{- git-annex assistant repository repair - - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Assistant.Repair where import Assistant.Common import Command.Repair (repairAnnexBranch, trackingOrSyncBranch) import Git.Fsck (FsckResults, foundBroken) import Git.Repair (runRepairOf) import qualified Git import qualified Remote import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import Logs.FsckResults import Annex.UUID import Utility.Batch import Config.Files import Assistant.Sync import Assistant.Alert import Assistant.DaemonStatus import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer #ifdef WITH_WEBAPP import Assistant.WebApp.Types import qualified Data.Text as T #endif import qualified Utility.Lsof as Lsof import Utility.ThreadScheduler import Control.Concurrent.Async {- When the FsckResults require a repair, tries to do a non-destructive - repair. If that fails, pops up an alert. -} repairWhenNecessary :: UrlRenderer -> UUID -> Maybe Remote -> FsckResults -> Assistant Bool repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u mrmt fsckresults | foundBroken fsckresults = do liftAnnex $ writeFsckResults u fsckresults repodesc <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID u ok <- alertWhile (repairingAlert repodesc) (runRepair u mrmt False) #ifdef WITH_WEBAPP unless ok $ do button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Click Here") urlrenderer $ RepairRepositoryR u void $ addAlert $ brokenRepositoryAlert [button] #endif return ok | otherwise = return False runRepair :: UUID -> Maybe Remote -> Bool -> Assistant Bool runRepair u mrmt destructiverepair = do fsckresults <- liftAnnex $ readFsckResults u myu <- liftAnnex getUUID ok <- if u == myu then localrepair fsckresults else remoterepair fsckresults liftAnnex $ clearFsckResults u debug [ "Repaired", show u, show ok ] return ok where localrepair fsckresults = do -- Stop the watcher from running while running repairs. changeSyncable Nothing False -- This intentionally runs the repair inside the Annex -- monad, which is not strictly necessary, but keeps -- other threads that might be trying to use the Annex -- from running until it completes. ok <- liftAnnex $ repair fsckresults Nothing -- Run a background fast fsck if a destructive repair had -- to be done, to ensure that the git-annex branch -- reflects the current state of the repo. when destructiverepair $ backgroundfsck [ Param "--fast" ] -- Start the watcher running again. This also triggers it to -- do a startup scan, which is especially important if the -- git repo repair removed files from the index file. Those -- files will be seen as new, and re-added to the repository. when (ok || destructiverepair) $ changeSyncable Nothing True return ok remoterepair fsckresults = case Remote.repairRepo =<< mrmt of Nothing -> return False Just mkrepair -> do thisrepopath <- liftIO . absPath =<< liftAnnex (fromRepo Git.repoPath) a <- liftAnnex $ mkrepair $ repair fsckresults (Just thisrepopath) liftIO $ catchBoolIO a repair fsckresults referencerepo = do (ok, modifiedbranches) <- inRepo $ runRepairOf fsckresults trackingOrSyncBranch destructiverepair referencerepo when destructiverepair $ repairAnnexBranch modifiedbranches return ok backgroundfsck params = liftIO $ void $ async $ do program <- readProgramFile batchCommand program (Param "fsck" : params) {- Detect when a git lock file exists and has no git process currently - writing to it. This strongly suggests it is a stale lock file. - - However, this could be on a network filesystem. Which is not very safe - anyway (the assistant relies on being able to check when files have - no writers to know when to commit them). Also, a few lock-file-ish - things used by git are not kept open, particularly MERGE_HEAD. - - So, just in case, when the lock file appears stale, we delay for one - minute, and check its size. If the size changed, delay for another - minute, and so on. This will at work to detect when another machine - is writing out a new index file, since git does so by writing the - new content to index.lock. - - Returns true if locks were cleaned up. -} repairStaleGitLocks :: Git.Repo -> Assistant Bool repairStaleGitLocks r = do lockfiles <- liftIO $ filter islock <$> findgitfiles r repairStaleLocks lockfiles return $ not $ null lockfiles where findgitfiles = dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (== dropTrailingPathSeparator annexDir) True . Git.localGitDir islock f | "gc.pid" `isInfixOf` f = False | ".lock" `isSuffixOf` f = True | takeFileName f == "MERGE_HEAD" = True | otherwise = False repairStaleLocks :: [FilePath] -> Assistant () repairStaleLocks lockfiles = go =<< getsizes where getsize lf = catchMaybeIO $ (\s -> (lf, fileSize s)) <$> getFileStatus lf getsizes = liftIO $ catMaybes <$> mapM getsize lockfiles go [] = return () go l = ifM (liftIO $ null <$> Lsof.query ("--" : map fst l)) ( do waitforit "to check stale git lock file" l' <- getsizes if l' == l then liftIO $ mapM_ nukeFile (map fst l) else go l' , do waitforit "for git lock file writer" go =<< getsizes ) waitforit why = do notice ["Waiting for 60 seconds", why] liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds $ Seconds 60