{- WebDAV remotes. - - Copyright 2012-2021 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Remote.WebDAV (remote, davCreds, configUrl) where import Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L8 import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(..), RequestBody) import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpExceptionContent(..), responseStatus) import Network.HTTP.Types import System.IO.Error import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Concurrent.STM hiding (check) import Annex.Common import Types.Remote import Types.Export import Types.Backend import qualified Git import qualified Annex import Config import Config.Cost import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config import Remote.Helper.Special import Remote.Helper.Http import Remote.Helper.ExportImport import qualified Remote.Helper.Chunked.Legacy as Legacy import Creds import Utility.Metered import Utility.Url (URLString, matchStatusCodeException, matchHttpExceptionContent) import Annex.UUID import Remote.WebDAV.DavLocation import Types.ProposedAccepted remote :: RemoteType remote = specialRemoteType $ RemoteType { typename = "webdav" , enumerate = const (findSpecialRemotes "webdav") , generate = gen , configParser = mkRemoteConfigParser [ optionalStringParser urlField (FieldDesc "(required) url to the WebDAV directory") , optionalStringParser davcredsField HiddenField ] , setup = webdavSetup , exportSupported = exportIsSupported , importSupported = importUnsupported , thirdPartyPopulated = False } urlField :: RemoteConfigField urlField = Accepted "url" davcredsField :: RemoteConfigField davcredsField = Accepted "davcreds" gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> RemoteStateHandle -> Annex (Maybe Remote) gen r u rc gc rs = do c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc new <$> pure c <*> remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost <*> mkDavHandleVar c gc u where new c cst hdl = Just $ specialRemote c (store hdl chunkconfig) (retrieve hdl chunkconfig) (remove hdl) (checkKey hdl chunkconfig) this where this = Remote { uuid = u , cost = cst , name = Git.repoDescribe r , storeKey = storeKeyDummy , retrieveKeyFile = retrieveKeyFileDummy , retrieveKeyFileCheap = Nothing -- HttpManagerRestricted is used here, so this is -- secure. , retrievalSecurityPolicy = RetrievalAllKeysSecure , removeKey = removeKeyDummy , lockContent = Nothing , checkPresent = checkPresentDummy , checkPresentCheap = False , exportActions = ExportActions { storeExport = storeExportDav hdl , retrieveExport = retrieveExportDav hdl , checkPresentExport = checkPresentExportDav hdl this , removeExport = removeExportDav hdl , versionedExport = False , removeExportDirectory = Just $ removeExportDirectoryDav hdl , renameExport = renameExportDav hdl } , importActions = importUnsupported , whereisKey = Nothing , remoteFsck = Nothing , repairRepo = Nothing , config = c , getRepo = return r , gitconfig = gc , localpath = Nothing , readonly = False , appendonly = False , untrustworthy = False , availability = GloballyAvailable , remotetype = remote , mkUnavailable = gen r u (M.insert urlField (Proposed "http://!dne!/") rc) gc rs , getInfo = includeCredsInfo c (davCreds u) $ [("url", fromMaybe "unknown" $ getRemoteConfigValue urlField c)] , claimUrl = Nothing , checkUrl = Nothing , remoteStateHandle = rs } chunkconfig = getChunkConfig c webdavSetup :: SetupStage -> Maybe UUID -> Maybe CredPair -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID) webdavSetup ss mu mcreds c gc = do u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu url <- maybe (giveup "Specify url=") (return . fromProposedAccepted) (M.lookup urlField c) (c', encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc pc <- either giveup return . parseRemoteConfig c' =<< configParser remote c' creds <- maybe (getCreds pc gc u) (return . Just) mcreds testDav url creds gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("webdav", "true")] c'' <- setRemoteCredPair ss encsetup pc gc (davCreds u) creds return (c'', u) store :: DavHandleVar -> ChunkConfig -> Storer store hv (LegacyChunks chunksize) = fileStorer $ \k f p -> withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> do annexrunner <- Annex.makeRunner liftIO $ withMeteredFile f p $ storeLegacyChunked annexrunner chunksize k dav store hv _ = httpStorer $ \k reqbody -> withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $ do let tmp = keyTmpLocation k let dest = keyLocation k storeHelper dav tmp dest reqbody storeHelper :: DavHandle -> DavLocation -> DavLocation -> RequestBody -> DAVT IO () storeHelper dav tmp dest reqbody = do maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent tmp) debugDav $ "putContent " ++ tmp inLocation tmp $ putContentM' (contentType, reqbody) finalizeStore dav tmp dest finalizeStore :: DavHandle -> DavLocation -> DavLocation -> DAVT IO () finalizeStore dav tmp dest = do debugDav $ "delContent " ++ dest inLocation dest $ void $ safely $ delContentM maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent dest) moveDAV (baseURL dav) tmp dest retrieve :: DavHandleVar -> ChunkConfig -> Retriever retrieve hv cc = fileRetriever' $ \d k p iv -> withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> case cc of LegacyChunks _ -> do -- Not doing incremental verification for chunks. liftIO $ maybe noop failIncremental iv retrieveLegacyChunked (fromRawFilePath d) k p dav _ -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $ retrieveHelper (keyLocation k) (fromRawFilePath d) p iv retrieveHelper :: DavLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Maybe IncrementalVerifier -> DAVT IO () retrieveHelper loc d p iv = do debugDav $ "retrieve " ++ loc inLocation loc $ withContentM $ httpBodyRetriever d p iv remove :: DavHandleVar -> Remover remove hv k = withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> liftIO $ goDAV dav $ -- Delete the key's whole directory, including any -- legacy chunked files, etc, in a single action. removeHelper (keyDir k) removeHelper :: DavLocation -> DAVT IO () removeHelper d = do debugDav $ "delContent " ++ d v <- safely $ inLocation d delContentM case v of Just _ -> return () Nothing -> do v' <- existsDAV d case v' of Right False -> return () _ -> giveup "failed to remove content from remote" checkKey :: DavHandleVar -> ChunkConfig -> CheckPresent checkKey hv chunkconfig k = withDavHandle hv $ \dav -> case chunkconfig of LegacyChunks _ -> checkKeyLegacyChunked dav k _ -> do v <- liftIO $ goDAV dav $ existsDAV (keyLocation k) either giveup return v storeExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> FilePath -> Key -> ExportLocation -> MeterUpdate -> Annex () storeExportDav hdl f k loc p = case exportLocation loc of Right dest -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \dav -> do reqbody <- liftIO $ httpBodyStorer f p storeHelper dav (exportTmpLocation loc k) dest reqbody Left err -> giveup err retrieveExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Key -> ExportLocation -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex () retrieveExportDav hdl _k loc d p = case exportLocation loc of Right src -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav -> retrieveHelper src d p Nothing Left err -> giveup err checkPresentExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Remote -> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex Bool checkPresentExportDav hdl _ _k loc = case exportLocation loc of Right p -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> liftIO $ do v <- goDAV h $ existsDAV p either giveup return v Left err -> giveup err removeExportDav :: DavHandleVar-> Key -> ExportLocation -> Annex () removeExportDav hdl _k loc = case exportLocation loc of Right p -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav -> removeHelper p -- When the exportLocation is not legal for webdav, -- the content is certianly not stored there, so it's ok for -- removal to succeed. This allows recovery after failure to store -- content there, as the user can rename the problem file and -- this will be called to make sure it's gone. Left _err -> return () removeExportDirectoryDav :: DavHandleVar -> ExportDirectory -> Annex () removeExportDirectoryDav hdl dir = withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav -> do let d = fromRawFilePath $ fromExportDirectory dir debugDav $ "delContent " ++ d inLocation d delContentM renameExportDav :: DavHandleVar -> Key -> ExportLocation -> ExportLocation -> Annex (Maybe ()) renameExportDav hdl _k src dest = case (exportLocation src, exportLocation dest) of (Right srcl, Right destl) -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> do -- Several webdav servers have buggy handing of renames, -- and fail to rename in some circumstances. -- Since after a failure it's not clear where the file ended -- up, recover by deleting both the source and destination. -- The file will later be re-uploaded to the destination, -- so this deletion is ok. let go = runExport h $ \dav -> do maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent destl) moveDAV (baseURL dav) srcl destl return (Just ()) let recover = do void $ runExport h $ \_dav -> safely $ inLocation srcl delContentM void $ runExport h $ \_dav -> safely $ inLocation destl delContentM return Nothing catchNonAsync go (const recover) (Left err, _) -> giveup err (_, Left err) -> giveup err runExport :: DavHandle -> (DavHandle -> DAVT IO a) -> Annex a runExport h a = liftIO (goDAV h (a h)) configUrl :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> Maybe URLString configUrl c = fixup <$> getRemoteConfigValue urlField c where -- box.com DAV url changed fixup = replace "https://www.box.com/dav/" boxComUrl boxComUrl :: URLString boxComUrl = "https://dav.box.com/dav/" type DavUser = B8.ByteString type DavPass = B8.ByteString baseURL :: DavHandle -> URLString baseURL (DavHandle _ _ _ u) = u toDavUser :: String -> DavUser toDavUser = B8.fromString toDavPass :: String -> DavPass toDavPass = B8.fromString {- Test if a WebDAV store is usable, by writing to a test file, and then - deleting the file. - - Also ensures that the path of the url exists, trying to create it if not. - - Throws an error if store is not usable. -} testDav :: URLString -> Maybe CredPair -> Annex () testDav url (Just (u, p)) = do showAction "testing WebDAV server" test $ liftIO $ evalDAVT url $ do prepDAV user pass makeParentDirs inLocation (tmpLocation "test") $ do putContentM (Nothing, L8.fromString "test") delContentM where test a = liftIO $ either (\e -> throwIO $ "WebDAV test failed: " ++ show e) (const noop) =<< tryNonAsync a user = toDavUser u pass = toDavPass p testDav _ Nothing = error "Need to configure webdav username and password." {- Tries to make all the parent directories in the WebDAV urls's path, - right down to the root. - - Ignores any failures, which can occur for reasons including the WebDAV - server only serving up WebDAV in a subdirectory. -} makeParentDirs :: DAVT IO () makeParentDirs = go where go = do l <- getDAVLocation case locationParent l of Nothing -> noop Just p -> void $ safely $ inDAVLocation (const p) go void $ safely mkCol {- Checks if the directory exists. If not, tries to create its - parent directories, all the way down to the root, and finally creates - it. -} mkColRecursive :: DavLocation -> DAVT IO Bool mkColRecursive d = go =<< existsDAV d where go (Right True) = return True go _ = do debugDav $ "mkCol " ++ d ifM (inLocation d mkCol) ( return True , do case locationParent d of Nothing -> makeParentDirs Just parent -> void (mkColRecursive parent) inLocation d mkCol ) getCreds :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> UUID -> Annex (Maybe CredPair) getCreds c gc u = getRemoteCredPairFor "webdav" c gc (davCreds u) davCreds :: UUID -> CredPairStorage davCreds u = CredPairStorage { credPairFile = fromUUID u , credPairEnvironment = ("WEBDAV_USERNAME", "WEBDAV_PASSWORD") , credPairRemoteField = davcredsField } {- Content-Type to use for files uploaded to WebDAV. -} contentType :: Maybe B8.ByteString contentType = Just $ B8.fromString "application/octet-stream" throwIO :: String -> IO a throwIO msg = ioError $ mkIOError userErrorType msg Nothing Nothing moveDAV :: URLString -> DavLocation -> DavLocation -> DAVT IO () moveDAV baseurl src dest = do debugDav $ "moveContent " ++ src ++ " " ++ newurl inLocation src $ moveContentM (B8.fromString newurl) where newurl = locationUrl baseurl dest existsDAV :: DavLocation -> DAVT IO (Either String Bool) existsDAV l = do debugDav $ "getProps " ++ l inLocation l check `catchNonAsync` (\e -> return (Left $ show e)) where check = do -- Some DAV services only support depth of 1, and -- more depth is certainly not needed to check if a -- location exists. setDepth (Just Depth1) catchJust missinghttpstatus (getPropsM >> ispresent True) (const $ ispresent False) ispresent = return . Right missinghttpstatus e = matchStatusCodeException (== notFound404) e <|> matchHttpExceptionContent toomanyredirects e toomanyredirects (TooManyRedirects _) = True toomanyredirects _ = False safely :: DAVT IO a -> DAVT IO (Maybe a) safely = eitherToMaybe <$$> tryNonAsync choke :: IO (Either String a) -> IO a choke f = do x <- f case x of Left e -> error e Right r -> return r data DavHandle = DavHandle DAVContext DavUser DavPass URLString type DavHandleVar = TVar (Either (Annex (Either String DavHandle)) (Either String DavHandle)) {- Prepares a DavHandle for later use. Does not connect to the server or do - anything else expensive. -} mkDavHandleVar :: ParsedRemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> UUID -> Annex DavHandleVar mkDavHandleVar c gc u = liftIO $ newTVarIO $ Left $ do mcreds <- getCreds c gc u case (mcreds, configUrl c) of (Just (user, pass), Just baseurl) -> do ctx <- mkDAVContext baseurl let h = DavHandle ctx (toDavUser user) (toDavPass pass) baseurl return (Right h) _ -> return $ Left "webdav credentials not available" withDavHandle :: DavHandleVar -> (DavHandle -> Annex a) -> Annex a withDavHandle hv a = liftIO (readTVarIO hv) >>= \case Right hdl -> either giveup a hdl Left mkhdl -> do hdl <- mkhdl liftIO $ atomically $ writeTVar hv (Right hdl) either giveup a hdl goDAV :: DavHandle -> DAVT IO a -> IO a goDAV (DavHandle ctx user pass _) a = choke $ run $ prettifyExceptions $ do prepDAV user pass a where run = fst <$$> runDAVContext ctx {- Catch StatusCodeException and trim it to only the statusMessage part, - eliminating a lot of noise, which can include the whole request that - failed. The rethrown exception is no longer a StatusCodeException. -} prettifyExceptions :: DAVT IO a -> DAVT IO a prettifyExceptions a = catchJust (matchStatusCodeException (const True)) a go where go (HttpExceptionRequest req (StatusCodeException response message)) = giveup $ unwords [ "DAV failure:" , show (responseStatus response) , show (message) , "HTTP request:" , show (HTTP.method req) , show (HTTP.path req) ] go e = throwM e prepDAV :: DavUser -> DavPass -> DAVT IO () prepDAV user pass = do setResponseTimeout Nothing -- disable default (5 second!) timeout setCreds user pass -- -- Legacy chunking code, to be removed eventually. -- storeLegacyChunked :: (Annex () -> IO ()) -> ChunkSize -> Key -> DavHandle -> L.ByteString -> IO () storeLegacyChunked annexrunner chunksize k dav b = Legacy.storeChunks k tmp dest storer recorder finalizer where storehttp l b' = void $ goDAV dav $ do maybe noop (void . mkColRecursive) (locationParent l) debugDav $ "putContent " ++ l inLocation l $ putContentM (contentType, b') storer locs = Legacy.storeChunked annexrunner chunksize locs storehttp b recorder l s = storehttp l (L8.fromString s) finalizer tmp' dest' = goDAV dav $ finalizeStore dav tmp' (fromJust $ locationParent dest') tmp = addTrailingPathSeparator $ keyTmpLocation k dest = keyLocation k retrieveLegacyChunked :: FilePath -> Key -> MeterUpdate -> DavHandle -> Annex () retrieveLegacyChunked d k p dav = liftIO $ withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr $ \locs -> Legacy.meteredWriteFileChunks p d locs $ \l -> goDAV dav $ do debugDav $ "getContent " ++ l inLocation l $ snd <$> getContentM where onerr = error "download failed" checkKeyLegacyChunked :: DavHandle -> CheckPresent checkKeyLegacyChunked dav k = liftIO $ either error id <$> withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr check where check [] = return $ Right True check (l:ls) = do v <- goDAV dav $ existsDAV l if v == Right True then check ls else return v {- Failed to read the chunkcount file; see if it's missing, - or if there's a problem accessing it, - or perhaps this was an intermittent error. -} onerr f = do v <- goDAV dav $ existsDAV f return $ if v == Right True then Left $ "failed to read " ++ f else v withStoredFilesLegacyChunked :: Key -> DavHandle -> (DavLocation -> IO a) -> ([DavLocation] -> IO a) -> IO a withStoredFilesLegacyChunked k dav onerr a = do let chunkcount = keyloc ++ Legacy.chunkCount v <- goDAV dav $ safely $ do debugDav $ "getContent " ++ chunkcount inLocation chunkcount $ snd <$> getContentM case v of Just s -> a $ Legacy.listChunks keyloc $ L8.toString s Nothing -> do chunks <- Legacy.probeChunks keyloc $ \f -> (== Right True) <$> goDAV dav (existsDAV f) if null chunks then onerr chunkcount else a chunks where keyloc = keyLocation k debugDav :: MonadIO m => String -> DAVT m () debugDav msg = liftIO $ debug "Remote.WebDAV" msg