{- making local repositories - - Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name> - - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Assistant.MakeRepo where import Assistant.WebApp.Common import Annex.Init import qualified Git.Construct import qualified Git.Config import qualified Git.Command import qualified Git.Branch import qualified Annex import Annex.UUID import Annex.AdjustedBranch import Annex.Action import Types.StandardGroups import Logs.PreferredContent import qualified Annex.Branch import Utility.Process.Transcript import Config {- Makes a new git repository. Or, if a git repository already - exists, returns False. -} makeRepo :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO Bool makeRepo path bare = ifM (probeRepoExists path) ( return False , do (transcript, ok) <- processTranscript "git" (toCommand params) Nothing unless ok $ error $ "git init failed!\nOutput:\n" ++ transcript return True ) where baseparams = [Param "init", Param "--quiet"] params | bare = baseparams ++ [Param "--bare", File path] | otherwise = baseparams ++ [File path] {- Runs an action in the git repository in the specified directory. -} inDir :: FilePath -> Annex a -> IO a inDir dir a = do state <- Annex.new =<< Git.Config.read =<< Git.Construct.fromPath (toRawFilePath dir) Annex.eval state $ a `finally` stopCoProcesses {- Creates a new repository, and returns its UUID. -} initRepo :: Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe String -> Maybe StandardGroup -> IO UUID initRepo True primary_assistant_repo dir desc mgroup = inDir dir $ do initRepo' desc mgroup {- Initialize the master branch, so things that expect - to have it will work, before any files are added. -} unlessM (Git.Config.isBare <$> gitRepo) $ do cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commitCommand cmode (Git.Branch.CommitQuiet True) [ Param "--allow-empty" , Param "-m" , Param "created repository" ] {- Repositories directly managed by the assistant use - an adjusted unlocked branch with annex.thin set. - - Automatic gc is disabled, as it can be slow. Insted, gc is done - once a day. -} when primary_assistant_repo $ do void $ enterAdjustedBranch (LinkAdjustment UnlockAdjustment) setConfig (annexConfig "thin") (Git.Config.boolConfig True) inRepo $ Git.Command.run [Param "config", Param "gc.auto", Param "0"] getUUID {- Repo already exists, could be a non-git-annex repo though so - still initialize it. -} initRepo False _ dir desc mgroup = inDir dir $ do initRepo' desc mgroup getUUID initRepo' :: Maybe String -> Maybe StandardGroup -> Annex () initRepo' desc mgroup = unlessM isInitialized $ do initialize False desc Nothing u <- getUUID maybe noop (defaultStandardGroup u) mgroup {- Ensure branch gets committed right away so it is - available for merging immediately. -} Annex.Branch.commit =<< Annex.Branch.commitMessage {- Checks if a git repo exists at a location. -} probeRepoExists :: FilePath -> IO Bool probeRepoExists dir = isJust <$> catchDefaultIO Nothing (Git.Construct.checkForRepo dir)