The forwardRetry RetryDecider keeps retrying a transfer as long as at least
one more byte got transferred than in the previous, failed try.

Suppose that a transfer was restarting from the beginning each time, and it
just so happened that each try got a tiny little bit further before
failing. Then transferring an `N` byte object could result in `sum [1..N]` 
bytes being sent. Worst case. (Real world it involves the size of chunks
sent in a failing operation, so probably `sum [1..N/1024]` or so.)

So I think forwardRetry should cap after some amount of automatic retrying.
Ie, it could give up after 5 retries. --[[Joey]]

Of course, the real use case for forwardRetry is remotes that use eg, rsync
and can really resume at the last byte. But, forwardRetry can't tell
if a remote is doing that (unless some timing heuristics were used). Around
5 retries seems fairly reasonable for that case too, it would be unlikely
for a rsync transfer to keep failing so many times while still making
forward progess. --[[Joey]]

> Or could add data to remotes about this, but it would need to be added
> for external special remotes too, and this does not really seem worth the
> complication.
> I think, even if a remote does not support resuming like
> rsync, it makes sense to retry a few failed transfers if it's getting
> closer to success each time, because forward progress suggests whatever
> made it fail is becoming less of a problem.

[[done]] --[[Joey]]