{- Checks system configuration and generates SysConfig.hs. -} import System.Directory import Data.List import System.Cmd.Utils import Build.TestConfig tests :: [TestCase] tests = [ TestCase "version" getVersion , TestCase "git" $ requireCmd "git" "git --version >/dev/null" , TestCase "git version" getGitVersion , testCp "cp_a" "-a" , testCp "cp_p" "-p" , testCp "cp_reflink_auto" "--reflink=auto" , TestCase "uuid generator" $ selectCmd "uuid" ["uuid", "uuidgen"] "" , TestCase "xargs -0" $ requireCmd "xargs_0" "xargs -0 </dev/null" , TestCase "rsync" $ requireCmd "rsync" "rsync --version >/dev/null" , TestCase "curl" $ testCmd "curl" "curl --version >/dev/null" , TestCase "wget" $ testCmd "wget" "wget --version >/dev/null" , TestCase "bup" $ testCmd "bup" "bup --version >/dev/null" , TestCase "gpg" $ testCmd "gpg" "gpg --version >/dev/null" ] ++ shaTestCases [1, 256, 512, 224, 384] shaTestCases :: [Int] -> [TestCase] shaTestCases l = map make l where make n = let cmds = map (\x -> "sha" ++ show n ++ x) ["", "sum"] key = "sha" ++ show n in TestCase key $ maybeSelectCmd key cmds "</dev/null" tmpDir :: String tmpDir = "tmp" testFile :: String testFile = tmpDir ++ "/testfile" testCp :: ConfigKey -> String -> TestCase testCp k option = TestCase cmd $ testCmd k run where cmd = "cp " ++ option run = cmd ++ " " ++ testFile ++ " " ++ testFile ++ ".new" {- Pulls package version out of the changelog. -} getVersion :: Test getVersion = do version <- getVersionString return $ Config "packageversion" (StringConfig version) getVersionString :: IO String getVersionString = do changelog <- readFile "CHANGELOG" let verline = head $ lines changelog return $ middle (words verline !! 1) where middle = drop 1 . init getGitVersion :: Test getGitVersion = do (_, s) <- pipeFrom "git" ["--version"] let version = last $ words $ head $ lines s return $ Config "gitversion" (StringConfig version) {- Set up cabal file with version. -} cabalSetup :: IO () cabalSetup = do version <- getVersionString cabal <- readFile cabalfile writeFile tmpcabalfile $ unlines $ map (setfield "Version" version) $ lines cabal renameFile tmpcabalfile cabalfile where cabalfile = "git-annex.cabal" tmpcabalfile = cabalfile++".tmp" setfield field value s | fullfield `isPrefixOf` s = fullfield ++ value | otherwise = s where fullfield = field ++ ": " setup :: IO () setup = do createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDir writeFile testFile "test file contents" cleanup :: IO () cleanup = removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir main :: IO () main = do setup config <- runTests tests writeSysConfig config cleanup cabalSetup