With git-annex 7.20190912 released this fine Friday the 13th,
I've finally made v7 the default!

See [[upgrades]] for details about this major transitition if you have not
been keeping up with v7 stuff.

Based on some feedback that it would be good to have a way to avoid
accidental upgrades of a repository in some circumstances, there's a new
config option `git config annex.autoupgraderepository false` to prevent
upgrades. Since the new git-annex doesn't support working in v5 repos,
setting that will make every command except `git annex upgrade` fail.

Users of rpm based linux distros can now install a 
package that will work on a broad range of systems. It's based on the
standalone tarball, just packaged as a rpm similar to the
git-annex-standalone.deb provided by NeuroDebian.