{- Past and present tense text. - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> - - License: BSD-2-clause -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Utility.Tense where import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Exts( IsString(..) ) data Tense = Present | Past deriving (Eq) data TenseChunk = Tensed Text Text | UnTensed Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) newtype TenseText = TenseText [TenseChunk] deriving (Eq, Ord) {- Allows OverloadedStrings to be used, to build UnTensed chunks. -} instance IsString TenseChunk where fromString = UnTensed . T.pack {- Allows OverloadedStrings to be used, to provide UnTensed TenseText. -} instance IsString TenseText where fromString s = TenseText [fromString s] renderTense :: Tense -> TenseText -> Text renderTense tense (TenseText chunks) = T.concat $ map render chunks where render (Tensed present past) | tense == Present = present | otherwise = past render (UnTensed s) = s {- Builds up a TenseText, separating chunks with spaces. - - However, rather than just intersperse new chunks for the spaces, - the spaces are appended to the end of the chunks. -} tenseWords :: [TenseChunk] -> TenseText tenseWords = TenseText . go [] where go c [] = reverse c go c (w:[]) = reverse (w:c) go c ((UnTensed w):ws) = go (UnTensed (addspace w) : c) ws go c ((Tensed w1 w2):ws) = go (Tensed (addspace w1) (addspace w2) : c) ws addspace w = T.append w " " unTensed :: Text -> TenseText unTensed t = TenseText [UnTensed t]