When you see a command like "ssh somehost rm -f file", you probably don't
think that consumes stdin. After all, the `rm -f` doesn't. But, `ssh`
can pass stdin over the network even if it's not being consumed, and it
turns out git-annex was bitten by this.

That bug made `git-annex-checkpresentkey --batch` with remote accessed
over ssh not see all the batch-mode input that was passed into it, because
ssh sometimes consumed some of it.

Shell scripts using git-annex could also be impacted by the bug, for

	find . -type l -atime 100 | \
		while read file; do
			echo "gonna drop $file that has not been used in a while"
			git annex drop "$file"

Depending on what remotes `git annex drop` talks to, it might consume
parts of the output of find.

I've fixed this in git-annex now (using `ssh -n` when running commands
that are not fed some stdin of their own), but this seems like a class of
bug that could impact lots of programs that run ssh.


I've been thinking about [[simpler_setup_for_remote_worktree_update_on_push]].

One nice way to make a remote update its worktree on push is available
in recent-ish gits, receive.denyCurrentBranch=updateInstead. That could
already be used with `git annex sync`, but it hid any error messages
when pushing the master branch to the remote (since that push fails with
a large error message in default configurations). Found a way to make
the error message be displayed when the remote's receive.denyCurrentBranch
does not have the default configuration.

The remaining problem is that direct mode and adjusted branch remotes
won't get their works trees updated even when configured that way. I am
thinking about adding a post-update hook to support those.


Also continuing to bring up the ancient kernel arm autobuilder. It's running
its first build now.

Today's work was sponsored by Riku Voipio.