From 2b5fc33607720d0cccd7d8f9cb7232042ead73e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: foo <foo@bar>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 00:36:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] expand TH

used the EvilSplicer
+ manual fix ups
 DAV.cabal                                  |   20 +--
 Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs               |   73 ++++++-----
 Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs            |  196 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 dist/build/HSDAV-0.4.1.o                   |  Bin 140080 -> 0 bytes
 dist/build/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hi    |  Bin 34549 -> 57657 bytes
 dist/build/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.o     |  Bin 160248 -> 201932 bytes
 dist/build/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hi |  Bin 17056 -> 18733 bytes
 dist/build/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.o  |  Bin 19672 -> 28120 bytes
 dist/build/autogen/Paths_DAV.hs            |   18 ++-
 dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h          |   45 +++----
 dist/build/libHSDAV-0.4.1.a                |  Bin 200082 -> 260188 bytes
 dist/package.conf.inplace                  |    2 -
 dist/setup-config                          |    2 -
 13 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dist/build/HSDAV-0.4.1.o
 delete mode 100644 dist/package.conf.inplace
 delete mode 100644 dist/setup-config

diff --git a/DAV.cabal b/DAV.cabal
index 06b3a8b..90368c6 100644
--- a/DAV.cabal
+++ b/DAV.cabal
@@ -38,25 +38,7 @@ library
                      , transformers >= 0.3
                      , xml-conduit >= 1.0          && <= 1.2
                      , xml-hamlet >= 0.4           && <= 0.5
-executable hdav
-  main-is:           hdav.hs
-  ghc-options:       -Wall
-  build-depends:       base >= 4.5                 && <= 5
-                     , bytestring
-                     , bytestring
-                     , case-insensitive >= 0.4
-                     , containers
-                     , http-conduit >= 1.9.0
-                     , http-types >= 0.7
-                     , lens >= 3.0
-                     , lifted-base >= 0.1
-                     , mtl >= 2.1
-                     , network >= 2.3
-                     , optparse-applicative
-                     , resourcet >= 0.3
-                     , transformers >= 0.3
-                     , xml-conduit >= 1.0          && <= 1.2
-                     , xml-hamlet >= 0.4           && <= 0.5
+                     , text
 source-repository head
   type:     git
diff --git a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs
index 8ffc270..d064a8f 100644
--- a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs
+++ b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV.hs
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ module Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV (
   , deleteContent
   , moveContent
   , makeCollection
-  , caldavReport
   , module Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV.TH
 ) where
 import Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV.TH
+import qualified Data.Text
 import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
 import Control.Exception.Lifted (catchJust, finally, bracketOnError)
 import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.))
@@ -200,11 +200,6 @@ props2patch = XML.renderLBS XML.def . patch . props . fromDocument
                    , "{DAV:}supportedlock"
-caldavReportM :: MonadResourceBase m => DAVState m XML.Document
-caldavReportM = do
-    let ahs = [(hContentType, "application/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")]
-    calrresp <- davRequest "REPORT" ahs (xmlBody calendarquery)
-    return $ (XML.parseLBS_ def . responseBody) calrresp
 getProps :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Maybe Depth -> IO XML.Document
 getProps url username password md = withDS url username password md getPropsM
@@ -246,9 +241,6 @@ moveContent :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
 moveContent url newurl username password = withDS url username password Nothing $
     moveContentM newurl
-caldavReport :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> IO XML.Document
-caldavReport url username password = withDS url username password (Just Depth1) $ caldavReportM
 -- | Creates a WebDAV collection, which is similar to a directory.
 -- Returns False if the collection could not be made due to an intermediate
@@ -264,28 +256,45 @@ makeCollection url username password = withDS url username password Nothing $
 propname :: XML.Document
 propname = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
-        root = XML.Element "D:propfind" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")]) [xml|
+        root = XML.Element "D:propfind" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")])  $         concat
+          [[XML.NodeElement
+              (XML.Element
+                 (XML.Name
+                    (Data.Text.pack "D:allprop") Nothing Nothing)
+                 Map.empty
+                 (concat []))]]
 locky :: XML.Document
 locky = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
-    where
-        root = XML.Element "D:lockinfo" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")]) [xml|
-  <D:exclusive>
-  <D:write>
-<D:owner>Haskell DAV user
-calendarquery :: XML.Document
-calendarquery = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
-    where
-        root = XML.Element "C:calendar-query" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:"),("xmlns:C", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav")]) [xml|
-  <D:getetag>
-  <C:calendar-data>
-  <C:comp-filter name="VCALENDAR">
+ where
+  root = XML.Element "D:lockinfo" (Map.fromList [("xmlns:D", "DAV:")])  $ concat
+   [[XML.NodeElement
+       (XML.Element
+          (XML.Name
+             (Data.Text.pack "D:lockscope") Nothing Nothing)
+          Map.empty
+          (concat
+             [[XML.NodeElement
+                 (XML.Element
+                    (XML.Name
+                       (Data.Text.pack "D:exclusive") Nothing Nothing)
+                    Map.empty
+                    (concat []))]]))],
+    [XML.NodeElement
+       (XML.Element
+          (XML.Name
+             (Data.Text.pack "D:locktype") Nothing Nothing)
+          Map.empty
+          (concat
+             [[XML.NodeElement
+                 (XML.Element
+                    (XML.Name (Data.Text.pack "D:write") Nothing Nothing)
+                    Map.empty
+                    (concat []))]]))],
+    [XML.NodeElement
+       (XML.Element
+          (XML.Name (Data.Text.pack "D:owner") Nothing Nothing)
+          Map.empty
+          (concat
+             [[XML.NodeContent
+                 (Data.Text.pack "Haskell DAV user")]]))]]
diff --git a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs
index 9fb3495..18b8df7 100644
--- a/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs
+++ b/Network/Protocol/HTTP/DAV/TH.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 module Network.Protocol.HTTP.DAV.TH where
-import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
+import qualified Control.Lens.Type
+import qualified Data.Functor
 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
 import Network.HTTP.Conduit (Manager, Request)
@@ -46,4 +47,195 @@ data DAVContext a = DAVContext {
   , _basicpassword :: B.ByteString
   , _depth :: Maybe Depth
-makeLenses ''DAVContext
+allowedMethods ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) [B.ByteString]
+  _f_a5GM
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods'_a5GN
+              __baseRequest_a5GP
+              __complianceClasses_a5GQ
+              __httpManager_a5GR
+              __lockToken_a5GS
+              __basicusername_a5GT
+              __basicpassword_a5GU
+              __depth_a5GV)
+  = ((\ __allowedMethods_a5GO
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5GO
+             __baseRequest_a5GP
+             __complianceClasses_a5GQ
+             __httpManager_a5GR
+             __lockToken_a5GS
+             __basicusername_a5GT
+             __basicpassword_a5GU
+             __depth_a5GV)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5GM __allowedMethods'_a5GN))
+{-# INLINE allowedMethods #-}
+baseRequest ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens (DAVContext a_a4I4) (DAVContext a_a5GW) (Request a_a4I4) (Request a_a5GW)
+  _f_a5GX
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5GY
+              __baseRequest'_a5GZ
+              __complianceClasses_a5H1
+              __httpManager_a5H2
+              __lockToken_a5H3
+              __basicusername_a5H4
+              __basicpassword_a5H5
+              __depth_a5H6)
+  = ((\ __baseRequest_a5H0
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5GY
+             __baseRequest_a5H0
+             __complianceClasses_a5H1
+             __httpManager_a5H2
+             __lockToken_a5H3
+             __basicusername_a5H4
+             __basicpassword_a5H5
+             __depth_a5H6)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5GX __baseRequest'_a5GZ))
+{-# INLINE baseRequest #-}
+basicpassword ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) B.ByteString
+  _f_a5H7
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5H8
+              __baseRequest_a5H9
+              __complianceClasses_a5Ha
+              __httpManager_a5Hb
+              __lockToken_a5Hc
+              __basicusername_a5Hd
+              __basicpassword'_a5He
+              __depth_a5Hg)
+  = ((\ __basicpassword_a5Hf
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5H8
+             __baseRequest_a5H9
+             __complianceClasses_a5Ha
+             __httpManager_a5Hb
+             __lockToken_a5Hc
+             __basicusername_a5Hd
+             __basicpassword_a5Hf
+             __depth_a5Hg)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5H7 __basicpassword'_a5He))
+{-# INLINE basicpassword #-}
+basicusername ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) B.ByteString
+  _f_a5Hh
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5Hi
+              __baseRequest_a5Hj
+              __complianceClasses_a5Hk
+              __httpManager_a5Hl
+              __lockToken_a5Hm
+              __basicusername'_a5Hn
+              __basicpassword_a5Hp
+              __depth_a5Hq)
+  = ((\ __basicusername_a5Ho
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5Hi
+             __baseRequest_a5Hj
+             __complianceClasses_a5Hk
+             __httpManager_a5Hl
+             __lockToken_a5Hm
+             __basicusername_a5Ho
+             __basicpassword_a5Hp
+             __depth_a5Hq)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5Hh __basicusername'_a5Hn))
+{-# INLINE basicusername #-}
+complianceClasses ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) [B.ByteString]
+  _f_a5Hr
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5Hs
+              __baseRequest_a5Ht
+              __complianceClasses'_a5Hu
+              __httpManager_a5Hw
+              __lockToken_a5Hx
+              __basicusername_a5Hy
+              __basicpassword_a5Hz
+              __depth_a5HA)
+  = ((\ __complianceClasses_a5Hv
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5Hs
+             __baseRequest_a5Ht
+             __complianceClasses_a5Hv
+             __httpManager_a5Hw
+             __lockToken_a5Hx
+             __basicusername_a5Hy
+             __basicpassword_a5Hz
+             __depth_a5HA)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5Hr __complianceClasses'_a5Hu))
+{-# INLINE complianceClasses #-}
+depth ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) (Maybe Depth)
+  _f_a5HB
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5HC
+              __baseRequest_a5HD
+              __complianceClasses_a5HE
+              __httpManager_a5HF
+              __lockToken_a5HG
+              __basicusername_a5HH
+              __basicpassword_a5HI
+              __depth'_a5HJ)
+  = ((\ __depth_a5HK
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5HC
+             __baseRequest_a5HD
+             __complianceClasses_a5HE
+             __httpManager_a5HF
+             __lockToken_a5HG
+             __basicusername_a5HH
+             __basicpassword_a5HI
+             __depth_a5HK)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5HB __depth'_a5HJ))
+{-# INLINE depth #-}
+httpManager ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) Manager
+  _f_a5HL
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5HM
+              __baseRequest_a5HN
+              __complianceClasses_a5HO
+              __httpManager'_a5HP
+              __lockToken_a5HR
+              __basicusername_a5HS
+              __basicpassword_a5HT
+              __depth_a5HU)
+  = ((\ __httpManager_a5HQ
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5HM
+             __baseRequest_a5HN
+             __complianceClasses_a5HO
+             __httpManager_a5HQ
+             __lockToken_a5HR
+             __basicusername_a5HS
+             __basicpassword_a5HT
+             __depth_a5HU)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5HL __httpManager'_a5HP))
+{-# INLINE httpManager #-}
+lockToken ::
+  Control.Lens.Type.Lens' (DAVContext a_a4I4) (Maybe B.ByteString)
+  _f_a5HV
+  (DAVContext __allowedMethods_a5HW
+              __baseRequest_a5HX
+              __complianceClasses_a5HY
+              __httpManager_a5HZ
+              __lockToken'_a5I0
+              __basicusername_a5I2
+              __basicpassword_a5I3
+              __depth_a5I4)
+  = ((\ __lockToken_a5I1
+        -> DAVContext
+             __allowedMethods_a5HW
+             __baseRequest_a5HX
+             __complianceClasses_a5HY
+             __httpManager_a5HZ
+             __lockToken_a5I1
+             __basicusername_a5I2
+             __basicpassword_a5I3
+             __depth_a5I4)
+     Data.Functor.<$> (_f_a5HV __lockToken'_a5I0))
+{-# INLINE lockToken #-}