sudo port install haskell-platform git-core ossp-uuid md5sha1sum coreutils
sudo cabal update
sudo cabal install missingh
sudo cabal install utf8-string
sudo port install pcre
sudo cabal install pcre-light
sudo cabal install quickcheck  
sudo cabal install SHA  

# optional: this will enable the gnu tools, (to give sha224sum etc..., it does not override the BSD userland)
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/libexec/gnubin

git clone  git://

cd git-annex
sudo make install
Originally posted by Jon at --[[Joey]] See also: * [[forum/OSX__39__s_haskell-platform_statically_links_things]] * [[forum/OSX__39__s_default_sshd_behaviour_has_limited_paths_set]]