[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="This needs to commit first. Any alternative?"
Hello and thank you for git-annex.

## Context

Every newbie needs to understand what steps are possible and what to do when a wrong step was made.

The wording \"undo accidental add command\" suggested (to me at least) that it was intended to be issued just *right after* the accidental add command, *before any commit*.  

## Steps to reproduce

Right after `git annex add path`, do `git annex unannex path`.

## Expected behavior

`git annex unannex path` would undo the add.

More precisely, it would walk the path given, find any symlink pointing to annexed data and not committed yet, and replace it with a plain file with the linked content, honoring `--fast` option if given.

## Observed behavior

    git-annex: Cannot proceed with uncommitted changes staged in the index. Recommend you: git commit

If user follows this path, there will be two unnecessary commits: an add commit and an unannex commit.

There may be reasons to prefer not to introduce those commits.  Granted, git allows to adjust history after the fact.  Is there a simpler solution?

## Question, summarized

Is there a command to just revert a \"add\", without introducing any commit?

## Details

Full test log below:

cd /tmp/ ; mkdir testga ; cd testga ; 
git init ; git annex init ; 
echo \"test\" > test ; 
git annex add test ; git annex unannex test

Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/testga/.git/
init  ok
(recording state in git...)
add test ok
(recording state in git...)
git-annex: Cannot proceed with uncommitted changes staged in the index. Recommend you: git commit

Thank you for any hint.
