[[!comment format=mdwn username="git@3af0a87771c4b55bee8a599b934914cd98d4bc0b" nickname="git" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6e2a7e8679033ad4a5df260c0ac721f5" subject="comment 22" date="2020-09-10T17:12:57Z" content=""" Well, better two packagers than zero :-) If I figured out what happened, it was my question here that prompted Joey to update git-annex to make WebDAV a requirement, which in turn prompted you to package the new dependencies in order to update the package in Guix. Complaint-driven packaging ;-) It wasn't a waste of time either, because at that occasion I found out that the Guix infrastructure for Haskell code is very nice. I hadn't done much more than import the packages from Hackage. """]]