[[!comment format=mdwn username="joseph.rawson.works@85a210ab8c0e37a0b2d6bb235738b20e23e8878f" nickname="joseph.rawson.works" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6b473d5484b68803e8c47eeff9197397" subject="Using youtube-dl commandline options with git-annex-addurl" date="2018-05-30T15:29:16Z" content=""" I have been trying to figure out how to use addurl to get this video. I have this in my mscourtstuff annex as a large binary, but I would really like to use the web as a remote for this. Hughes v Hosemann 2010-CA-01949-SCT-43112001.mp4 youtube-dl --referer 'http://judicial.mc.edu/case.php?id=24206' http://player.vimeo.com/video/43112001 """]]