{- git-annex file matching - - Copyright 2012-2024 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Annex.FileMatcher ( GetFileMatcher, checkFileMatcher, checkFileMatcher', checkMatcher, checkMatcher', matchAll, PreferredContentData(..), preferredContentTokens, preferredContentParser, ParseToken, parsedToMatcher, mkMatchExpressionParser, largeFilesMatcher, AddUnlockedMatcher, addUnlockedMatcher, checkAddUnlockedMatcher, LimitBy(..), module Types.FileMatcher ) where import qualified Data.Map as M import Annex.Common import Limit import Utility.Matcher import Types.Group import Types.FileMatcher import Types.GitConfig import Config.GitConfig import Annex.SpecialRemote.Config (preferreddirField) import Git.FilePath import Types.Remote (RemoteConfig) import Types.ProposedAccepted import Annex.CheckAttr import qualified Git.Config #ifdef WITH_MAGICMIME import Annex.Magic #endif import Data.Either import qualified Data.Set as S import Control.Monad.Writer type GetFileMatcher = RawFilePath -> Annex (FileMatcher Annex) checkFileMatcher :: LiveUpdate -> GetFileMatcher -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool checkFileMatcher lu getmatcher file = checkFileMatcher' lu getmatcher file (return True) -- | Allows running an action when no matcher is configured for the file. checkFileMatcher' :: LiveUpdate -> GetFileMatcher -> RawFilePath -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool checkFileMatcher' lu getmatcher file notconfigured = do matcher <- getmatcher file checkMatcher matcher Nothing afile lu S.empty notconfigured d where afile = AssociatedFile (Just file) -- checkMatcher will never use this, because afile is provided. d = return True checkMatcher :: FileMatcher Annex -> Maybe Key -> AssociatedFile -> LiveUpdate -> AssumeNotPresent -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool -> Annex Bool checkMatcher matcher mkey afile lu notpresent notconfigured d | isEmpty (fst matcher) = notconfigured | otherwise = case (mkey, afile) of (_, AssociatedFile (Just file)) -> go =<< fileMatchInfo file mkey (Just key, AssociatedFile Nothing) -> let i = ProvidedInfo { providedFilePath = Nothing , providedKey = Just key , providedFileSize = Nothing , providedMimeType = Nothing , providedMimeEncoding = Nothing , providedLinkType = Nothing } in go (MatchingInfo i) (Nothing, _) -> d where go mi = checkMatcher' matcher mi lu notpresent checkMatcher' :: FileMatcher Annex -> MatchInfo -> LiveUpdate -> AssumeNotPresent -> Annex Bool checkMatcher' (matcher, (MatcherDesc matcherdesc)) mi lu notpresent = do (matches, desc) <- runWriterT $ matchMrun' matcher $ \op -> matchAction op lu notpresent mi explain (mkActionItem mi) $ UnquotedString <$> describeMatchResult matchDesc desc ((if matches then "matches " else "does not match ") ++ matcherdesc ++ ": ") return matches fileMatchInfo :: RawFilePath -> Maybe Key -> Annex MatchInfo fileMatchInfo file mkey = do matchfile <- getTopFilePath <$> inRepo (toTopFilePath file) return $ MatchingFile FileInfo { matchFile = matchfile , contentFile = file , matchKey = mkey } matchAll :: Matcher (MatchFiles Annex) matchAll = generate [] parsedToMatcher :: MatcherDesc -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)] -> Either String (FileMatcher Annex) parsedToMatcher matcherdesc parsed = case partitionEithers parsed of ([], vs) -> Right (generate vs, matcherdesc) (es, _) -> Left $ unwords $ map ("Parse failure: " ++) es data ParseToken t = SimpleToken String (ParseResult t) | ValueToken String (String -> ParseResult t) type ParseResult t = Either String (Token t) parseToken :: [ParseToken t] -> String -> ParseResult t parseToken l t = case syntaxToken t of Right st -> Right st Left _ -> go l where go [] = Left $ "near " ++ show t go (SimpleToken s r : _) | s == t = r go (ValueToken s mkr : _) | s == k = mkr v go (_ : ps) = go ps (k, v) = separate (== '=') t {- This is really dumb tokenization; there's no support for quoted values. - Open and close parens are always treated as standalone tokens; - otherwise tokens must be separated by whitespace. -} tokenizeMatcher :: String -> [String] tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null) . concatMap splitparens . words where splitparens = segmentDelim (`elem` "()") commonTokens :: LimitBy -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)] commonTokens lb = [ SimpleToken "anything" (simply limitAnything) , SimpleToken "nothing" (simply limitNothing) , ValueToken "include" (usev limitInclude) , ValueToken "exclude" (usev limitExclude) , ValueToken "largerthan" (usev $ limitSize lb "largerthan" (>)) , ValueToken "smallerthan" (usev $ limitSize lb "smallerthan" (<)) , SimpleToken "unused" (simply limitUnused) ] data PreferredContentData = PCD { matchStandard :: Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex)) , matchGroupWanted :: Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex)) , getGroupMap :: Annex GroupMap , configMap :: M.Map UUID RemoteConfig , repoUUID :: Maybe UUID } preferredContentTokens :: PreferredContentData -> [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)] preferredContentTokens pcd = [ SimpleToken "standard" (call "standard" $ matchStandard pcd) , SimpleToken "groupwanted" (call "groupwanted" $ matchGroupWanted pcd) , SimpleToken "inpreferreddir" (simply $ limitInDir preferreddir "inpreferreddir") , SimpleToken "present" (simply $ limitPresent $ repoUUID pcd) , SimpleToken "securehash" (simply limitSecureHash) , ValueToken "copies" (usev limitCopies) , ValueToken "lackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies "lackingcopies" False) , ValueToken "approxlackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies "approxlackingcopies" True) , ValueToken "inbackend" (usev limitInBackend) , ValueToken "metadata" (usev limitMetaData) , ValueToken "inallgroup" (usev $ limitInAllGroup $ getGroupMap pcd) , ValueToken "onlyingroup" (usev $ limitOnlyInGroup $ getGroupMap pcd) , ValueToken "balanced" (usev $ limitBalanced (repoUUID pcd) (getGroupMap pcd)) , ValueToken "fullybalanced" (usev $ limitFullyBalanced (repoUUID pcd) (getGroupMap pcd)) , ValueToken "sizebalanced" (usev $ limitSizeBalanced (repoUUID pcd) (getGroupMap pcd)) , ValueToken "fullysizebalanced" (usev $ limitFullySizeBalanced (repoUUID pcd) (getGroupMap pcd)) ] ++ commonTokens LimitAnnexFiles where preferreddir = maybe "public" fromProposedAccepted $ M.lookup preferreddirField =<< (`M.lookup` configMap pcd) =<< repoUUID pcd preferredContentParser :: [ParseToken (MatchFiles Annex)] -> String -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)] preferredContentParser tokens = map (parseToken tokens) . tokenizeMatcher mkMatchExpressionParser :: Annex (String -> [ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex)]) mkMatchExpressionParser = do #ifdef WITH_MAGICMIME magicmime <- liftIO initMagicMime let mimer n f = ValueToken n (usev $ f magicmime) #else let mimer n = ValueToken n $ const $ Left $ "\""++n++"\" not supported; not built with MagicMime support" #endif let parse = parseToken $ commonTokens LimitDiskFiles ++ #ifdef WITH_MAGICMIME [ mimer "mimetype" $ matchMagic "mimetype" getMagicMimeType providedMimeType userProvidedMimeType , mimer "mimeencoding" $ matchMagic "mimeencoding" getMagicMimeEncoding providedMimeEncoding userProvidedMimeEncoding ] #else [ mimer "mimetype" , mimer "mimeencoding" ] #endif return $ map parse . tokenizeMatcher {- Generates a matcher for files large enough (or meeting other criteria) - to be added to the annex, rather than directly to git. - - annex.largefiles is configured in git config, or git attributes, - or global git-annex config, in that order. -} largeFilesMatcher :: Annex GetFileMatcher largeFilesMatcher = go =<< getGitConfigVal' annexLargeFiles where matcherdesc = MatcherDesc "annex.largefiles" go (HasGitConfig (Just expr)) = do matcher <- mkmatcher expr "git config" return $ const $ return matcher go v = return $ \file -> do expr <- checkAttr "annex.largefiles" file if null expr then case v of HasGlobalConfig (Just expr') -> mkmatcher expr' "git-annex config" _ -> return (matchAll, matcherdesc) else mkmatcher expr "gitattributes" mkmatcher expr cfgfrom = do parser <- mkMatchExpressionParser either (badexpr cfgfrom) return $ parsedToMatcher matcherdesc $ parser expr badexpr cfgfrom e = giveup $ "bad annex.largefiles configuration in " ++ cfgfrom ++ ": " ++ e newtype AddUnlockedMatcher = AddUnlockedMatcher (FileMatcher Annex) addUnlockedMatcher :: Annex AddUnlockedMatcher addUnlockedMatcher = AddUnlockedMatcher <$> (go =<< getGitConfigVal' annexAddUnlocked) where go (HasGitConfig (Just expr)) = mkmatcher expr "git config" go (HasGlobalConfig (Just expr)) = mkmatcher expr "git annex config" go _ = matchalways False matcherdesc = MatcherDesc "annex.addunlocked" mkmatcher :: String -> String -> Annex (FileMatcher Annex) mkmatcher expr cfgfrom = case Git.Config.isTrueFalse expr of Just b -> matchalways b Nothing -> do parser <- mkMatchExpressionParser either (badexpr cfgfrom) return $ parsedToMatcher matcherdesc $ parser expr badexpr cfgfrom e = giveup $ "bad annex.addunlocked configuration in " ++ cfgfrom ++ ": " ++ e matchalways True = return (MOp limitAnything, matcherdesc) matchalways False = return (MOp limitNothing, matcherdesc) checkAddUnlockedMatcher :: LiveUpdate -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool checkAddUnlockedMatcher lu (AddUnlockedMatcher matcher) mi = checkMatcher' matcher mi lu S.empty simply :: MatchFiles Annex -> ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex) simply = Right . Operation usev :: MkLimit Annex -> String -> ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex) usev a v = Operation <$> a v call :: String -> Either String (Matcher (MatchFiles Annex)) -> ParseResult (MatchFiles Annex) call desc (Right sub) = Right $ Operation $ MatchFiles { matchAction = \lu notpresent mi -> matchMrun sub $ \o -> matchAction o lu notpresent mi , matchNeedsFileName = any matchNeedsFileName sub , matchNeedsFileContent = any matchNeedsFileContent sub , matchNeedsKey = any matchNeedsKey sub , matchNeedsLocationLog = any matchNeedsLocationLog sub , matchDesc = matchDescSimple desc } call _ (Left err) = Left err