[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2019-06-27T14:36:59Z" content=""" It sounds like you would want to unlock all files in the repo this way, is that right? If so, it seems like a case for `git-annex adjust`, eg `git annex adjust --hardlink`. And it would perhaps make sense to do that on a crippled filesystem by default instead of the current default of --unlock. Keeping it in adjust only avoids needing to make the unlock command do something that is not an unlocking, and it avoids needing to add a new command. It also neatly avoids the problem that, while `git annex unlock` makes a change that can be committed to git (in v7 mode), this new operation is not something that can be committed to git (at least w/o some change to indicate it in the pointer file). """]]