{- P2P protocol over HTTP, server state - - https://git-annex.branchable.com/design/p2p_protocol_over_http/ - - Copyright 2024 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module P2P.Http.State where import Annex.Common import qualified Annex import P2P.Http.Types import qualified P2P.Protocol as P2P import qualified P2P.IO as P2P import P2P.IO import P2P.Annex import Annex.UUID import Types.WorkerPool import Annex.WorkerPool import CmdLine.Action (startConcurrency) import Servant import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.STM data P2PHttpServerState = P2PHttpServerState { acquireP2PConnection :: AcquireP2PConnection , annexWorkerPool :: AnnexWorkerPool , getServerMode :: GetServerMode , openLocks :: TMVar (M.Map LockID Locker) } type AnnexWorkerPool = TMVar (WorkerPool (Annex.AnnexState, Annex.AnnexRead)) -- Nothing when the server is not allowed to serve any requests. type GetServerMode = IsSecure -> Maybe Auth -> Maybe P2P.ServerMode mkP2PHttpServerState :: AcquireP2PConnection -> AnnexWorkerPool -> GetServerMode -> IO P2PHttpServerState mkP2PHttpServerState acquireconn annexworkerpool getservermode = P2PHttpServerState <$> pure acquireconn <*> pure annexworkerpool <*> pure getservermode <*> newTMVarIO mempty data ActionClass = ReadAction | WriteAction | RemoveAction deriving (Eq) withP2PConnection :: APIVersion v => v -> P2PHttpServerState -> B64UUID ClientSide -> B64UUID ServerSide -> [B64UUID Bypass] -> IsSecure -> Maybe Auth -> ActionClass -> (P2PConnectionPair -> Handler (Either ProtoFailure a)) -> Handler a withP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass connaction = do conn <- getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass id connaction' conn `finally` liftIO (releaseP2PConnection conn) where connaction' conn = connaction conn >>= \case Right r -> return r Left err -> throwError $ err500 { errBody = encodeBL (describeProtoFailure err) } getP2PConnection :: APIVersion v => v -> P2PHttpServerState -> B64UUID ClientSide -> B64UUID ServerSide -> [B64UUID Bypass] -> IsSecure -> Maybe Auth -> ActionClass -> (ConnectionParams -> ConnectionParams) -> Handler P2PConnectionPair getP2PConnection apiver st cu su bypass sec auth actionclass fconnparams = case (getServerMode st sec auth, actionclass) of (Just P2P.ServeReadWrite, _) -> go P2P.ServeReadWrite (Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly, RemoveAction) -> throwError err403 (Just P2P.ServeAppendOnly, _) -> go P2P.ServeAppendOnly (Just P2P.ServeReadOnly, ReadAction) -> go P2P.ServeReadOnly (Just P2P.ServeReadOnly, _) -> throwError err403 (Nothing, _) -> throwError basicAuthRequired where go servermode = liftIO (acquireP2PConnection st cp) >>= \case Left (ConnectionFailed err) -> throwError err502 { errBody = encodeBL err } Left TooManyConnections -> throwError err503 Right v -> return v where cp = fconnparams $ ConnectionParams { connectionProtocolVersion = protocolVersion apiver , connectionServerUUID = fromB64UUID su , connectionClientUUID = fromB64UUID cu , connectionBypass = map fromB64UUID bypass , connectionServerMode = servermode , connectionWaitVar = True } basicAuthRequired :: ServerError basicAuthRequired = err401 { errHeaders = [(h, v)] } where h = "WWW-Authenticate" v = "Basic realm=\"git-annex\", charset=\"UTF-8\"" data ConnectionParams = ConnectionParams { connectionProtocolVersion :: P2P.ProtocolVersion , connectionServerUUID :: UUID , connectionClientUUID :: UUID , connectionBypass :: [UUID] , connectionServerMode :: P2P.ServerMode , connectionWaitVar :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data ConnectionProblem = ConnectionFailed String | TooManyConnections deriving (Show, Eq) data P2PConnectionPair = P2PConnectionPair { clientRunState :: RunState , clientP2PConnection :: P2PConnection , serverP2PConnection :: P2PConnection , releaseP2PConnection :: IO () } proxyClientNetProto :: P2PConnectionPair -> P2P.Proto a -> IO (Either P2P.ProtoFailure a) proxyClientNetProto conn = runNetProto (clientRunState conn) (clientP2PConnection conn) type AcquireP2PConnection = ConnectionParams -> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair) {- Acquire P2P connections to the local repository. -} withLocalP2PConnections :: AnnexWorkerPool -> (AcquireP2PConnection -> Annex a) -> Annex a withLocalP2PConnections workerpool a = do myuuid <- getUUID reqv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO relv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO asyncservicer <- liftIO $ async $ servicer myuuid reqv relv a (acquireconn reqv) `finally` join (liftIO (wait asyncservicer)) where acquireconn reqv connparams = do respvar <- newEmptyTMVarIO atomically $ putTMVar reqv (connparams, respvar) atomically $ takeTMVar respvar servicer myuuid reqv relv = do reqrel <- liftIO $ atomically $ (Right <$> takeTMVar reqv) `orElse` (Left <$> takeTMVar relv) case reqrel of Right (connparams, respvar) -> servicereq myuuid relv connparams >>= atomically . putTMVar respvar Left releaseconn -> releaseconn servicer myuuid reqv relv servicereq myuuid relv connparams | connectionServerUUID connparams /= myuuid = return $ Left $ ConnectionFailed "unknown uuid" | otherwise = mkP2PConnectionPair connparams relv $ \serverrunst serverconn -> inAnnexWorker' workerpool $ void $ runFullProto serverrunst serverconn $ P2P.serveOneCommandAuthed (connectionServerMode connparams) (connectionServerUUID connparams) mkP2PConnectionPair :: ConnectionParams -> TMVar (IO ()) -> (RunState -> P2PConnection -> IO (Either SomeException ())) -> IO (Either ConnectionProblem P2PConnectionPair) mkP2PConnectionPair connparams relv startworker = do hdl1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO hdl2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO wait1 <- newEmptyTMVarIO wait2 <- newEmptyTMVarIO let h1 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl1 $ if connectionWaitVar connparams then Just wait1 else Nothing let h2 = P2PHandleTMVar hdl2 $ if connectionWaitVar connparams then Just wait2 else Nothing let serverconn = P2PConnection Nothing (const True) h1 h2 (ConnIdent (Just "http server")) let clientconn = P2PConnection Nothing (const True) h2 h1 (ConnIdent (Just "http client")) clientrunst <- mkclientrunst serverrunst <- mkserverrunst asyncworker <- async $ startworker serverrunst serverconn let releaseconn = atomically $ putTMVar relv $ liftIO $ wait asyncworker >>= either throwM return return $ Right $ P2PConnectionPair { clientRunState = clientrunst , clientP2PConnection = clientconn , serverP2PConnection = serverconn , releaseP2PConnection = releaseconn } where mkserverrunst = do prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams mkRunState $ const $ Serving (connectionClientUUID connparams) Nothing prototvar mkclientrunst = do prototvar <- newTVarIO $ connectionProtocolVersion connparams mkRunState $ const $ Client prototvar data Locker = Locker { lockerThread :: Async () , lockerVar :: TMVar Bool -- ^ Left empty until the thread has taken the lock -- (or failed to do so), then True while the lock is held, -- and setting to False causes the lock to be released. } mkLocker :: IO () -> IO () -> IO (Maybe (Locker, LockID)) mkLocker lock unlock = do lv <- newEmptyTMVarIO let setlocked = putTMVar lv tid <- async $ tryNonAsync lock >>= \case Left _ -> do atomically $ setlocked False unlock Right () -> do atomically $ setlocked True atomically $ do v <- takeTMVar lv if v then retry else setlocked False unlock locksuccess <- atomically $ readTMVar lv if locksuccess then do lckid <- B64UUID <$> genUUID return (Just (Locker tid lv, lckid)) else do wait tid return Nothing storeLock :: LockID -> Locker -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO () storeLock lckid locker st = atomically $ do m <- takeTMVar (openLocks st) let !m' = M.insert lckid locker m putTMVar (openLocks st) m' dropLock :: LockID -> P2PHttpServerState -> IO () dropLock lckid st = do v <- atomically $ do m <- takeTMVar (openLocks st) let (mlocker, !m') = M.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) lckid m putTMVar (openLocks st) m' case mlocker of Nothing -> return Nothing -- Signal to the locker's thread that it can release the lock. Just locker -> do _ <- swapTMVar (lockerVar locker) False return (Just locker) case v of Nothing -> return () Just locker -> wait (lockerThread locker) getAnnexWorkerPool :: (AnnexWorkerPool -> Annex a) -> Annex a getAnnexWorkerPool a = startConcurrency transferStages $ Annex.getState Annex.workers >>= \case Nothing -> giveup "Use -Jn or set annex.jobs to configure the number of worker threads." Just wp -> a wp inAnnexWorker :: P2PHttpServerState -> Annex a -> IO (Either SomeException a) inAnnexWorker st = inAnnexWorker' (annexWorkerPool st) inAnnexWorker' :: AnnexWorkerPool -> Annex a -> IO (Either SomeException a) inAnnexWorker' poolv annexaction = do (workerstrd, workerstage) <- atomically $ waitStartWorkerSlot poolv resv <- newEmptyTMVarIO aid <- async $ do (res, strd) <- Annex.run workerstrd annexaction atomically $ putTMVar resv res return strd atomically $ do pool <- takeTMVar poolv let !pool' = addWorkerPool (ActiveWorker aid workerstage) pool putTMVar poolv pool' (res, workerstrd') <- waitCatch aid >>= \case Right strd -> do r <- atomically $ takeTMVar resv return (Right r, strd) Left err -> return (Left err, workerstrd) atomically $ do pool <- takeTMVar poolv let !pool' = deactivateWorker pool aid workerstrd' putTMVar poolv pool' return res