[[!comment format=mdwn username="eric.w@eee65cd362d995ced72640c7cfae388ae93a4234" nickname="eric.w" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8d9808c12db3a3f93ff7f9e74c0870fc" subject="where are the release notes for git annex?" date="2020-03-11T17:09:46Z" content=""" and details like what are high level differences between v6 / v7 / v8? such as, is v7 \"stable\" and v8 \"beta\" ? this info seems to be no where on this site. (git-annex/ assistant) has release notes, why do we have to go to (git-annex/news ?!?!!) for the same? I've been looking for this info for awhile now, I really don't get this omission. """]]