Milestone: I can run `git annex assistant`, plug in a USB drive, and it
automatically transfers files to get the USB drive and current repo back in

I decided to implement the naive scan, to find files needing to be
transferred. So it walks through `git ls-files` and checks each file
in turn. I've deferred less expensive, more sophisticated approaches to later.

I did some work on the TransferQueue, which now keeps track of the length
of the queue, and can block attempts to add Transfers to it if it gets too
long. This was a nice use of STM, which let me implement that without using
any locking.

[[!format haskell """
atomically $ do
        sz <- readTVar (queuesize q)
        if sz <= wantsz
                then enqueue schedule q t (stubInfo f remote)
                else retry -- blocks until queuesize changes

Anyway, the point was that, as the scan finds Transfers to do,
it doesn't build up a really long TransferQueue, but instead is blocked
from running further until some of the files get transferred. The resulting
interleaving of the scan thread with transfer threads means that transfers
start fairly quickly upon a USB drive being plugged in, and kind of hides
the innefficiencies of the scanner, which will most of the time be
swamped out by the IO bound large data transfers.


At this point, the assistant should do a good job of keeping repositories
in sync, as long as they're all interconnected, or on removable media
like USB drives. There's lots more work to be done to handle use cases
where repositories are not well-connected, but since the assistant's
[[syncing]] now covers at least a couple of use cases, I'm ready to move
on to the next phase. [[Webapp]], here we come!