[Gitolite](https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite) is a git repository manager. Here's how to add git-annex support to gitolite, so you can `git annex copy` files to a gitolite repository, and `git annex get` files from it. A nice feature of using gitolite with git-annex is that users can be given read-only access to a repository, and this allows them to `git annex get` file contents, but not change anything. First, you need new enough versions: * the current `master` branch of gitolite works with git-annex (tested 2014-04-19), but v3.5.3 and earlier v3.x require use of the `git-annex` branch. * gitolite 2.2 also works -- this version contains a git-annex-shell ADC and supports "ua" ADCs. * git-annex 3.20111016 or newer needs to be installed on the gitolite server. Don't install an older version, it wouldn't be secure! ### Instructions for gitolite `master` branch To setup gitolite to work with git-annex, you can follow the instructions on the gitolite website, and just add `'git-annex-shell ua',` to the ENABLE list in `~/.gitolite.rc`. Here are more detailed instructions: 1: Create a `git` user <pre> sudo adduser \ --system \ --shell /bin/bash \ --gecos 'git version control' \ --group \ --disabled-password \ --home /home/git git </pre> 2: Copy a public SSH key for the user you want to be the gitolite administrator. In the instructions below, I placed the key in a file named `/home/git/me.pub`. 3: Clone and install gitolite First switch to the `git` user (e.g. `sudo su - git`) and then run: <pre> cd git clone https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite.git mkdir -p bin ./gitolite/install -ln </pre> 4: Add `~/bin` to `PATH` Make sure that `~/bin` is in the `PATH`, since that's where gitolite installed its binary. Do something like this: <pre> echo 'export PATH=/home/git/bin:$PATH' >> .profile export PATH=/home/git/bin:$PATH </pre> 5: Configure gitolite Edit `~/.gitolite.rc` to enable the git-annex-shell command. Find the `ENABLE` list and add this line in there somewhere: <pre> 'git-annex-shell ua', </pre> Now run gitolite's setup: <pre> gitolite setup -pk me.pub rm me.pub </pre> ### Instructions for gitolite 2.2 And here's how to set it up. The examples are for gitolite as installed on Debian with apt-get, but the changes described can be made to any gitolite installation, just with different paths. Set `$GL_ADC_PATH` in `.gitolite.rc`, if you have not already done so. <pre> echo '$GL_ADC_PATH = "/usr/local/lib/gitolite/adc/";' >>~gitolite/.gitolite.rc </pre> Make the ADC directory, and a "ua" subdirectory. <pre> mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/gitolite/adc/ua </pre> Install the git-annex-shell ADC into the "ua" subdirectory from the gitolie repository. <pre> cd /usr/local/lib/gitolite/adc/ua/ cp gitolite/contrib/adc/git-annex-shell . </pre> Now all gitolite repositories can be used with git-annex just as any ssh remote normally would be used. For example: <pre> # git clone gitolite@localhost:testing Cloning into testing... Receiving objects: 100% (18/18), done. # cd testing # git annex init init ok # cp /etc/passwd my-cool-big-file # git annex add my-cool-big-file add my-cool-big-file ok (Recording state in git...) # git commit -m added [master d36c8b4] added 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 120000 my-cool-big-file # git push --all Counting objects: 17, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done. Writing objects: 100% (14/14), 1.39 KiB, done. Total 14 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0) To gitolite@localhost:testing c552a38..db4653e git-annex -> git-annex 29cd204..d36c8b4 master -> master # git annex copy --to origin copy my-cool-big-file (checking origin...) (to origin...) WORM-s2502-m1318875140--my-cool-big-file 2502 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1) sent 2606 bytes received 31 bytes 1758.00 bytes/sec total size is 2502 speedup is 0.95 ok </pre> ### Troubleshooting I got an error like this when setting up gitolite *after* setting up a local git repo and git annex: <pre> git-annex-shell: First run: git-annex init Command ssh ["git@git.example.com","git-annex-shell 'configlist' '/~/myrepo.git'"] failed; exit code 1 </pre> because I forgot to "git push --all" after adding the new gitolite remote.