{- Stall detection for transfers.
 - Copyright 2020-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.

module Annex.StallDetection (detectStalls, StallDetection) where

import Annex.Common
import Types.StallDetection
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.HumanTime
import Utility.DataUnits
import Utility.ThreadScheduler

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)

{- This may be safely canceled (with eg uninterruptibleCancel),
 - as long as the passed action can be safely canceled. -}
detectStalls :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Maybe StallDetection -> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed) -> m () -> m ()
detectStalls Nothing _ _ = noop
detectStalls (Just StallDetectionDisabled) _ _ = noop
detectStalls (Just (StallDetection minsz duration)) metervar onstall =
	detectStalls' minsz duration metervar onstall Nothing
detectStalls (Just ProbeStallDetection) metervar onstall = do
	-- Only do stall detection once the progress is confirmed to be
	-- consistently updating. After the first update, it needs to
	-- advance twice within 30 seconds. With that established,
	-- if no data at all is sent for a 60 second period, it's
	-- assumed to be a stall.
	v <- getval >>= waitforfirstupdate
	ontimelyadvance v $ \v' -> ontimelyadvance v' $
		detectStalls' 1 duration metervar onstall
	getval = liftIO $ atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
		<$> readTVar metervar
	duration = Duration 60

	delay = Seconds (fromIntegral (durationSeconds duration) `div` 2)
	waitforfirstupdate startval = do
		liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds delay
		v <- getval
		if v > startval
			then return v
			else waitforfirstupdate startval

	ontimelyadvance v cont = do
		liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds delay
		v' <- getval
		when (v' > v) $
			cont v'

	:: (Monad m, MonadIO m)
	=> ByteSize
	-> Duration
	-> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed)
	-> m ()
	-> Maybe ByteSize
	-> m ()
detectStalls' minsz duration metervar onstall st = do
	liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds delay
	-- Get whatever progress value was reported most recently, if any.
	v <- liftIO $ atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
		<$> readTVar metervar
	let cont = detectStalls' minsz duration metervar onstall v
	case (st, v) of
		(Nothing, _) -> cont
		(_, Nothing) -> cont
		(Just prev, Just sofar)
			-- Just in case a progress meter somehow runs
			-- backwards, or a second progress meter was
			-- started and is at a smaller value than
			-- the previous one.
			| prev > sofar -> cont
			| sofar - prev < minsz -> onstall
			| otherwise -> cont
	delay = Seconds (fromIntegral (durationSeconds duration))