[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmRFKwny4rArBaz-36xTcsJYqKIgdDaw5Q" nickname="Andrew" subject="comment 8" date="2013-01-10T10:24:28Z" content=""" By way of a feature request: Maybe the way to do this is to have an additional keyword like \"config\" or \"repo\" that allows you to use vicfg and/or git config to set alternative rules and even additional group names. In git config: annex.groups.<groupname> = present and exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/* in vicfg: # (for passport) #trust A0637025-ED47-4F95-A887-346121F1B4A0 = semitrusted # (for passport) group A0637025-ED47-4F95-A887-346121F1B4A0 = transfer # (for passport) preferred-content A0637025-ED47-4F95-A887-346121F1B4A0 = repo # (for transfer) group-content transfer = present and exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/* """]]