[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="""comment 11"""
Switched from MissingH to cryptonite for md5. It did move md5 out of the top CPU spot but
the overall runtime didn't change much. Memory allocations did go down by a
good amount.

Updated profiles:

	           git-annex +RTS -p -RTS find
	        total time  =        1.63 secs   (1629 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
	        total alloc = 1,496,336,496 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
	COST CENTRE              MODULE                     SRC                                             %time %alloc
	catchIO                  Utility.Exception          Utility/Exception.hs:79:1-17                     14.1   15.1
	inAnnex'.checkindirect   Annex.Content              Annex/Content.hs:(108,9)-(119,39)                10.6    4.8
	catches                  Control.Monad.Catch        src/Control/Monad/Catch.hs:(432,1)-(436,76)       8.6    6.9
	spanList                 Data.List.Utils            src/Data/List/Utils.hs:(150,1)-(155,36)           6.7   11.1
	isAnnexLink              Annex.Link                 Annex/Link.hs:35:1-85                             5.0   10.2
	keyFile                  Annex.Locations            Annex/Locations.hs:(456,1)-(462,19)               5.0    7.0
	readish                  Utility.PartialPrelude     Utility/PartialPrelude.hs:(48,1)-(50,20)          3.8    2.0
	startswith               Data.List.Utils            src/Data/List/Utils.hs:103:1-23                   3.6    2.3
	splitc                   Utility.Misc               Utility/Misc.hs:(52,1)-(54,25)                    3.4    6.5
	s2w8                     Data.Bits.Utils            src/Data/Bits/Utils.hs:65:1-15                    2.6    6.4
	keyPath                  Annex.Locations            Annex/Locations.hs:(492,1)-(494,23)               2.5    4.4
	fileKey.unesc            Annex.Locations            Annex/Locations.hs:(469,9)-(474,39)               2.0    3.5
	copyAndFreeze            Data.ByteArray.Methods     Data/ByteArray/Methods.hs:(224,1)-(227,21)        1.8    0.5

	           git-annex +RTS -p -RTS find --not --in web
	        total time  =        5.33 secs   (5327 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
	        total alloc = 2,908,489,000 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)
	COST CENTRE          MODULE                     SRC                                             %time %alloc
	catObjectDetails.\   Git.CatFile                Git/CatFile.hs:(80,72)-(88,97)                    7.8    2.8
	catchIO              Utility.Exception          Utility/Exception.hs:79:1-17                      7.6    8.3
	spanList             Data.List.Utils            src/Data/List/Utils.hs:(150,1)-(155,36)           5.8    9.1
	readish              Utility.PartialPrelude     Utility/PartialPrelude.hs:(48,1)-(50,20)          4.5    4.0
	parseResp            Git.CatFile                Git/CatFile.hs:(113,1)-(124,28)                   4.4    2.9
	readFileStrict       Utility.Misc               Utility/Misc.hs:33:1-59                           3.7    1.6
	catches              Control.Monad.Catch        src/Control/Monad/Catch.hs:(432,1)-(436,76)       3.1    3.6
	encodeW8             Utility.FileSystemEncoding Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs:(131,1)-(133,70)    3.1    2.3