[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="""Re: Weird behavior of git archive in combination with largefiles configuration"""
That behavior does not really have anything to do with the use of
`git-annex unannex`.

You have configured annex.largefiles to something that matches a file. The
file is not checked into git (perhaps because you ran `git-annex unannex`
after adding it earlier, but it could just as well be a new file). You run
`git add` on the file. What happens? Well, `git add` asks git-annex if the
file should be annexed. Your annex.largefiles configuration tells it it
should. So the file is added to the annex, and a pointer file is checked
into git. (Not a symlink because the file is added unlocked; 
see [[git-annex-unlock]].)

`git archive` does not archive the contents of the annex, so it only
archives the pointer file content.

What you can do is use `git-annex add --force-small` when adding the file
to override the annex.largefiles config. See [[tips/largefiles]] at the
bottom for a recipe for using that to convert an annexed file to be stored
in git.