[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://christian.amsuess.com/chrysn" nickname="chrysn" avatar="http://christian.amsuess.com/avatar/c6c0d57d63ac88f3541522c4b21198c3c7169a665a2f2d733b4f78670322ffdc" subject="append-only and gitolite" date="2018-05-28T11:47:13Z" content=""" Thanks, that's a nice feature. How could this be integrated with gitolite? Should the `if ( can_write($repo) )` branch be amended by a check for the \"+\" flag ([short documentation](http://gitolite.com/gitolite/conf-2/) says that \"RW\" is roughly \"create or fast-forward, no deletes\" while \"RW+\" includes deletes and non-fast-forwards)? (This might change the user experience on repositories run with \"RW\" permissions currently, but IMO patching a possibly unwanted access that can be easily granted if so desired.) """]]