git-annex can store data in [git-lfs]( repositories, using the [[git-lfs special remote|special_remotes/git-lfs]]. You do not need the git-lfs program installed to use it, just a recent enough version of git-annex. Here's how to initialize a git-lfs special remote on Github. git annex initremote lfs type=git-lfs encryption=none If you want git-annex to encrypt the objects it stores in the remote, change the encryption= parameter. But be sure to read the [[git-lfs special remote|special_remotes/git-lfs]] page's **encryption notes** first! To enable the same remote in another clone of the repository, you'll need to provide an url to it again. It's ok to provide a different url as long as it points to the same git-lfs repository. git annex enableremote lfs url= Note that http urls currently only allow read access to the git-lfs repository. Once the remote is set up, you git-annex can store and retrieve content in the usual ways: git annex copy * --to lfs git annex get --from lfs But, git-annex **cannot delete anything** from a git-lfs special remote, because the protocol does not support deletion. A git-lfs special remote also functions as a regular git remote. You can use things like `git push` and `git pull` with it.