There is not yet a pre-built Docker image for git-annex. However, it's
easy to add it to an image.

For example:

	docker run -i -t joeyh/debian-unstable apt-get install git-annex

# containers for autobuilders

The git-annex Linux autobuilds are built using Docker containers.
Most of these are not published, but you can build your own. (See below.)

Since the Android autobuilder container can take quite a lot of work to get
built, it is published. `docker pull joeyh/git-annex-android-builder`

# building autobuilder containers using Propellor

The Docker containers are built using
[Propellor]( To generate your own image,
Just install Propellor and add this to its `config.hs`:

[[!format haskell """
import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitAnnexBuilder as GitAnnexBuilder

	, host hostname@"" = Just $ props
	        & Docker.configured
		& Docker.docked container hostname "amd64-git-annex-builder"
	, GitAnnexBuilder.standardAutoBuilderContainer dockerImage "amd64" 15 "2h"

This will autobuild every hour at :15, and the autobuilt image will be
left inside the container in /home/builder/gitbuilder/out/