{- git-annex repository fixups - - Copyright 2013-2020 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Annex.Fixup where import Git.Types import Git.Config import Types.GitConfig import Utility.Path import Utility.Path.AbsRel import Utility.SafeCommand import Utility.Directory import Utility.Exception import Utility.Monad import Utility.FileSystemEncoding import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R import Utility.PartialPrelude import System.IO import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IfElse import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString as S import System.FilePath.ByteString import Control.Applicative import Prelude fixupRepo :: Repo -> GitConfig -> IO Repo fixupRepo r c = do let r' = disableWildcardExpansion r r'' <- fixupUnusualRepos r' c if annexDirect c then return (fixupDirect r'') else return r'' {- Disable git's built-in wildcard expansion, which is not wanted - when using it as plumbing by git-annex. -} disableWildcardExpansion :: Repo -> Repo disableWildcardExpansion r = r { gitGlobalOpts = gitGlobalOpts r ++ [Param "--literal-pathspecs"] } {- Direct mode repos have core.bare=true, but are not really bare. - Fix up the Repo to be a non-bare repo, and arrange for git commands - run by git-annex to be passed parameters that override this setting. -} fixupDirect :: Repo -> Repo fixupDirect r@(Repo { location = l@(Local { gitdir = d, worktree = Nothing }) }) = do r { location = l { worktree = Just (parentDir d) } , gitGlobalOpts = gitGlobalOpts r ++ [ Param "-c" , Param $ fromConfigKey coreBare ++ "=" ++ boolConfig False ] } fixupDirect r = r {- Submodules have their gitdir containing ".git/modules/", and - have core.worktree set, and also have a .git file in the top - of the repo. We need to unset core.worktree, and change the .git - file into a symlink to the git directory. This way, annex symlinks will be - of the usual .git/annex/object form, and will consistently work - whether a repo is used as a submodule or not, and wheverever the - submodule is mounted. - - git-worktree directories have a .git file. - That needs to be converted to a symlink, and .git/annex made a symlink - to the main repository's git-annex directory. - The worktree shares git config with the main repository, so the same - annex uuid and other configuration will be used in the worktree as in - the main repository. - - git clone or init with --separate-git-dir similarly makes a .git file, - which in that case points to a different git directory. It's - also converted to a symlink so links to .git/annex will work. - - When the filesystem doesn't support symlinks, we cannot make .git - into a symlink. But we don't need too, since the repo will use adjusted - unlocked branches. - - Don't do any of this if the repo has not been initialized for git-annex - use yet. -} fixupUnusualRepos :: Repo -> GitConfig -> IO Repo fixupUnusualRepos r@(Repo { location = l@(Local { worktree = Just w, gitdir = d }) }) c | isNothing (annexVersion c) = return r | needsSubmoduleFixup r = do when (coreSymlinks c) $ (replacedotgit >> unsetcoreworktree) `catchNonAsync` \e -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "warning: unable to convert submodule to form that will work with git-annex: " ++ show e return $ r' { config = M.delete "core.worktree" (config r) } | otherwise = ifM (needsGitLinkFixup r) ( do when (coreSymlinks c) $ (replacedotgit >> worktreefixup) `catchNonAsync` \e -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "warning: unable to convert .git file to symlink that will work with git-annex: " ++ show e return r' , return r ) where dotgit = w </> ".git" replacedotgit = whenM (doesFileExist (fromRawFilePath dotgit)) $ do linktarget <- relPathDirToFile w d removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink dotgit R.createSymbolicLink linktarget dotgit -- Unsetting a config fails if it's not set, so ignore failure. unsetcoreworktree = void $ Git.Config.unset "core.worktree" r worktreefixup = -- git-worktree sets up a "commondir" file that contains -- the path to the main git directory. -- Using --separate-git-dir does not. catchDefaultIO Nothing (headMaybe . lines <$> readFile (fromRawFilePath (d </> "commondir"))) >>= \case Just gd -> do -- Make the worktree's git directory -- contain an annex symlink to the main -- repository's annex directory. let linktarget = toRawFilePath gd </> "annex" R.createSymbolicLink linktarget (dotgit </> "annex") Nothing -> return () -- Repo adjusted, so that symlinks to objects that get checked -- in will have the usual path, rather than pointing off to the -- real .git directory. r' | coreSymlinks c = r { location = l { gitdir = dotgit } } | otherwise = r fixupUnusualRepos r _ = return r needsSubmoduleFixup :: Repo -> Bool needsSubmoduleFixup (Repo { location = (Local { worktree = Just _, gitdir = d }) }) = (".git" </> "modules") `S.isInfixOf` d needsSubmoduleFixup _ = False needsGitLinkFixup :: Repo -> IO Bool needsGitLinkFixup (Repo { location = (Local { worktree = Just wt, gitdir = d }) }) -- Optimization: Avoid statting .git in the common case; only -- when the gitdir is not in the usual place inside the worktree -- might .git be a file. | wt </> ".git" == d = return False | otherwise = doesFileExist (fromRawFilePath (wt </> ".git")) needsGitLinkFixup _ = return False