{- git-annex transfer information files and lock files - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Logs.Transfer where import Common.Annex import Annex.Perms import Annex.Exception import qualified Git import Types.Key import Utility.Metered import Utility.Percentage import Utility.QuickCheck import Utility.PID #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS import Utility.WinLock #endif import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Time import System.Locale import Control.Concurrent {- Enough information to uniquely identify a transfer, used as the filename - of the transfer information file. -} data Transfer = Transfer { transferDirection :: Direction , transferUUID :: UUID , transferKey :: Key } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) {- Information about a Transfer, stored in the transfer information file. - - Note that the associatedFile may not correspond to a file in the local - git repository. It's some file, possibly relative to some directory, - of some repository, that was acted on to initiate the transfer. -} data TransferInfo = TransferInfo { startedTime :: Maybe POSIXTime , transferPid :: Maybe PID , transferTid :: Maybe ThreadId , transferRemote :: Maybe Remote , bytesComplete :: Maybe Integer , associatedFile :: Maybe FilePath , transferPaused :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) stubTransferInfo :: TransferInfo stubTransferInfo = TransferInfo Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False data Direction = Upload | Download deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) showLcDirection :: Direction -> String showLcDirection Upload = "upload" showLcDirection Download = "download" readLcDirection :: String -> Maybe Direction readLcDirection "upload" = Just Upload readLcDirection "download" = Just Download readLcDirection _ = Nothing describeTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> String describeTransfer t info = unwords [ show $ transferDirection t , show $ transferUUID t , fromMaybe (key2file $ transferKey t) (associatedFile info) , show $ bytesComplete info ] {- Transfers that will accomplish the same task. -} equivilantTransfer :: Transfer -> Transfer -> Bool equivilantTransfer t1 t2 | transferDirection t1 == Download && transferDirection t2 == Download && transferKey t1 == transferKey t2 = True | otherwise = t1 == t2 percentComplete :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Maybe Percentage percentComplete (Transfer { transferKey = key }) info = percentage <$> keySize key <*> Just (fromMaybe 0 $ bytesComplete info) {- Generates a callback that can be called as transfer progresses to update - the transfer info file. Also returns the file it'll be updating, and a - MVar that can be used to read the number of bytesComplete. -} mkProgressUpdater :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex (MeterUpdate, FilePath, MVar Integer) mkProgressUpdater t info = do tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t _ <- tryAnnex $ createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory tfile mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar 0 return (liftIO . updater tfile mvar, tfile, mvar) where updater tfile mvar b = modifyMVar_ mvar $ \oldbytes -> do let newbytes = fromBytesProcessed b if newbytes - oldbytes >= mindelta then do let info' = info { bytesComplete = Just newbytes } _ <- tryIO $ writeTransferInfoFile info' tfile return newbytes else return oldbytes {- The minimum change in bytesComplete that is worth - updating a transfer info file for is 1% of the total - keySize, rounded down. -} mindelta = case keySize (transferKey t) of Just sz -> sz `div` 100 Nothing -> 100 * 1024 -- arbitrarily, 100 kb startTransferInfo :: Maybe FilePath -> IO TransferInfo startTransferInfo file = TransferInfo <$> (Just . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> getCurrentTime) #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS <*> pure Nothing -- pid not stored in file, so omitted for speed #else <*> (Just <$> getPID) #endif <*> pure Nothing -- tid ditto <*> pure Nothing -- not 0; transfer may be resuming <*> pure Nothing <*> pure file <*> pure False {- If a transfer is still running, returns its TransferInfo. -} checkTransfer :: Transfer -> Annex (Maybe TransferInfo) checkTransfer t = do tfile <- fromRepo $ transferFile t #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS mode <- annexFileMode mfd <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ openFd (transferLockFile tfile) ReadOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags case mfd of Nothing -> return Nothing -- failed to open file; not running Just fd -> do locked <- liftIO $ getLock fd (WriteLock, AbsoluteSeek, 0, 0) liftIO $ closeFd fd case locked of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (pid, _) -> liftIO $ catchDefaultIO Nothing $ readTransferInfoFile (Just pid) tfile #else v <- liftIO $ lockShared $ transferLockFile tfile liftIO $ case v of Nothing -> catchDefaultIO Nothing $ readTransferInfoFile Nothing tfile Just lockhandle -> do dropLock lockhandle void $ tryIO $ removeFile $ transferLockFile tfile return Nothing #endif {- Gets all currently running transfers. -} getTransfers :: Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)] getTransfers = do transfers <- mapMaybe parseTransferFile . concat <$> findfiles infos <- mapM checkTransfer transfers return $ map (\(t, Just i) -> (t, i)) $ filter running $ zip transfers infos where findfiles = liftIO . mapM dirContentsRecursive =<< mapM (fromRepo . transferDir) [Download, Upload] running (_, i) = isJust i {- Gets failed transfers for a given remote UUID. -} getFailedTransfers :: UUID -> Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)] getFailedTransfers u = catMaybes <$> (liftIO . getpairs =<< concat <$> findfiles) where getpairs = mapM $ \f -> do let mt = parseTransferFile f mi <- readTransferInfoFile Nothing f return $ case (mt, mi) of (Just t, Just i) -> Just (t, i) _ -> Nothing findfiles = liftIO . mapM dirContentsRecursive =<< mapM (fromRepo . failedTransferDir u) [Download, Upload] clearFailedTransfers :: UUID -> Annex [(Transfer, TransferInfo)] clearFailedTransfers u = do failed <- getFailedTransfers u mapM_ (removeFailedTransfer . fst) failed return failed removeFailedTransfer :: Transfer -> Annex () removeFailedTransfer t = do f <- fromRepo $ failedTransferFile t liftIO $ void $ tryIO $ removeFile f recordFailedTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex () recordFailedTransfer t info = do failedtfile <- fromRepo $ failedTransferFile t createAnnexDirectory $ takeDirectory failedtfile liftIO $ writeTransferInfoFile info failedtfile {- The transfer information file to use for a given Transfer. -} transferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath transferFile (Transfer direction u key) r = transferDir direction r </> filter (/= '/') (fromUUID u) </> keyFile key {- The transfer information file to use to record a failed Transfer -} failedTransferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath failedTransferFile (Transfer direction u key) r = failedTransferDir u direction r </> keyFile key {- The transfer lock file corresponding to a given transfer info file. -} transferLockFile :: FilePath -> FilePath transferLockFile infofile = let (d,f) = splitFileName infofile in combine d ("lck." ++ f) {- Parses a transfer information filename to a Transfer. -} parseTransferFile :: FilePath -> Maybe Transfer parseTransferFile file | "lck." `isPrefixOf` takeFileName file = Nothing | otherwise = case drop (length bits - 3) bits of [direction, u, key] -> Transfer <$> readLcDirection direction <*> pure (toUUID u) <*> fileKey key _ -> Nothing where bits = splitDirectories file writeTransferInfoFile :: TransferInfo -> FilePath -> IO () writeTransferInfoFile info tfile = writeFileAnyEncoding tfile $ writeTransferInfo info {- File format is a header line containing the startedTime and any - bytesComplete value. Followed by a newline and the associatedFile. - - On unix, the transferPid is not included; instead it is obtained - by looking at the process that locks the file. - - On windows, the transferPid is included, as a second line. -} writeTransferInfo :: TransferInfo -> String writeTransferInfo info = unlines [ (maybe "" show $ startedTime info) ++ (maybe "" (\b -> ' ' : show b) (bytesComplete info)) #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS , maybe "" show (transferPid info) #endif , fromMaybe "" $ associatedFile info -- comes last; arbitrary content ] readTransferInfoFile :: Maybe PID -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe TransferInfo) readTransferInfoFile mpid tfile = catchDefaultIO Nothing $ readTransferInfo mpid <$> readFileStrictAnyEncoding tfile readTransferInfo :: Maybe PID -> String -> Maybe TransferInfo readTransferInfo mpid s = TransferInfo <$> time #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS <*> pure (if isJust mpid then mpid else mpid') #else <*> pure mpid #endif <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing <*> bytes <*> pure (if null filename then Nothing else Just filename) <*> pure False where #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS (firstline, otherlines) = separate (== '\n') s (secondline, rest) = separate (== '\n') otherlines mpid' = readish secondline #else (firstline, rest) = separate (== '\n') s #endif filename | end rest == "\n" = beginning rest | otherwise = rest bits = split " " firstline numbits = length bits time = if numbits > 0 then Just <$> parsePOSIXTime =<< headMaybe bits else pure Nothing -- not failure bytes = if numbits > 1 then Just <$> readish =<< headMaybe (drop 1 bits) else pure Nothing -- not failure parsePOSIXTime :: String -> Maybe POSIXTime parsePOSIXTime s = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" s {- The directory holding transfer information files for a given Direction. -} transferDir :: Direction -> Git.Repo -> FilePath transferDir direction r = gitAnnexTransferDir r </> showLcDirection direction {- The directory holding failed transfer information files for a given - Direction and UUID -} failedTransferDir :: UUID -> Direction -> Git.Repo -> FilePath failedTransferDir u direction r = gitAnnexTransferDir r </> "failed" </> showLcDirection direction </> filter (/= '/') (fromUUID u) instance Arbitrary TransferInfo where arbitrary = TransferInfo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure Nothing -- cannot generate a ThreadID <*> pure Nothing -- remote not needed <*> arbitrary -- associated file cannot be empty (but can be Nothing) <*> arbitrary `suchThat` (/= Just "") <*> arbitrary prop_read_write_transferinfo :: TransferInfo -> Bool prop_read_write_transferinfo info | isJust (transferRemote info) = True -- remote not stored | isJust (transferTid info) = True -- tid not stored | otherwise = Just (info { transferPaused = False }) == info' where info' = readTransferInfo (transferPid info) (writeTransferInfo info)