[[!comment format=mdwn username="branchable@bafd175a4b99afd6ed72501042e364ebd3e0c45e" nickname="branchable" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/ae41dba34ee6000056f00793c695be75" subject="Follow-up thought" date="2019-09-29T22:08:29Z" content=""" Afterthought on the immediately preceding comment - if the intention of `unannex` is to reverse `add`, then IMHO `unadd` or `undo-add` seem like more logical choices. Renaming to one of these would free up `unannex` for the conversion use case. But I appreciate that this is potentially confusing for users already used to `unannex`'s current behaviour, so I expect the idea will be rejected. """]]