[[!comment format=mdwn username="gaknuyardi@f7280525ccd44eafd8d1485ec087f27532efd2e9" nickname="gaknuyardi" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/2cfaf95a0836c7a00ef3efb16c3315ae" subject="Understanding encrypted special remote folder structure" date="2023-03-22T19:26:55Z" content=""" @joey While inspecting my special remote (rsync, encryption=hybrid) I noticed that a couple files ended up in the same folder tree, is that normal or is something wrong? Obfuscated tree output below. ``` ├── [ 0] xxx │ └── [ 0] yyy │ ├── [ 0] GPGHMACSHA512--1234 │ │ └── [29M] GPGHMACSHA512--1234 │ └── [ 0] GPGHMACSHA512--5678 │ └── [ 2G] GPGHMACSHA512--5678 ``` """]]