### Please describe the problem.

All my files added to my archive repo over the past few months seem to fail git annex fsck.

### What steps will reproduce the problem?

- Add a file to the repo
- Fsck it

### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?

8.20211012-geb95ed486 on Arch Linux directly downloaded from this website
I was using some older version from 2020 previously

### Please provide any additional information below.

[[!format sh """
# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log

    jookia@titan:/data/jookia/archive% head -c1024 /dev/urandom > RANDOM.TEST                          (exited 130) (1 jobs) 05:27
    jookia@titan:/data/jookia/archive% git annex add RANDOM.TEST                                                    (1 jobs) 05:27
    add RANDOM.TEST 
    (recording state in git...)
    jookia@titan:/data/jookia/archive% git commit -m RANDOM.TEST                                                    (1 jobs) 05:27
    [main 2e9f2429018] RANDOM.TEST
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
     create mode 120000 RANDOM.TEST
    jookia@titan:/data/jookia/archive% git annex fsck RANDOM.TEST                                                   (1 jobs) 05:27

      Remote black cannot currently be accessed.
    Warning: Fscking a repository that is currently marked as dead.
    fsck RANDOM.TEST (checksum...) 
      ** No known copies exist of RANDOM.TEST
      These dead repositories used to have copies
            e62ad85d-368d-4ea5-a85c-e94598904a50 -- T400 laptop [here]
    (recording state in git...)
    fsck: 1 failed
    jookia@titan:/data/jookia/archive% ls -l RANDOM.TEST                                               (exited 130) (1 jobs) 05:28
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 jookia jookia 194 Nov 15 05:27 RANDOM.TEST -> .git/annex/objects/K4/jV/SHA256E-s1024--0dedc9e7fb3fa053982201c2166fc1265ebd64d41ab91fe1c348c2df46f50167.TEST/SHA256E-s1024--0dedc9e7fb3fa053982201c2166fc1265ebd64d41ab91fe1c348c2df46f50167.TEST
    jookia@titan:/data/jookia/archive% sha256sum RANDOM.TEST                                                        (1 jobs) 05:28
    0dedc9e7fb3fa053982201c2166fc1265ebd64d41ab91fe1c348c2df46f50167  RANDOM.TEST
# End of transcript or log.

### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders)

Yes, I've been using it for years. It's a robust and reliable piece of software. :)

> This output does not seem unclear. The local repository being fscked is
> marked as dead, and of course git-annex treats dead repositories as not
> containing any content. [[done]] --[[Joey]]