{- git-annex vector clocks
 - These are basically a timestamp. However, when logging a new
 - value, if the old value has a vector clock that is the same or greater
 - than the current vector clock, the old vector clock is incremented.
 - This way, clock skew does not cause confusion.
 - Copyright 2017-2021 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.

module Annex.VectorClock (
	module Annex.VectorClock,
	module Types.VectorClock,
) where

import Types.VectorClock
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Utility.TimeStamp

import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A

currentVectorClock :: Annex CandidateVectorClock
currentVectorClock = liftIO =<< Annex.getState Annex.getvectorclock

-- Runs the action and uses the same vector clock throughout,
-- except when it's necessary to use a newer one due to a past value having
-- a newer vector clock.
-- When the action modifies several files in the git-annex branch,
-- this can cause less space to be used, since the same vector clock
-- value is used, which can compress better.
-- However, this should not be used when running a long-duration action,
-- because the vector clock is based on the start of the action, and not on 
-- the later points where it writes changes. For example, if this were
-- used across downloads of several files, the location log information
-- would have an earlier vector clock than necessary, which might cause it
-- to be disregarded in favor of other information that was collected
-- at an earlier point in time than when the transfers completted and the
-- log was written.
reuseVectorClockWhile :: Annex a -> Annex a
reuseVectorClockWhile = bracket setup cleanup . const
	setup = do
		origget <- Annex.getState Annex.getvectorclock
		vc <- liftIO origget
		use (pure vc)
		return origget

	cleanup origget = use origget

	use vc = Annex.changeState $ \s ->
		s { Annex.getvectorclock = vc }

-- Convert a candidate vector clock in to the final one to use,
-- advancing it if necessary when necessary to get ahead of a previously
-- used vector clock.
advanceVectorClock :: CandidateVectorClock -> [VectorClock] -> VectorClock
advanceVectorClock (CandidateVectorClock c) [] = VectorClock c
advanceVectorClock (CandidateVectorClock c) prevs
	| prev >= VectorClock c = case prev of
		VectorClock v -> VectorClock (v + 1)
		Unknown -> VectorClock c
	| otherwise = VectorClock c
	prev = maximum prevs

formatVectorClock :: VectorClock -> String
formatVectorClock Unknown = "0"
formatVectorClock (VectorClock t) = show t

buildVectorClock :: VectorClock -> Builder
buildVectorClock = string7 . formatVectorClock

parseVectorClock :: String -> Maybe VectorClock
parseVectorClock t = VectorClock <$> parsePOSIXTime t

vectorClockParser :: A.Parser VectorClock
vectorClockParser = VectorClock <$> parserPOSIXTime