git-annex does not take into account the --git-dir and --work-tree command line options (while they can be useful when scripting). > mkdir /tmp/test > cd /tmp/test > git init Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/test/.git/ > git annex init test init test ok > touch foo > cd > git --git-dir=/tmp/test/.git --work-tree=/tmp/test annex add foo git-annex: Not in a git repository. regular git add works: > git --git-dir=/tmp/test/.git --work-tree=/tmp/test add foo > git --git-dir=/tmp/test/.git --work-tree=/tmp/test status # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Changes to be committed: # (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) # # new file: foo # git-annex version: 3.20110702 > [[done]], git-annex now honors `GIT_DIR` and `GIT_WORK_TREE` like other > git commands do. --[[Joey]]