,r1] $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 where conflictor = "conflictor" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = do l <- getDirectoryContents d let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l length v == 2 @? (what ++ " not exactly 2 variant files in: " ++ show l) conflictor `notElem` l @? ("conflictor still present after conflict resolution") indir d $ do git_annex "get" v "get" git_annex_expectoutput "find" v v {- Check merge conflict resolution when one side is an annexed - file, and the other is a directory. -} test_mixed_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_mixed_conflict_resolution = do check True check False where check inr1 = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin createDirectory conflictor writecontent subfile "subfile" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" pair r1 r2 let l = if inr1 then [r1, r2] else [r2, r1] forM_ l $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync in mixed conflict" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 conflictor = "conflictor" subfile = conflictor </> "subfile" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = do doesDirectoryExist (d </> conflictor) @? (d ++ " conflictor directory missing") l <- getDirectoryContents d let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l not (null v) @? (what ++ " conflictor variant file missing in: " ++ show l ) length v == 1 @? (what ++ " too many variant files in: " ++ show v) indir d $ do git_annex "get" (conflictor:v) ("get in " ++ what) git_annex_expectoutput "find" [conflictor] [fromRawFilePath (Git.FilePath.toInternalGitPath (toRawFilePath subfile))] git_annex_expectoutput "find" v v {- Check merge conflict resolution when both repos start with an annexed - file; one modifies it, and the other deletes it. -} test_remove_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_remove_conflict_resolution = do check True check False where check inr1 = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ disconnectOrigin pair r1 r2 indir r2 $ do git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" git_annex "get" [conflictor] "get conflictor" git_annex "unlock" [conflictor] "unlock conflictor" writecontent conflictor "newconflictor" indir r1 $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath conflictor) let l = if inr1 then [r1, r2, r1] else [r2, r1, r2] forM_ l $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 conflictor = "conflictor" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = do l <- getDirectoryContents d let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l not (null v) @? (what ++ " conflictor variant file missing in: " ++ show l ) length v == 1 @? (what ++ " too many variant files in: " ++ show v) {- Check merge confalict resolution when a file is annexed in one repo, - and checked directly into git in the other repo. -} test_nonannexed_file_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_nonannexed_file_conflict_resolution = do check True check False where check inr1 = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor nonannexed_content git "config" [ "annex.largefiles" , "exclude=" ++ ingitfile ++ " and exclude=" ++ conflictor ] "git config annex.largefiles" git "add" [conflictor] "git add conflictor" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" pair r1 r2 let l = if inr1 then [r1, r2] else [r2, r1] forM_ l $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 conflictor = "conflictor" nonannexed_content = "nonannexed" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = do l <- getDirectoryContents d let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l not (null v) @? (what ++ " conflictor variant file missing in: " ++ show l ) length v == 1 @? (what ++ " too many variant files in: " ++ show v) conflictor `elem` l @? (what ++ " conflictor file missing in: " ++ show l) s <- catchMaybeIO (readFile (d </> conflictor)) s == Just nonannexed_content @? (what ++ " wrong content for nonannexed file: " ++ show s) {- Check merge conflict resolution when a file is annexed in one repo, - and is a non-git-annex symlink in the other repo. - - Test can only run when coreSymlinks is supported, because git needs to - be able to check out the non-git-annex symlink. -} test_nonannexed_symlink_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_nonannexed_symlink_conflict_resolution = do check True check False where check inr1 = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> whenM (checkRepo (Types.coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) r1) $ do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor" add_annex conflictor "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin createSymbolicLink symlinktarget "conflictor" git "add" [conflictor] "git add conflictor" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" pair r1 r2 let l = if inr1 then [r1, r2] else [r2, r1] forM_ l $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 conflictor = "conflictor" symlinktarget = "dummy-target" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = do l <- getDirectoryContents d let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l not (null v) @? (what ++ " conflictor variant file missing in: " ++ show l ) length v == 1 @? (what ++ " too many variant files in: " ++ show v) conflictor `elem` l @? (what ++ " conflictor file missing in: " ++ show l) s <- catchMaybeIO (readSymbolicLink (d </> conflictor)) s == Just symlinktarget @? (what ++ " wrong target for nonannexed symlink: " ++ show s) {- Check merge conflict resolution when there is a local file, - that is not staged or committed, that conflicts with what's being added - from the remmote. - - Case 1: Remote adds file named conflictor; local has a file named - conflictor. - - Case 2: Remote adds conflictor/file; local has a file named conflictor. -} test_uncommitted_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_uncommitted_conflict_resolution = do check conflictor check (conflictor </> "file") where check remoteconflictor = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin createDirectoryIfMissing True (fromRawFilePath (parentDir (toRawFilePath remoteconflictor))) writecontent remoteconflictor annexedcontent add_annex conflictor "add remoteconflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor localcontent pair r1 r2 -- this case is intentionally not handled -- since the user can recover on their own easily indir r2 $ git_annex_shouldfail "sync" [] "sync should not succeed" conflictor = "conflictor" localcontent = "local" annexedcontent = "annexed" {- On Windows/FAT, repeated conflict resolution sometimes - lost track of whether a file was a symlink. -} test_conflict_resolution_symlink_bit :: Assertion test_conflict_resolution_symlink_bit = unlessM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r3 -> do indir r1 $ do writecontent conflictor "conflictor" git_annex "add" [conflictor] "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" check_is_link conflictor "r1" indir r2 $ do createDirectory conflictor writecontent (conflictor </> "subfile") "subfile" git_annex "add" [conflictor] "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" check_is_link (conflictor </> "subfile") "r2" indir r3 $ do writecontent conflictor "conflictor" git_annex "add" [conflictor] "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" check_is_link (conflictor </> "subfile") "r3" where conflictor = "conflictor" check_is_link f what = do git_annex_expectoutput "find" ["--include=*", f] [fromRawFilePath (Git.FilePath.toInternalGitPath (toRawFilePath f))] l <- annexeval $ Annex.inRepo $ Git.LsTree.lsTreeFiles (Git.LsTree.LsTreeLong False) Git.Ref.headRef [f] all (\i -> Git.Types.toTreeItemType (Git.LsTree.mode i) == Just Git.Types.TreeSymlink) l @? (what ++ " " ++ f ++ " lost symlink bit after merge: " ++ show l) {- An unlocked file that conflicts with a locked file should be resolved - in favor of the unlocked file, with no variant files, as long as they - both point to the same key. -} test_mixed_lock_conflict_resolution :: Assertion test_mixed_lock_conflict_resolution = withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> do indir r1 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor" git_annex "add" [conflictor] "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r1" indir r2 $ do disconnectOrigin writecontent conflictor "conflictor" git_annex "add" [conflictor] "add conflicter" git_annex "unlock" [conflictor] "unlock conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync in r2" pair r1 r2 forM_ [r1,r2,r1] $ \r -> indir r $ git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 where conflictor = "conflictor" variantprefix = conflictor ++ ".variant" checkmerge what d = indir d $ do l <- getDirectoryContents "." let v = filter (variantprefix `isPrefixOf`) l length v == 0 @? (what ++ " not exactly 0 variant files in: " ++ show l) conflictor `elem` l @? ("conflictor not present after conflict resolution") git_annex "get" [conflictor] "get" git_annex_expectoutput "find" [conflictor] [conflictor] -- regular file because it's unlocked checkregularfile conflictor {- Regression test for a bad merge between two adjusted branch repos, - where the same file is added to both independently. The bad merge - emptied the whole tree. -} test_adjusted_branch_merge_regression :: Assertion test_adjusted_branch_merge_regression = do withtmpclonerepo $ \r1 -> withtmpclonerepo $ \r2 -> whenM (adjustedbranchsupported r1) $ do pair r1 r2 setup r1 setup r2 checkmerge "r1" r1 checkmerge "r2" r2 where conflictor = "conflictor" setup r = indir r $ whensupported $ do disconnectOrigin git_annex "upgrade" [] "upgrade" git_annex "adjust" ["--unlock", "--force"] "adjust" writecontent conflictor "conflictor" git_annex "add" [conflictor] "add conflicter" git_annex "sync" [] "sync" checkmerge what d = indir d $ whensupported $ do git_annex "sync" [] ("sync should not work in " ++ what) l <- getDirectoryContents "." conflictor `elem` l @? ("conflictor not present after merge in " ++ what) -- Currently this fails on FAT, for unknown reasons not to -- do with what it's intended to test. whensupported = unlessM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem) {- Regression test for a bug in adjusted branch syncing code, where adding - a subtree to an existing tree lost files. -} test_adjusted_branch_subtree_regression :: Assertion test_adjusted_branch_subtree_regression = withtmpclonerepo $ \r -> whenM (adjustedbranchsupported r) $ do indir r $ do disconnectOrigin origbranch <- annexeval origBranch git_annex "upgrade" [] "upgrade" git_annex "adjust" ["--unlock", "--force"] "adjust" createDirectoryIfMissing True "a/b/c" writecontent "a/b/c/d" "foo" git_annex "add" ["a/b/c"] "add a/b/c" git_annex "sync" [] "sync" createDirectoryIfMissing True "a/b/x" writecontent "a/b/x/y" "foo" git_annex "add" ["a/b/x"] "add a/b/x" git_annex "sync" [] "sync" git "checkout" [origbranch] "git checkout" doesFileExist "a/b/x/y" @? ("a/b/x/y missing from master after adjusted branch sync") {- Set up repos as remotes of each other. -} pair :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertion pair r1 r2 = forM_ [r1, r2] $ \r -> indir r $ do when (r /= r1) $ git "remote" ["add", "r1", "../../" ++ r1] "remote add" when (r /= r2) $ git "remote" ["add", "r2", "../../" ++ r2] "remote add" test_map :: Assertion test_map = intmpclonerepo $ do -- set descriptions, that will be looked for in the map git_annex "describe" [".", "this repo"] "describe 1" git_annex "describe" ["origin", "origin repo"] "describe 2" -- --fast avoids it running graphviz, not a build dependency git_annex "map" ["--fast"] "map" test_uninit :: Assertion test_uninit = intmpclonerepo $ do git_annex "get" [] "get" annexed_present annexedfile -- any exit status is accepted; does abnormal exit git_annex' (const True) "uninit" [] "uninit" checkregularfile annexedfile doesDirectoryExist ".git" @? ".git vanished in uninit" test_uninit_inbranch :: Assertion test_uninit_inbranch = intmpclonerepo $ do git "checkout" ["git-annex"] "git checkout git-annex" git_annex_shouldfail "uninit" [] "uninit should not succeed when git-annex branch is checked out" test_upgrade :: Assertion test_upgrade = intmpclonerepo $ git_annex "upgrade" [] "upgrade" test_whereis :: Assertion test_whereis = intmpclonerepo $ do annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "whereis" [annexedfile] "whereis on non-present file" git_annex "untrust" ["origin"] "untrust" git_annex_shouldfail "whereis" [annexedfile] "whereis should exit nonzero on non-present file only present in untrusted repo" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "whereis" [annexedfile] "whereis on present file" test_hook_remote :: Assertion test_hook_remote = intmpclonerepo $ do #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS git_annex "initremote" (words "foo type=hook encryption=none hooktype=foo") "initremote" createDirectory dir git_config "annex.foo-store-hook" $ "cp $ANNEX_FILE " ++ loc git_config "annex.foo-retrieve-hook" $ "cp " ++ loc ++ " $ANNEX_FILE" git_config "annex.foo-remove-hook" $ "rm -f " ++ loc git_config "annex.foo-checkpresent-hook" $ "if [ -e " ++ loc ++ " ]; then echo $ANNEX_KEY; fi" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] "copy --to hook remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] "move --from hook remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop should not be allowed with numcopies=2" annexed_present annexedfile where dir = "dir" loc = dir ++ "/$ANNEX_KEY" git_config k v = git "config" [k, v] "git config" #else -- this test doesn't work in Windows TODO noop #endif test_directory_remote :: Assertion test_directory_remote = intmpclonerepo $ do createDirectory "dir" git_annex "initremote" (words "foo type=directory encryption=none directory=dir") "initremote" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] "copy --to directory remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] "move --from directory remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop should not be allowed with numcopies=2" annexed_present annexedfile test_rsync_remote :: Assertion test_rsync_remote = intmpclonerepo $ do #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS createDirectory "dir" git_annex "initremote" (words "foo type=rsync encryption=none rsyncurl=dir") "initremote" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] "copy --to rsync remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] "move --from rsync remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop should not be allowed with numcopies=2" annexed_present annexedfile #else noop #endif test_bup_remote :: Assertion test_bup_remote = intmpclonerepo $ when BuildInfo.bup $ do -- bup special remote needs an absolute path dir <- fromRawFilePath <$> absPath (toRawFilePath "dir") createDirectory dir git_annex "initremote" (words $ "foo type=bup encryption=none buprepo="++dir) "initremote" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] "copy --to bup remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] "copy --from bup remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] "move --from bup remote" annexed_present annexedfile -- gpg is not a build dependency, so only test when it's available test_crypto :: Assertion #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS test_crypto = do testscheme "shared" testscheme "hybrid" testscheme "pubkey" where gpgcmd = Utility.Gpg.mkGpgCmd Nothing testscheme scheme = do abstmp <- fromRawFilePath <$> absPath (toRawFilePath tmpdir) testscheme' scheme abstmp testscheme' scheme abstmp = intmpclonerepo $ do gpgtmp <- (</> "gpgtmp") . fromRawFilePath <$> relPathCwdToFile (toRawFilePath abstmp) createDirectoryIfMissing False gpgtmp Utility.Gpg.testTestHarness gpgtmp gpgcmd @? "test harness self-test failed" void $ Utility.Gpg.testHarness gpgtmp gpgcmd $ do createDirectory "dir" let initps = [ "foo" , "type=directory" , "encryption=" ++ scheme , "directory=dir" , "highRandomQuality=false" ] ++ if scheme `elem` ["hybrid","pubkey"] then ["keyid=" ++ Utility.Gpg.testKeyId] else [] git_annex "initremote" initps "initremote" git_annex_shouldfail "initremote" initps "initremote should not work when run twice in a row" git_annex "enableremote" initps "enableremote" git_annex "enableremote" initps "enableremote when run twice in a row" git_annex "get" [annexedfile] "get of file" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "copy" [annexedfile, "--to", "foo"] "copy --to encrypted remote" (c,k) <- annexeval $ do uuid <- Remote.nameToUUID "foo" rs <- Logs.Remote.readRemoteLog Just k <- Annex.WorkTree.lookupKey (toRawFilePath annexedfile) return (fromJust $ M.lookup uuid rs, k) let key = if scheme `elem` ["hybrid","pubkey"] then Just $ Utility.Gpg.KeyIds [Utility.Gpg.testKeyId] else Nothing testEncryptedRemote scheme key c [k] @? "invalid crypto setup" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop" annexed_notpresent annexedfile git_annex "move" [annexedfile, "--from", "foo"] "move --from encrypted remote" annexed_present annexedfile git_annex_shouldfail "drop" [annexedfile, "--numcopies=2"] "drop should not be allowed with numcopies=2" annexed_present annexedfile {- Ensure the configuration complies with the encryption scheme, and - that all keys are encrypted properly for the given directory remote. -} testEncryptedRemote scheme ks c keys = case Remote.Helper.Encryptable.extractCipher pc of Just cip@Crypto.SharedCipher{} | scheme == "shared" && isNothing ks -> checkKeys cip Nothing Just cip@(Crypto.EncryptedCipher encipher v ks') | checkScheme v && keysMatch ks' -> checkKeys cip (Just v) <&&> checkCipher encipher ks' _ -> return False where pc = either (const (Types.Remote.ParsedRemoteConfig mempty mempty)) id $ Remote.Helper.Encryptable.parseEncryptionConfig c keysMatch (Utility.Gpg.KeyIds ks') = maybe False (\(Utility.Gpg.KeyIds ks2) -> sort (nub ks2) == sort (nub ks')) ks checkCipher encipher = Utility.Gpg.checkEncryptionStream gpgcmd encipher . Just checkScheme Types.Crypto.Hybrid = scheme == "hybrid" checkScheme Types.Crypto.PubKey = scheme == "pubkey" checkKeys cip mvariant = do dummycfg <- Types.GitConfig.dummyRemoteGitConfig let encparams = (Types.Remote.ParsedRemoteConfig mempty mempty, dummycfg) cipher <- Crypto.decryptCipher gpgcmd encparams cip files <- filterM doesFileExist $ map ("dir" </>) $ concatMap (serializeKeys cipher) keys return (not $ null files) <&&> allM (checkFile mvariant) files checkFile mvariant filename = Utility.Gpg.checkEncryptionFile gpgcmd filename $ if mvariant == Just Types.Crypto.PubKey then ks else Nothing serializeKeys cipher = map fromRawFilePath . Annex.Locations.keyPaths . Crypto.encryptKey Types.Crypto.HmacSha1 cipher #else test_crypto = putStrLn "gpg testing not implemented on Windows" #endif test_add_subdirs :: Assertion test_add_subdirs = intmpclonerepo $ do createDirectory "dir" writecontent ("dir" </> "foo") $ "dir/" ++ content annexedfile git_annex "add" ["dir"] "add of subdir" {- Regression test for Windows bug where symlinks were not - calculated correctly for files in subdirs. -} unlessM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode) $ do git_annex "sync" [] "sync" l <- annexeval $ Utility.FileSystemEncoding.decodeBL <$> Annex.CatFile.catObject (Git.Types.Ref (encodeBS "HEAD:dir/foo")) "../.git/annex/" `isPrefixOf` l @? ("symlink from subdir to .git/annex is wrong: " ++ l) createDirectory "dir2" writecontent ("dir2" </> "foo") $ content annexedfile setCurrentDirectory "dir" git_annex "add" [".." </> "dir2"] "add of ../subdir" test_addurl :: Assertion test_addurl = intmpclonerepo $ do -- file:// only; this test suite should not hit the network let filecmd c ps = git_annex c ("-cannex.security.allowed-url-schemes=file" : ps) f <- fromRawFilePath <$> absPath (toRawFilePath "myurl") let url = replace "\\" "/" ("file:///" ++ dropDrive f) writecontent f "foo" git_annex_shouldfail "addurl" [url] "addurl should not work on file url" filecmd "addurl" [url] ("addurl on " ++ url) let dest = "addurlurldest" filecmd "addurl" ["--file", dest, url] ("addurl on " ++ url ++ " with --file") doesFileExist dest @? (dest ++ " missing after addurl --file") test_export_import :: Assertion test_export_import = intmpclonerepo $ do createDirectory "dir" git_annex "initremote" (words "foo type=directory encryption=none directory=dir exporttree=yes importtree=yes") "initremote" git_annex "get" [] "get of files" annexed_present annexedfile -- Nothing to commit, but this makes sure the master branch -- is in sync with the adjusted branch, which it may not be -- depending on how the repository was set up. commitchanges origbranch <- annexeval origBranch git_annex "export" [origbranch, "--to", "foo"] "export to dir" dircontains annexedfile (content annexedfile) writedir "import" (content "import") git_annex "import" [origbranch, "--from", "foo"] "import from dir" git_annex "merge" ["foo/" ++ origbranch] "git annex merge" annexed_present_imported "import" removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath "import") writecontent "import" (content "newimport1") git_annex "add" ["import"] "add of import" commitchanges git_annex "export" [origbranch, "--to", "foo"] "export modified file to dir" dircontains "import" (content "newimport1") -- verify that export refuses to overwrite modified file writedir "import" (content "newimport2") removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath "import") writecontent "import" (content "newimport3") git_annex "add" ["import"] "add of import" commitchanges git_annex_shouldfail "export" [origbranch, "--to", "foo"] "export should not work in conflict" dircontains "import" (content "newimport2") -- resolving import conflict git_annex "import" [origbranch, "--from", "foo"] "import from dir" git_shouldfail "merge" ["foo/master", "-mmerge"] "git merge of conflict should exit nonzero" removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath "import") writecontent "import" (content "newimport3") git_annex "add" ["import"] "add of import" commitchanges git_annex "export" [origbranch, "--to", "foo"] "export after import conflict" dircontains "import" (content "newimport3") where dircontains f v = ((v==) <$> readFile ("dir" </> f)) @? ("did not find expected content of " ++ "dir" </> f) writedir f = writecontent ("dir" </> f) -- When on an adjusted branch, this updates the master branch -- to match it, which is necessary since the master branch is going -- to be exported. commitchanges = git_annex "sync" ["--no-pull", "--no-push"] "sync" test_export_import_subdir :: Assertion test_export_import_subdir = intmpclonerepo $ do createDirectory "dir" git_annex "initremote" (words "foo type=directory encryption=none directory=dir exporttree=yes importtree=yes") "initremote" git_annex "get" [] "get of files" annexed_present annexedfile createDirectory subdir git "mv" [annexedfile, subannexedfile] "git mv" git "commit" ["-m", "moved"] "git commit" -- When on an adjusted branch, this updates the master branch -- to match it, which is necessary since the master branch is going -- to be exported. git_annex "sync" ["--no-pull", "--no-push"] "sync" -- Run three times because there was a bug that took a couple -- of runs to lead to the wrong tree being written to the remote -- tracking branch. testimport testexport testimport testexport testimport testexport where dircontains f v = ((v==) <$> readFile ("dir" </> f)) @? ("did not find expected content of " ++ "dir" </> f) subdir = "subdir" subannexedfile = "subdir" </> annexedfile testexport = do origbranch <- annexeval origBranch git_annex "export" [origbranch++":"++subdir, "--to", "foo"] "export of subdir" dircontains annexedfile (content annexedfile) testimport = do origbranch <- annexeval origBranch git_annex "import" [origbranch++":"++subdir, "--from", "foo"] "import of subdir" git_annex "merge" ["foo/master"] "git annex merge foo/master" -- Make sure that import did not import the file to the top -- of the repo. checkdoesnotexist annexedfile