{- types for SQL databases - - Copyright 2015-2019 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} module Database.Types ( module Database.Types, Key, EpochTime, FileSize, ) where import Database.Persist.Class hiding (Key) import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Key) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A import System.PosixCompat.Types import Data.Int import Data.Text.Read import Foreign.C.Types import Key import Utility.InodeCache import Utility.FileSize import Utility.FileSystemEncoding import Git.Types import Types.UUID import Types.Import instance PersistField Key where toPersistValue = toPersistValue . L.toStrict . serializeKey' fromPersistValue b = fromPersistValue b >>= parse where parse = either (Left . T.pack) Right . A.parseOnly keyParser -- A key can contain arbitrarily encoded characters, so store in sqlite as a -- blob to avoid encoding problems. instance PersistFieldSql Key where sqlType _ = SqlBlob instance PersistField InodeCache where toPersistValue = toPersistValue . showInodeCache fromPersistValue b = fromPersistValue b >>= parse where parse s = maybe (Left $ T.pack $ "bad serialized InodeCache "++ s) Right (readInodeCache s) instance PersistFieldSql InodeCache where sqlType _ = SqlString instance PersistField UUID where toPersistValue u = toPersistValue b where b :: S.ByteString b = fromUUID u fromPersistValue v = toUUID <$> go where go :: Either T.Text S.ByteString go = fromPersistValue v instance PersistFieldSql UUID where sqlType _ = SqlBlob instance PersistField ContentIdentifier where toPersistValue (ContentIdentifier b) = toPersistValue b fromPersistValue v = ContentIdentifier <$> go where go :: Either T.Text S.ByteString go = fromPersistValue v instance PersistFieldSql ContentIdentifier where sqlType _ = SqlBlob -- A serialized FilePath. Stored as a ByteString to avoid encoding problems. newtype SFilePath = SFilePath S.ByteString deriving (Eq, Show) toSFilePath :: FilePath -> SFilePath toSFilePath = SFilePath . encodeBS fromSFilePath :: SFilePath -> FilePath fromSFilePath (SFilePath b) = decodeBS b instance PersistField SFilePath where toPersistValue (SFilePath b) = toPersistValue b fromPersistValue v = SFilePath <$> fromPersistValue v instance PersistFieldSql SFilePath where sqlType _ = SqlBlob -- A serialized git Sha newtype SSha = SSha String deriving (Eq, Show) toSSha :: Sha -> SSha toSSha (Ref s) = SSha s fromSSha :: SSha -> Ref fromSSha (SSha s) = Ref s instance PersistField SSha where toPersistValue (SSha b) = toPersistValue b fromPersistValue v = SSha <$> fromPersistValue v instance PersistFieldSql SSha where sqlType _ = SqlString -- A FileSize could be stored as an Int64, but some systems could -- conceivably have a larger filesize, and no math is ever done with them -- in sqlite, so store a string instead. instance PersistField FileSize where toPersistValue = toPersistValue . show fromPersistValue v = fromPersistValue v >>= parse where parse = either (Left . T.pack) (Right . fst) . decimal instance PersistFieldSql FileSize where sqlType _ = SqlString -- Store EpochTime as an Int64, to allow selecting values in a range. instance PersistField EpochTime where toPersistValue (CTime t) = toPersistValue (fromIntegral t :: Int64) fromPersistValue v = CTime . fromIntegral <$> go where go :: Either T.Text Int64 go = fromPersistValue v instance PersistFieldSql EpochTime where sqlType _ = SqlInt64