[[!comment format=mdwn username="hugo" ip="" subject="'content-length' error" date="2014-10-05T19:40:23Z" content=""" I moved a big PDF to Google Drive (with shared encryption). Now, when I try to get it again: get Documents/Guyau - The Non-Religion of the Future, nonreligionoffut00guyarich.pdf (from googledrive...) (gpg) Traceback (most recent call last): File \"/usr/bin/git-annex-remote-googledrive\", line 411, in common.startRemote() File \"/usr/share/googledriveannex-git/lib/CommonFunctions.py\", line 555, in startRemote sys.modules[\"__main__\"].transfer(line) File \"/usr/bin/git-annex-remote-googledrive\", line 372, in transfer if getFile(line[2], \" \".join(line[3:]), folder): File \"/usr/bin/git-annex-remote-googledrive\", line 257, in getFile ret = common.fetchPage({\"link\": download_url, \"headers\": [(\"Authorization\", \"Bearer \" + credentials.access_token)], \"progress\": \"true\"}) File \"/usr/share/googledriveannex-git/lib/CommonFunctions.py\", line 207, in fetchPage totalsize = int(con.headers['content-length']) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/rfc822.py\", line 388, in __getitem__ return self.dict[name.lower()] KeyError: 'content-length' It works for smaller files. Is there a limit on the file size? """]]