{- git-annex repository initialization - - Copyright 2011-2024 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Annex.Init ( checkInitializeAllowed, ensureInitialized, autoInitialize, autoInitialize', isInitialized, initialize, initialize', uninitialize, probeCrippledFileSystem, probeCrippledFileSystem', ) where import Annex.Common import qualified Annex import qualified Git import qualified Git.Config import qualified Git.Objects import Git.Types (fromConfigValue) import Git.ConfigTypes (SharedRepository(..)) import qualified Annex.Branch import qualified Database.Fsck import Logs.UUID import Logs.Trust.Basic import Logs.Config import Types.TrustLevel import Types.RepoVersion import Annex.Version import Annex.Difference import Annex.UUID import Annex.Fixup import Annex.Path import Config import Config.Files import Config.Smudge import qualified Upgrade.V5.Direct as Direct import qualified Annex.AdjustedBranch as AdjustedBranch import Remote.List.Util (remotesChanged) import Annex.Environment import Annex.Hook import Annex.InodeSentinal import Upgrade import Annex.Tmp import Utility.UserInfo import Annex.Perms #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import Utility.ThreadScheduler import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R import Utility.FileMode import System.Posix.User import qualified Utility.LockFile.Posix as Posix #endif import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS import System.PosixCompat.Files (ownerReadMode, isNamedPipe) import Data.Either import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P import Control.Concurrent.Async #endif data InitializeAllowed = InitializeAllowed checkInitializeAllowed :: (InitializeAllowed -> Annex a) -> Annex a checkInitializeAllowed a = guardSafeToUseRepo $ noAnnexFileContent' >>= \case Nothing -> do checkSqliteWorks a InitializeAllowed Just noannexmsg -> do warning "Initialization prevented by .noannex file (remove the file to override)" unless (null noannexmsg) $ warning (UnquotedString noannexmsg) giveup "Not initialized." initializeAllowed :: Annex Bool initializeAllowed = isNothing <$> noAnnexFileContent' noAnnexFileContent' :: Annex (Maybe String) noAnnexFileContent' = inRepo $ noAnnexFileContent . fmap fromRawFilePath . Git.repoWorkTree genDescription :: Maybe String -> Annex UUIDDesc genDescription (Just d) = return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS d genDescription Nothing = do reldir <- liftIO . relHome . fromRawFilePath =<< liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath hostname <- fromMaybe "" <$> liftIO getHostname let at = if null hostname then "" else "@" v <- liftIO myUserName return $ UUIDDesc $ encodeBS $ concat $ case v of Right username -> [username, at, hostname, ":", reldir] Left _ -> [hostname, ":", reldir] initialize :: Annex () -> Maybe String -> Maybe RepoVersion -> Annex () initialize startupannex mdescription mversion = checkInitializeAllowed $ \initallowed -> do {- Has to come before any commits are made as the shared - clone heuristic expects no local objects. -} sharedclone <- checkSharedClone {- This will make the first commit to git, so ensure git is set up - properly to allow commits when running it. -} ensureCommit $ Annex.Branch.create prepUUID initialize' startupannex mversion initallowed initSharedClone sharedclone u <- getUUID when (u == NoUUID) $ giveup "Failed to read annex.uuid from git config after setting it. This should never happen. Please file a bug report." {- Avoid overwriting existing description with a default - description. -} whenM (pure (isJust mdescription) <||> not . M.member u <$> uuidDescMapRaw) $ describeUUID u =<< genDescription mdescription -- Everything except for uuid setup, shared clone setup, and initial -- description. initialize' :: Annex () -> Maybe RepoVersion -> InitializeAllowed -> Annex () initialize' startupannex mversion _initallowed = do checkLockSupport checkFifoSupport checkCrippledFileSystem unlessM isBareRepo $ do hookWrite preCommitHook hookWrite postReceiveHook setDifferences unlessM (isJust <$> getVersion) $ setVersion (fromMaybe defaultVersion mversion) supportunlocked <- annexSupportUnlocked <$> Annex.getGitConfig if supportunlocked then configureSmudgeFilter else deconfigureSmudgeFilter unlessM isBareRepo $ do hookWrite postCheckoutHook hookWrite postMergeHook AdjustedBranch.checkAdjustedClone >>= \case AdjustedBranch.InAdjustedClone -> return () AdjustedBranch.NotInAdjustedClone -> ifM (crippledFileSystem <&&> (not <$> isBareRepo)) ( AdjustedBranch.adjustToCrippledFileSystem -- Handle case where this repo was cloned from a -- direct mode repo , unlessM isBareRepo Direct.switchHEADBack ) propigateSecureHashesOnly createInodeSentinalFile False fixupUnusualReposAfterInit -- This is usually run at Annex startup, but when git-annex was -- not already initialized, it will not yet have run. startupannex uninitialize :: Annex () uninitialize = do -- Remove hooks that are written when initializing. hookUnWrite preCommitHook hookUnWrite postReceiveHook hookUnWrite postCheckoutHook hookUnWrite postMergeHook deconfigureSmudgeFilter removeRepoUUID removeVersion {- Gets the version that the repo is initialized with. - - To make sure the repo is fully initialized, also checks that it has a - uuid configured. In the unusual case where one is set and the other is - not, errors out to avoid running in an inconsistent state. -} getInitializedVersion :: Annex (Maybe RepoVersion) getInitializedVersion = do um <- (\u -> if u == NoUUID then Nothing else Just u) <$> getUUID vm <- getVersion case (um, vm) of (Just _, Just v) -> return (Just v) (Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing (Just _, Nothing) -> onemissing "annex.version" "annex.uuid" (Nothing, Just _) -> onemissing "annex.uuid" "annex.version" where onemissing missing have = giveup $ unwords [ "This repository has " ++ have ++ " set," , "but " ++ missing ++ " is not set. Perhaps that" , "git config was lost. Cannot use the repository" , "in this state; set back " ++ missing ++ " to fix this." ] {- Will automatically initialize if there is already a git-annex - branch from somewhere. Otherwise, require a manual init - to avoid git-annex accidentally being run in git - repos that did not intend to use it. - - Checks repository version and handles upgrades too. -} ensureInitialized :: Annex () -> Annex [Remote] -> Annex () ensureInitialized startupannex remotelist = getInitializedVersion >>= maybe needsinit checkUpgrade where needsinit = ifM autoInitializeAllowed ( do tryNonAsync (initialize startupannex Nothing Nothing) >>= \case Right () -> noop Left e -> giveup $ show e ++ "\n" ++ "git-annex: automatic initialization failed due to above problems" autoEnableSpecialRemotes remotelist , giveup "First run: git-annex init" ) {- Check if auto-initialize is allowed. -} autoInitializeAllowed :: Annex Bool autoInitializeAllowed = Annex.Branch.hasSibling <&&> objectDirNotPresent objectDirNotPresent :: Annex Bool objectDirNotPresent = do d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d when exists $ guardSafeToUseRepo $ giveup $ unwords $ [ "This repository is not initialized for use" , "by git-annex, but " ++ d ++ " exists," , "which indicates this repository was used by" , "git-annex before, and may have lost its" , "annex.uuid and annex.version configs. Either" , "set back missing configs, or run git-annex init" , "to initialize with a new uuid." ] return (not exists) guardSafeToUseRepo :: Annex a -> Annex a guardSafeToUseRepo a = ifM (inRepo Git.Config.checkRepoConfigInaccessible) ( do repopath <- fromRepo Git.repoPath p <- liftIO $ absPath repopath giveup $ unlines $ [ "Git refuses to operate in this repository," , "probably because it is owned by someone else." , "" -- This mirrors git's wording. , "To add an exception for this directory, call:" , "\tgit config --global --add safe.directory " ++ fromRawFilePath p ] , a ) {- Initialize if it can do so automatically. Avoids failing if it cannot. - - Checks repository version and handles upgrades too. -} autoInitialize :: Annex () -> Annex [Remote] -> Annex () autoInitialize = autoInitialize' autoInitializeAllowed autoInitialize' :: Annex Bool -> Annex () -> Annex [Remote] -> Annex () autoInitialize' check startupannex remotelist = getInitializedVersion >>= maybe needsinit checkUpgrade where needsinit = whenM (initializeAllowed <&&> check) $ do initialize startupannex Nothing Nothing autoEnableSpecialRemotes remotelist {- Checks if a repository is initialized. Does not check version for upgrade. -} isInitialized :: Annex Bool isInitialized = maybe Annex.Branch.hasSibling (const $ return True) =<< getVersion {- A crippled filesystem is one that does not allow making symlinks, - or removing write access from files. -} probeCrippledFileSystem :: Annex Bool probeCrippledFileSystem = withEventuallyCleanedOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do (r, warnings) <- probeCrippledFileSystem' tmp (Just (freezeContent' UnShared)) (Just (thawContent' UnShared)) =<< hasFreezeHook mapM_ (warning . UnquotedString) warnings return r probeCrippledFileSystem' :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => RawFilePath -> Maybe (RawFilePath -> m ()) -> Maybe (RawFilePath -> m ()) -> Bool -> m (Bool, [String]) #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS probeCrippledFileSystem' _ _ _ _ = return (True, []) #else probeCrippledFileSystem' tmp freezecontent thawcontent hasfreezehook = do let f = tmp P.</> "gaprobe" let f' = fromRawFilePath f liftIO $ writeFile f' "" r <- probe f' void $ tryNonAsync $ (fromMaybe (liftIO . allowWrite) thawcontent) f liftIO $ removeFile f' return r where probe f = catchDefaultIO (True, []) $ do let f2 = f ++ "2" liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath f2) liftIO $ R.createSymbolicLink (toRawFilePath f) (toRawFilePath f2) liftIO $ removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink (toRawFilePath f2) (fromMaybe (liftIO . preventWrite) freezecontent) (toRawFilePath f) -- Should be unable to write to the file (unless -- running as root). But some crippled -- filesystems ignore write bit removals or ignore -- permissions entirely. ifM ((== Just False) <$> liftIO (checkContentWritePerm' UnShared (toRawFilePath f) Nothing hasfreezehook)) ( return (True, ["Filesystem does not allow removing write bit from files."]) , liftIO $ ifM ((== 0) <$> getRealUserID) ( return (False, []) , do r <- catchBoolIO $ do writeFile f "2" return True if r then return (True, ["Filesystem allows writing to files whose write bit is not set."]) else return (False, []) ) ) #endif checkCrippledFileSystem :: Annex () checkCrippledFileSystem = whenM probeCrippledFileSystem $ do warning "Detected a crippled filesystem." setCrippledFileSystem True {- Normally git disables core.symlinks itself when the:w - - filesystem does not support them. But, even if symlinks are - supported, we don't use them by default in a crippled - filesystem. -} whenM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ do warning "Disabling core.symlinks." setConfig "core.symlinks" (Git.Config.boolConfig False) probeLockSupport :: Annex Bool #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS probeLockSupport = return True #else probeLockSupport = withEventuallyCleanedOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do let f = tmp P.</> "lockprobe" mode <- annexFileMode annexrunner <- Annex.makeRunner liftIO $ withAsync (warnstall annexrunner) (const (go f mode)) where go f mode = do removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f let locktest = bracket (Posix.lockExclusive (Just mode) f) Posix.dropLock (const noop) ok <- isRight <$> tryNonAsync locktest removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f return ok warnstall annexrunner = do threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 10) annexrunner $ do warning "Probing the filesystem for POSIX fcntl lock support is taking a long time." warning "(Setting annex.pidlock will avoid this probe.)" #endif probeFifoSupport :: Annex Bool probeFifoSupport = do #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS return False #else withEventuallyCleanedOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do let f = tmp P.</> "gaprobe" let f2 = tmp P.</> "gaprobe2" liftIO $ do removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f2 ms <- tryIO $ do R.createNamedPipe f ownerReadMode R.createLink f f2 R.getFileStatus f removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink f2 return $ either (const False) isNamedPipe ms #endif checkLockSupport :: Annex () checkLockSupport = unlessM (annexPidLock <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ unlessM probeLockSupport $ do warning "Detected a filesystem without POSIX fcntl lock support." warning "Enabling annex.pidlock." setConfig (annexConfig "pidlock") (Git.Config.boolConfig True) checkFifoSupport :: Annex () checkFifoSupport = unlessM probeFifoSupport $ do warning "Detected a filesystem without fifo support." warning "Disabling ssh connection caching." setConfig (annexConfig "sshcaching") (Git.Config.boolConfig False) {- Sqlite needs the filesystem to support range locking. Some like CIFS - do not, which will cause sqlite to fail with ErrorBusy. -} checkSqliteWorks :: Annex () checkSqliteWorks = do u <- getUUID tryNonAsync (Database.Fsck.openDb u >>= Database.Fsck.closeDb) >>= \case Right () -> return () Left e -> do showLongNote $ "Detected a filesystem where Sqlite does not work." showLongNote $ UnquotedString $ "(" ++ show e ++ ")" showLongNote $ "To work around this problem, you can set annex.dbdir " <> "to a directory on another filesystem." showLongNote $ "For example: git config annex.dbdir $HOME/cache/git-annex" giveup "Not initialized." checkSharedClone :: Annex Bool checkSharedClone = inRepo Git.Objects.isSharedClone initSharedClone :: Bool -> Annex () initSharedClone False = return () initSharedClone True = do showLongNote "Repository was cloned with --shared; setting annex.hardlink=true and making repository untrusted." u <- getUUID trustSet u UnTrusted setConfig (annexConfig "hardlink") (Git.Config.boolConfig True) {- Propagate annex.securehashesonly from then global config to local - config. This makes a clone inherit a parent's setting, but once - a repository has a local setting, changes to the global config won't - affect it. -} propigateSecureHashesOnly :: Annex () propigateSecureHashesOnly = maybe noop (setConfig "annex.securehashesonly" . fromConfigValue) =<< getGlobalConfig "annex.securehashesonly" fixupUnusualReposAfterInit :: Annex () fixupUnusualReposAfterInit = do gc <- Annex.getGitConfig void $ inRepo $ \r -> fixupUnusualRepos r gc {- Try to enable any special remotes that are configured to do so. - - The enabling is done in a child process to avoid it using stdio. - - The remotelist should be Remote.List.remoteList, which cannot - be imported here due to a dependency loop. -} autoEnableSpecialRemotes :: Annex [Remote] -> Annex () autoEnableSpecialRemotes remotelist = do -- Get all existing git remotes to probe for their uuid here, -- so it is not done inside the child process. Doing it in there -- could result in password prompts for http credentials, -- which would then not end up cached in this process's state. _ <- remotelist rp <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo Git.repoPath withNullHandle $ \nullh -> gitAnnexChildProcess "init" [ Param "--autoenable" ] (\p -> p { std_out = UseHandle nullh , std_err = UseHandle nullh , std_in = UseHandle nullh , cwd = Just rp } ) (\_ _ _ pid -> void $ waitForProcess pid) remotesChanged