{- git-annex test suite framework
 - Copyright 2010-2019 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
 - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.


module Test.Framework where

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Runners
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Control.Concurrent

import Common
import Types.Test

import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.UUID
import qualified Types.RepoVersion
import qualified Backend
import qualified Git.CurrentRepo
import qualified Git.Construct
import qualified Git.Types
import qualified Types.KeySource
import qualified Types.Backend
import qualified Types
import qualified Remote
import qualified Key
import qualified Types.Key
import qualified Types.Messages
import qualified Config
import qualified Annex.WorkTree
import qualified Annex.Link
import qualified Annex.Path
import qualified Annex.Action
import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch
import qualified Utility.Process
import qualified Utility.Env
import qualified Utility.Env.Set
import qualified Utility.Exception
import qualified Utility.ThreadScheduler
import qualified Utility.Tmp.Dir
import qualified Utility.Metered
import qualified Utility.SafeCommand
import qualified Command.Uninit

-- Run git-annex.
git_annex :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool
git_annex command params = do
	pp <- Annex.Path.programPath
	Utility.SafeCommand.boolSystem pp $
		map Utility.SafeCommand.Param (command:params)

-- For when git-annex is expected to fail.
-- Run with -q to squelch error.
git_annex_shouldfail :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool
git_annex_shouldfail command params = not <$> git_annex command ("-q":params)

{- Runs git-annex and returns its output. -}
git_annex_output :: String -> [String] -> IO String
git_annex_output command params = do
	pp <- Annex.Path.programPath
	Utility.Process.readProcess pp (command:params)

git_annex_expectoutput :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
git_annex_expectoutput command params expected = do
	got <- lines <$> git_annex_output command params
	got == expected @? ("unexpected value running " ++ command ++ " " ++ show params ++ " -- got: " ++ show got ++ " expected: " ++ show expected)

-- Runs an action in the current annex. Note that shutdown actions
-- are not run; this should only be used for actions that query state.
annexeval :: Types.Annex a -> IO a
annexeval a = do
	s <- Annex.new =<< Git.CurrentRepo.get
	Annex.eval s $ do
		Annex.setOutput Types.Messages.QuietOutput
		a `finally` Annex.Action.stopCoProcesses

innewrepo :: IO () -> IO ()
innewrepo a = withgitrepo $ \r -> indir r a

inmainrepo :: IO a -> IO a
inmainrepo a = do
	d <- mainrepodir
	indir d a

with_ssh_origin :: (Assertion -> Assertion) -> (Assertion -> Assertion)
with_ssh_origin cloner a = cloner $ do
	let k = Git.Types.ConfigKey (encodeBS' config)
	let v = Git.Types.ConfigValue (toRawFilePath "/dev/null")
	origindir <- absPath . Git.Types.fromConfigValue =<< annexeval (Config.getConfig k v)
	let originurl = "localhost:" ++ origindir
	boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param config, Param originurl] @? "git config failed"
	config = "remote.origin.url"

intmpclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
intmpclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo $ \r -> indir r a

checkRepo :: Types.Annex a -> FilePath -> IO a
checkRepo getval d = do
	s <- Annex.new =<< Git.Construct.fromPath d
	Annex.eval s $
		getval `finally` Annex.Action.stopCoProcesses

intmpbareclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
intmpbareclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo' (newCloneRepoConfig { bareClone = True } ) $
	\r -> indir r a

intmpsharedclonerepo :: Assertion -> Assertion
intmpsharedclonerepo a = withtmpclonerepo' (newCloneRepoConfig { sharedClone = True } ) $
	\r -> indir r a

withtmpclonerepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
withtmpclonerepo = withtmpclonerepo' newCloneRepoConfig

withtmpclonerepo' :: CloneRepoConfig -> (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
withtmpclonerepo' cfg a = do
	dir <- tmprepodir
	maindir <- mainrepodir
	clone <- clonerepo maindir dir cfg
	r <- tryNonAsync (a clone)
	case r of
		Right () -> return ()
		Left e -> do
			whenM (keepFailures <$> getTestMode) $
				putStrLn $ "** Preserving repo for failure analysis in " ++ clone
			throwM e

disconnectOrigin :: Assertion
disconnectOrigin = boolSystem "git" [Param "remote", Param "rm", Param "origin"] @? "remote rm"

withgitrepo :: (FilePath -> Assertion) -> Assertion
withgitrepo a = do
	maindir <- mainrepodir
	bracket (setuprepo maindir) return a

indir :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
indir dir a = do
	currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
	-- Assertion failures throw non-IO errors; catch
	-- any type of error and change back to currdir before
	-- rethrowing.
	r <- bracket_
		(changeToTmpDir dir)
		(setCurrentDirectory currdir)
		(tryNonAsync a)
	case r of
		Right v -> return v
		Left e -> throwM e

adjustedbranchsupported :: FilePath -> IO Bool
adjustedbranchsupported repo = indir repo $ Annex.AdjustedBranch.isGitVersionSupported

setuprepo :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
setuprepo dir = do
	cleanup dir
	boolSystem "git" [Param "init", Param "-q", File dir] @? "git init failed"
	configrepo dir
	return dir

data CloneRepoConfig = CloneRepoConfig
	{ bareClone :: Bool
	, sharedClone :: Bool

newCloneRepoConfig :: CloneRepoConfig
newCloneRepoConfig = CloneRepoConfig
	{ bareClone = False
	, sharedClone = False

-- clones are always done as local clones; we cannot test ssh clones
clonerepo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> CloneRepoConfig -> IO FilePath
clonerepo old new cfg = do
	cleanup new
	let cloneparams = catMaybes
		[ Just $ Param "clone"
		, Just $ Param "-q"
		, if bareClone cfg then Just (Param "--bare") else Nothing
		, if sharedClone cfg then Just (Param "--shared") else Nothing
		, Just $ File old
		, Just $ File new
	boolSystem "git" cloneparams @? "git clone failed"
	configrepo new
	indir new $ do
		ver <- annexVersion <$> getTestMode
		git_annex "init" ["-q", new, "--version", show (Types.RepoVersion.fromRepoVersion ver)] @? "git annex init failed"
	unless (bareClone cfg) $
		indir new $
	return new

configrepo :: FilePath -> IO ()
configrepo dir = indir dir $ do
	-- ensure git is set up to let commits happen
	boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "user.name", Param "Test User"] @? "git config failed"
	boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "user.email", Param "test@example.com"] @? "git config failed"
	-- avoid signed commits by test suite
	boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "commit.gpgsign", Param "false"] @? "git config failed"
	-- tell git-annex to not annex the ingitfile
	boolSystem "git"
		[ Param "config"
		, Param "annex.largefiles"
		, Param ("exclude=" ++ ingitfile)
		] @? "git config annex.largefiles failed"

ensuretmpdir :: IO ()
ensuretmpdir = do
	e <- doesDirectoryExist tmpdir
	unless e $
		createDirectory tmpdir
{- Prevent global git configs from affecting the test suite. -}
isolateGitConfig :: IO a -> IO a
isolateGitConfig a = Utility.Tmp.Dir.withTmpDir "testhome" $ \tmphome -> do
	tmphomeabs <- absPath tmphome
	Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "HOME" tmphomeabs True
	Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" tmphomeabs True
	Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM" "1" True

removeDirectoryForCleanup :: FilePath -> IO ()
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,7)
removeDirectoryForCleanup = removePathForcibly
removeDirectoryForCleanup = removeDirectoryRecursive

cleanup :: FilePath -> IO ()
cleanup dir = whenM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $ do
	Command.Uninit.prepareRemoveAnnexDir' dir
	-- This can fail if files in the directory are still open by a
	-- subprocess.
	void $ tryIO $ removeDirectoryForCleanup dir

finalCleanup :: IO ()
finalCleanup = whenM (doesDirectoryExist tmpdir) $ do
	Command.Uninit.prepareRemoveAnnexDir' tmpdir
	catchIO (removeDirectoryForCleanup tmpdir) $ \e -> do
		print e
		putStrLn "sleeping 10 seconds and will retry directory cleanup"
		Utility.ThreadScheduler.threadDelaySeconds $
			Utility.ThreadScheduler.Seconds 10
		whenM (doesDirectoryExist tmpdir) $ do
			removeDirectoryForCleanup tmpdir

checklink :: FilePath -> Assertion
checklink f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
	( (isJust <$> annexeval (Annex.Link.getAnnexLinkTarget (toRawFilePath f)))
		@? f ++ " is not a (crippled) symlink"
	, do
		s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
		isSymbolicLink s @? f ++ " is not a symlink"

checkregularfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkregularfile f = do
	s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
	isRegularFile s @? f ++ " is not a normal file"
	return ()

checkdoesnotexist :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkdoesnotexist f = 
	(either (const True) (const False) <$> Utility.Exception.tryIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f))
		@? f ++ " exists unexpectedly"

checkexists :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkexists f = 
	(either (const False) (const True) <$> Utility.Exception.tryIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f))
		@? f ++ " does not exist"

checkcontent :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkcontent f = do
	c <- Utility.Exception.catchDefaultIO "could not read file" $ readFile f
	assertEqual ("checkcontent " ++ f) (content f) c

checkunwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkunwritable f = do
	-- Look at permissions bits rather than trying to write or
	-- using fileAccess because if run as root, any file can be
	-- modified despite permissions.
	s <- getFileStatus f
	let mode = fileMode s
	when (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode) $
		assertFailure $ "able to modify annexed file's " ++ f ++ " content"

checkwritable :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkwritable f = do
	s <- getFileStatus f
	let mode = fileMode s
	unless (mode == mode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode) $
		assertFailure $ "unable to modify " ++ f

checkdangling :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkdangling f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
	( return () -- probably no real symlinks to test
	, do
		r <- tryIO $ readFile f
		case r of
			Left _ -> return () -- expected; dangling link
			Right _ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " was not a dangling link as expected"

checklocationlog :: FilePath -> Bool -> Assertion
checklocationlog f expected = do
	thisuuid <- annexeval Annex.UUID.getUUID
	r <- annexeval $ Annex.WorkTree.lookupFile (toRawFilePath f)
	case r of
		Just k -> do
			uuids <- annexeval $ Remote.keyLocations k
			assertEqual ("bad content in location log for " ++ f ++ " key " ++ Key.serializeKey k ++ " uuid " ++ show thisuuid)
				expected (thisuuid `elem` uuids)
		_ -> assertFailure $ f ++ " failed to look up key"

checkbackend :: FilePath -> Types.Backend -> Assertion
checkbackend file expected = do
	b <- annexeval $ maybe (return Nothing) (Backend.getBackend file) 
		=<< Annex.WorkTree.lookupFile (toRawFilePath file)
	assertEqual ("backend for " ++ file) (Just expected) b

checkispointerfile :: FilePath -> Assertion
checkispointerfile f = unlessM (isJust <$> Annex.Link.isPointerFile (toRawFilePath f)) $
	assertFailure $ f ++ " is not a pointer file"

inlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
inlocationlog f = checklocationlog f True

notinlocationlog :: FilePath -> Assertion
notinlocationlog f = checklocationlog f False

runchecks :: [FilePath -> Assertion] -> FilePath -> Assertion
runchecks [] _ = return ()
runchecks (a:as) f = do
	a f
	runchecks as f

annexed_notpresent :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_notpresent f = ifM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
	( annexed_notpresent_unlocked f
	, annexed_notpresent_locked f

annexed_notpresent_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_notpresent_locked = runchecks [checklink, checkdangling, notinlocationlog]

annexed_notpresent_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_notpresent_unlocked = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkispointerfile, notinlocationlog]

annexed_present :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_present f = ifM (hasUnlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
	( annexed_present_unlocked f
	, annexed_present_locked f

annexed_present_locked :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_present_locked f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
	( runchecks [checklink, inlocationlog] f
	, runchecks [checklink, checkcontent, checkunwritable, inlocationlog] f

annexed_present_unlocked :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_present_unlocked = runchecks
	[checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable, inlocationlog]
annexed_present_imported :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_present_imported f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
	( annexed_present_unlocked f
	, ifM (adjustedUnlockedBranch <$> getTestMode) 
		( annexed_present_unlocked f
		, annexed_present_locked f

annexed_notpresent_imported :: FilePath -> Assertion
annexed_notpresent_imported f = ifM (annexeval Config.crippledFileSystem)
	( annexed_notpresent_unlocked f
	, ifM (adjustedUnlockedBranch <$> getTestMode)
		( annexed_notpresent_unlocked f
		, annexed_notpresent_locked f

unannexed :: FilePath -> Assertion
unannexed = runchecks [checkregularfile, checkcontent, checkwritable]

add_annex :: FilePath -> IO Bool
add_annex f = ifM (unlockedFiles <$> getTestMode)
	( boolSystem "git" [Param "add", File f]
	, git_annex "add" [f]

data TestMode = TestMode
	{ unlockedFiles :: Bool
	, adjustedUnlockedBranch :: Bool
	, annexVersion :: Types.RepoVersion.RepoVersion
	, keepFailures :: Bool
	} deriving (Read, Show)

testMode :: TestOptions -> Types.RepoVersion.RepoVersion -> TestMode
testMode opts v = TestMode
	{ unlockedFiles = False
	, adjustedUnlockedBranch = False
	, annexVersion = v
	, keepFailures = keepFailuresOption opts

hasUnlockedFiles :: TestMode -> Bool
hasUnlockedFiles m = unlockedFiles m || adjustedUnlockedBranch m

withTestMode :: TestMode -> Maybe TestTree -> TestTree -> TestTree
withTestMode testmode minittests = withResource prepare release . const
	prepare = do
		setTestMode testmode
		setmainrepodir =<< newmainrepodir
		case minittests of
			Just inittests ->
				case tryIngredients [consoleTestReporter] mempty inittests of
					Nothing -> error "No tests found!?"
					Just act -> unlessM act $
						error "init tests failed! cannot continue"
			Nothing -> return ()
	release _ = noop

setTestMode :: TestMode -> IO ()
setTestMode testmode = do
	currdir <- getCurrentDirectory
	p <- Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "PATH" ""

	mapM_ (\(var, val) -> Utility.Env.Set.setEnv var val True)
		-- Ensure that the just-built git annex is used.
		[ ("PATH", currdir ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ p)
		, ("TOPDIR", currdir)
		-- Avoid git complaining if it cannot determine the user's
		-- email address, or exploding if it doesn't know the user's
		-- name.
		, ("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "test@example.com")
		, ("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "git-annex test")
		, ("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "test@example.com")
		, ("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "git-annex test")
		-- force gpg into batch mode for the tests
		, ("GPG_BATCH", "1")
		-- Make git and git-annex access ssh remotes on the local
		-- filesystem, without using ssh at all.
		, ("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "git-annex test --fakessh --")
		, ("GIT_ANNEX_USE_GIT_SSH", "1")
		, ("TESTMODE", show testmode)
runFakeSsh :: [String] -> IO ()
runFakeSsh ("-n":ps) = runFakeSsh ps
runFakeSsh (_host:cmd:[]) = do
	(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess (shell cmd)
	exitWith =<< waitForProcess pid
runFakeSsh ps = error $ "fake ssh option parse error: " ++ show ps

getTestMode :: IO TestMode
getTestMode = Prelude.read <$> Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "TESTMODE" ""

setupTestMode :: IO ()
setupTestMode = do
	testmode <- getTestMode
	when (adjustedUnlockedBranch testmode) $ do
		boolSystem "git" [Param "commit", Param "--allow-empty", Param "-m", Param "empty"] @? "git commit failed"
		git_annex "adjust" ["--unlock"] @? "git annex adjust failed"

changeToTmpDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
changeToTmpDir t = do
	topdir <- Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "TOPDIR" (error "TOPDIR not set")
	setCurrentDirectory $ topdir ++ "/" ++ t

tmpdir :: String
tmpdir = ".t"

mainrepodir :: IO FilePath
mainrepodir = Utility.Env.getEnvDefault "MAINREPODIR"
	(giveup "MAINREPODIR not set")

setmainrepodir :: FilePath -> IO ()
setmainrepodir d = Utility.Env.Set.setEnv "MAINREPODIR" d True

newmainrepodir :: IO FilePath
newmainrepodir = go (0 :: Int)
	go n = do
		let d = tmpdir </> "main" ++ show n
		ifM (doesDirectoryExist d)
			( go $ n + 1
			, do
				createDirectory d
				return d

tmprepodir :: IO FilePath
tmprepodir = go (0 :: Int)
	go n = do
		let d = tmpdir </> "tmprepo" ++ show n
		ifM (doesDirectoryExist d)
			( go $ n + 1
			, return d

annexedfile :: String
annexedfile = "foo"

annexedfiledup :: String
annexedfiledup = "foodup"

wormannexedfile :: String
wormannexedfile = "apple"

sha1annexedfile :: String
sha1annexedfile = "sha1foo"

sha1annexedfiledup :: String
sha1annexedfiledup = "sha1foodup"

ingitfile :: String
ingitfile = "bar.c"

content :: FilePath -> String		
content f
	| f == annexedfile = "annexed file content"
	| f == ingitfile = "normal file content"
	| f == sha1annexedfile ="sha1 annexed file content"
	| f == annexedfiledup = content annexedfile
	| f == sha1annexedfiledup = content sha1annexedfile
	| f == wormannexedfile = "worm annexed file content"
	| "import" `isPrefixOf` f = "imported content"
	| otherwise = "unknown file " ++ f

-- Writes new content to a file, and makes sure that it has a different
-- mtime than it did before
writecontent :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writecontent f c = go (10000000 :: Integer)
	go ticsleft = do
		oldmtime <- catchMaybeIO $ getModificationTime f
		writeFile f c
		newmtime <- getModificationTime f
		if Just newmtime == oldmtime
			then do
				threadDelay 100000
				let ticsleft' = ticsleft - 100000
				if ticsleft' > 0
					then go ticsleft'
					else do
						hPutStrLn stderr "file mtimes do not seem to be changing (tried for 10 seconds)"
						hFlush stderr
						return ()
			else return ()

changecontent :: FilePath -> IO ()
changecontent f = writecontent f $ changedcontent f

changedcontent :: FilePath -> String
changedcontent f = content f ++ " (modified)"

backendSHA1 :: Types.Backend
backendSHA1 = backend_ "SHA1"

backendSHA256 :: Types.Backend
backendSHA256 = backend_ "SHA256"

backendSHA256E :: Types.Backend
backendSHA256E = backend_ "SHA256E"

backendWORM :: Types.Backend
backendWORM = backend_ "WORM"

backend_ :: String -> Types.Backend
backend_ = Backend.lookupBackendVariety . Types.Key.parseKeyVariety . encodeBS

getKey :: Types.Backend -> FilePath -> IO Types.Key
getKey b f = case Types.Backend.getKey b of
	Just a -> annexeval $ a ks Utility.Metered.nullMeterUpdate
	Nothing -> error "internal"
	ks = Types.KeySource.KeySource
		{ Types.KeySource.keyFilename = toRawFilePath f
		, Types.KeySource.contentLocation = toRawFilePath f
		, Types.KeySource.inodeCache = Nothing